I agree with TPAY that Yamaha is not in this sport to be #1.
They make money selling motors and KEEPING Yamaha guys.............................YAMAHA guys
I put time on other sleds this year.
Yamaha/Cat do NOT need a NEW chassis, but do NEED some upgrades.
FIRST, they must fix the KNOWN issues that have plagued every single guy i know that has some miles on it.
The rear skid is just not in the same league as the others.
I personally don't care for the exotic screen, but for A LOT of guys out there, it is a selling point.
Yamaha sales went up, but that is mostly because they had the only big power 4-stroke.
The new 900R will put a dent in that.
Polaris has a 4-stroke, but it's just not ready & will take some time before they start grabbing some market.
The POO front end is absolutely AMAZING!
The DOO rear end is absolutely AMAZING!
The Yamaha 998T is absolutely AMAZING!
IF i had money & was retired...................what a project that would be!