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2010 sled on maxsled

sorry, turk. thought i needed to add my own b.s. in this one. lol. you should come down i will carry your sled to!!!show ya how farmboys do it!

T-Bone said:
Just some thoughts:

Who is responsible for the hype, Yamha or the consumer?

Hopefully the new idlers are a little bit bigger or with different mounts to help with hyfax wear.

It's great that they are finally addressing known issues with their current sleds, it's taken too long IMHO but at least they are trying to fix what they have.

I like the all black seat on the Apex GT.

Are those different rails on the Apex GT? Track adjustment looks to be in front of the axle now?? Maybe more durable??

I wonder how they are going to price the 2010 models?

Just don't have it in me today to beat on Yamaha because they chose to refine great sleds instead of coming out with new ones with the same problems.

Refine...??? The slide wear issue should never have been there - and at least not taken 4 years to figure out the problem - but I doubt they have done anything with this on the 2010 models - I guess hyfax will melt on 2010 models too. Also the cold hand warmers should have been replaced back in 2007 because yamaha was at this point aware of this problem.

You could get the all black seat back in 2007 - was stock on apex rtx


  • 07 rtx seat.jpg
    07 rtx seat.jpg
    53.2 KB · Views: 104
Thank you YAMAHA!!! Now I dont have to spend any money on a new sled....we should all be thankful. With the economy what it is...I just added $12k to my families savings!!

Thanks Yamaha!
NyTrOMaNIaC said:
I spoke with a highmile rider last Sat who owns an 09 XTX. This guy puts 5000-6000 kms on a sled in a week, yeah I know, it's nuts ! :Rockon: Anyway, he rode with a guy on Sat with a new XR 1200 Doo, both of them gassed up at the same time with the same distance travelled, and both times, the Doo was $5-$6 more to fill than the Yamaha. Another reason why Doo needs to re-evaluate their approach to 4 stroke technology. :yam:

BTW Turk, you better not be "going bananas" I hope... ;):D

You talked to a guy, well I have personal experience, the XTX and the 1200 will use EXACTLY the same amount of fuel when driven in the same conditions. On a 650km ride we were always within $1 of each other, the only difference is that the 1200 will go about 100km farther due to the bigger tank.

And whoever said the Nytro is smoother and more responsive needs to ride them both back to back. The 1200 is so quiet and smooth it's almost like an electric motor and the 1200 has alot more pull after 80 km/h. Bottom end in a drag comes down to whoever gets the better start but midrange and top end power the 1200 feels stronger.
sniperviper said:
T-Bone said:
Just some thoughts:

Who is responsible for the hype, Yamha or the consumer?

Hopefully the new idlers are a little bit bigger or with different mounts to help with hyfax wear.

It's great that they are finally addressing known issues with their current sleds, it's taken too long IMHO but at least they are trying to fix what they have.

I like the all black seat on the Apex GT.

Are those different rails on the Apex GT? Track adjustment looks to be in front of the axle now?? Maybe more durable??

I wonder how they are going to price the 2010 models?

Just don't have it in me today to beat on Yamaha because they chose to refine great sleds instead of coming out with new ones with the same problems.

Refine...??? The slide wear issue should never have been there - and at least not taken 4 years to figure out the problem - but I doubt they have done anything with this on the 2010 models - I guess hyfax will melt on 2010 models too. Also the cold hand warmers should have been replaced back in 2007 because yamaha was at this point aware of this problem.

You could get the all black seat back in 2007 - was stock on apex rtx

I'm happy they decided to stop duping customers with the "rough trail" proactive suspension in the Apex lineup. As far as the slide wear issues, thinking extrovert drivers and fully clipped tracks should address that issue fairly well?

I understand the lack of any major model changes - and welcome the concept of finally addressing some of the major issues that should have been addressed a long time ago....goes a long way with my thoughts regarding the way Yammi has been handling this stuff.
sniperviper said:
T-Bone said:
Just some thoughts:

Who is responsible for the hype, Yamha or the consumer?

Hopefully the new idlers are a little bit bigger or with different mounts to help with hyfax wear.

It's great that they are finally addressing known issues with their current sleds, it's taken too long IMHO but at least they are trying to fix what they have.

I like the all black seat on the Apex GT.

Are those different rails on the Apex GT? Track adjustment looks to be in front of the axle now?? Maybe more durable??

I wonder how they are going to price the 2010 models?

Just don't have it in me today to beat on Yamaha because they chose to refine great sleds instead of coming out with new ones with the same problems.

