2020 Release

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So what would be a good price on a 2020 sled? :dunno: opinions?
I would like to see something in the 125-135 hp class priced around $10500-$11250 with good shocks and track options like ripsaw cobra cross over back country in a 137 inch length
From the recent thing I read on snowgoer about the Texron Basspro agreement they did mention the word SNOW possibly in the future as well so for the part of Textron getting rid of snowmobiles I don’t see that happening and I remember back around 02-04 up until around 07 gander mountain in Hermantown Minnesota sold Arctic Cat four wheelers and that was a reason why one of the Cat dealers I bought from stopped selling cats ( they took cat back after all the dealers in the area closed at one time there was 6 cat dealers in a 25 minute drive in any direction
I also read that so I’m sure Textron is keeping the sled division and I remember back between 2002 and 2008 gander mountain sold Arctic Cat at their store in hermantown Minnesota and they actually did very good selling and servicing them because a few of the local dealers couldn’t compete with them and went out of business as for Yamaha I think we are gonna be in for a surprise and a good one they were smart for limiting production this year to clean out remaining inventory because non of the dealers close to me have maybe 1-2 new ones left and very few used ones where Polaris and Ski Doo dealers have new sleds that are 2015s Yamaha is doing what the car companies are doing in a way make what sells and if it doesn’t or there’s to much on hand limit production until the demand goes up
Well boys here she is. Bng but 2 stroke yammi and mono rail! Seen in testing!!


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Better not be a cat 2 stroke.
I would guess that is the one the rep told me about. So it will be a big bore of some kind. But looks to be in an asender chassis.
If it indeed is a Yamaha 2stroke under the the hood than I can see these flying off the dealer's showroom, hopefully to the point that Yamaha See's the profitability in 2 strokes again.
The sledderzzzz page mostly. The sr viper owners discussion
Looks aesthetically sharp to me.
Could be outstanding if new Yamaha 2s engine! Embarrassing if a Yamaha with AC 2s 800 engine. Yamaha can’t be that dumb to sell an AC chassis and engine with BNG Yamaha stickers. Ugh!!!!!
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