Refine...??? The slide wear issue should never have been there - and at least not taken 4 years to figure out the problem - but I doubt they have done anything with this on the 2010 models - I guess hyfax will melt on 2010 models too. Also the cold hand warmers should have been replaced back in 2007 because yamaha was at this point aware of this problem.

You could get the all black seat back in 2007 - was stock on apex rtx

maybe some of the 2010 changes will help the hyfax issue. We need some details on this. You are right, things should have been done a long time ago.
cutlass7 said:
NyTrOMaNIaC said:
I spoke with a highmile rider last Sat who owns an 09 XTX. This guy puts 5000-6000 kms on a sled in a week, yeah I know, it's nuts ! :Rockon: Anyway, he rode with a guy on Sat with a new XR 1200 Doo, both of them gassed up at the same time with the same distance travelled, and both times, the Doo was $5-$6 more to fill than the Yamaha. Another reason why Doo needs to re-evaluate their approach to 4 stroke technology. :yam:

BTW Turk, you better not be "going bananas" I hope... ;):D

You talked to a guy, well I have personal experience, the XTX and the 1200 will use EXACTLY the same amount of fuel when driven in the same conditions. On a 650km ride we were always within $1 of each other, the only difference is that the 1200 will go about 100km farther due to the bigger tank.

And whoever said the Nytro is smoother and more responsive needs to ride them both back to back. The 1200 is so quiet and smooth it's almost like an electric motor and the 1200 has alot more pull after 80 km/h. Bottom end in a drag comes down to whoever gets the better start but midrange and top end power the 1200 feels stronger.

Yep, I talked to a guy, this guy is nick named "the million mile kid" for a reason, and I trust his word 110%. As for who said the FX Nytro is smoother and more responsive, that person would be Turk, another guy with quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to sleds.
T-Bone said:
sniperviper said:
T-Bone said:
Just some thoughts:

Who is responsible for the hype, Yamha or the consumer?

Hopefully the new idlers are a little bit bigger or with different mounts to help with hyfax wear.

It's great that they are finally addressing known issues with their current sleds, it's taken too long IMHO but at least they are trying to fix what they have.

I like the all black seat on the Apex GT.

Are those different rails on the Apex GT? Track adjustment looks to be in front of the axle now?? Maybe more durable??

I wonder how they are going to price the 2010 models?

Just don't have it in me today to beat on Yamaha because they chose to refine great sleds instead of coming out with new ones with the same problems.

Refine...??? The slide wear issue should never have been there - and at least not taken 4 years to figure out the problem - but I doubt they have done anything with this on the 2010 models - I guess hyfax will melt on 2010 models too. Also the cold hand warmers should have been replaced back in 2007 because yamaha was at this point aware of this problem.

You could get the all black seat back in 2007 - was stock on apex rtx

maybe some of the 2010 changes will help the hyfax issue. We need some details on this. You are right, things should have been done a long time ago.

The hyfaxes are not an issue. They wear to a certain point and don't wear anymore... They look like they are finished, but they are still some their, that don't seem to wear away, almost to the point where there is none. 3000miles later and they are still the same. I ride in low snow alot and I don't have any issues. Plus with them wearing the way they do, creates very little friction and helps on top end...

The handwarmers.... Well, that's a different story and has defintely became a lye from Yamaha saying there was never a problem or it was fixed with the updated bars that are on my 06..
I see the skis are still the same old same old, if they were looking to refine they need not look much father then over the handle bars.
T-Bone said:
That can NOT be the entire lineup...so Jonny and Bunny were kidnapped so they could show them the new 2010 idler wheels? Has to be something else.

I really hope you are right, but I really doubt it.

I can't believe that the bearrings are not replaceable on the idler wheels until now.

How long has that been like that?

Even my crappy arctic crap panther I had, had replaceable bearings. I never knew that was something yamaha's didn't have.

On a good note the new handwarmers should quiet the complainers, and that new efi vector mill should make that sled a LOT more fun to ride.
Triple X said:
Typical Yamaha, don't give them what they (consumers) want, give them what we want and they can take it or leave it. Well alot of riders are going to
leave it!
Especially with the 10% price increase!!!
BlueByYou2000 said:
Looks like Maxsled pulled the 2010 info.

A little too late for that ;):D Seems every year MS releases the info on the new Yamaha's before Yamaha themselves do, makes ya wonder if it's a set up for all of us and perhaps something NEW is really coming, or can the guys at MS really not accurately tell the time ? :o|
