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2023 Polaris VR1 and Assault Boost

I don't think pistons will be an issue for the owners that trade up every year. Always under warranty so no worries. For those that tend to keep there rides long term it might be best to look elsewhere. This was one of the many reasons I went 4-stroke and haven't looked back. My throat closing off and chest pains after sucking 2-stroke fumes all day was the main reason though.

Polaris should give one to SteveOCD so we can see what its made of. LOL!
Agreed. The analogies in his posts would be epic.

He has been quiet lately, but I know he had been up north wringing the neck out of that 900R.
Have two vr1 boost 137s coming with 1 inch tracks. Made switch to xcr 850 this season and enjoyed it but compared to tuned sidewinder or cat I missed speed a bit. Comparing to stock there wasn’t much difference. Rode a mach z and shocks where ok but it felt heavy and slow.
Multiple reports saying this will be the fastest production sled ever. We will see and maybe it will scatter the motor? They are currently limited to 260 hp range because it will blow reeds out.
Bike man has one that ran 105 in 500 ft snow track.
Honestly made switch away from cat/yami for technology. Either sidewinder or Tcat set up correctly is a fun sled and I have been on them for years. The matrix chassis is better imo.
But that’s my opinion.
Will report on findings next year
Not sure why this is in the Winder thread. But kudos to Skidoo and Polaris for continuing to innovate and for pushing the envelope. Those Polaris gauges are very appealing, the ability to see others in your group on the display is a great feature. It would be nice if they offer a way to "tag" your riding buddies on other brands for that feature. I would be very interested in either the flatland turbo 2S or the lightweight big bore but no way for 1st year models and under Brandonomics-induced-#*$&@-world we are living in. All sledders are manufacturers' test pilots. They all have problems. My Winder has honestly been a great sled for me. The Winder has been the best sled I ever owned (which is honestly not that many), better even than my Apexes. I lost a turbo bolt, the dealer re-sealed the oil tank, and I replaced a reverse actuator. Thats it (I think). Apex - HANDWARMERS, RE-RENGINEERED skid swing arm to hold it together, donuts, donuts, donuts, Ohlins shock x3, that stupid wire, chain case gasket, leaking oil tank, idler wheels, frozen relays, bushings, bushings, bushings, headlight tabs, burning luggage, pig in snow. Comparing a Winder and Apex for seating position and handling is silly. I truly believe Yamaha misjudged in committing to all 4S. I spring ordered a 22 Backcountry XRS and yeah checking the oil is something I haven't been doing since I spring ordered an 06 Apex but I don't see it as a big deal as of yet. Maybe I'll change my opinion in the coming years or after some mechanical issues but this sled is just gas n go plus some oil. It handles the trail well and lets me jump off-trail and play better than the Winder does and in a lot less weight.
Again, the piston issue has yet to be "PROVEN"
Whatever the outcome, as some on here have already pointed out, at least their trying to be innovative!
It's a BOLD move! And if it works out, the consumer will really benefit!
And if it doesn't, well, I think it's fair to say that Poo has alot riding on this one.
Friend of mine has a new 850. Needed pistons at 700 miles. Lost a cylinder. No turbo........just sayin
Friend of mine has a new 850. Needed pistons at 700 miles. Lost a cylinder. No turbo........just sayin
Loosing a piston on a 2S is nothing new. Been happening for decades, and will continue to happen.
Regardless of brand, whether N/A, or force fed.
Just sayin.
But, I agree that as a 2S gets pushed harder for output, the chances of that happening increase.
Other "safety" measures need to be taken to TRY to reduce the chance of seizure.
As I've already said, Polaris has a lot riding on this, and they know it.
Let's hope they've done their homework.
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The Lesters mentioned in that video the turbo kicks in at around 80mph... where's a stock Srx at 80mph in a drag race ? Let alone in the woods corner to corner. I wouldn't be worried. I'd be worried by what sounds like turbo lag though.
My stock xcr 850 beats our one stock 18 tcat in drag race
The stock sleds against the boost will not be a comparison
I think we have the fix for the reed issue and will try to push to 22-23 psi
Stock is 9 psi
Im not afraid to find out what breaks though either:flag:
Box stock Srx's and T-cats are different performing sleds..I'm excited probably more than anyone else about this Turbo vr1 but at 80mph for it to start working (just from what I heard on the video) it's a little to late. But ya I guess we'll find out soon enough.
You're right!
I feel soooo much better about a brand new sled who's clutch rattles like it's gonna fall off! AND has KNOWN fatigue/cracking issues.
Wondering what's going to happen first; a blown belt or clutch failure that throws shrapnel as it fails at high speed!
AND requires $1,000+ aftermarket billet clutches to give their riders peace of mind.
Clutch issues way over stated, on this site included. Not saying it's a great clutch, but I have yet to see one fail and I service a lot of Winders.
My stock xcr 850 beats our one stock 18 tcat in drag race
The stock sleds against the boost will not be a comparison
I think we have the fix for the reed issue and will try to push to 22-23 psi
Stock is 9 psi
Im not afraid to find out what breaks though either:flag:
They are 9 lbs stock? They must have greatly lowered the compression ratio as it should only take a couple lbs of boost to easily add 10%
No wonder it seems so doggy at low rpm's in that Supertrax video.
I cannot wait for next season
I had to fix a lot more on my turbo cats than this years sled. Don’t get me wrong I liked them. I personally wouldn’t make the jump to lose in races though so it’s going to be fun:)
Competition is always good for us all
Local dealer sold 19 of the 20 sleds they were getting in. The last is an 850 with a 128" skid. All sleds came pre-allocated for skid length. They are a small dealer and were hoping for 40 sleds.
Local dealer sold 19 of the 20 sleds they were getting in. The last is an 850 with a 128" skid. All sleds came pre-allocated for skid length. They are a small dealer and were hoping for 40 sleds.
Which dealer is this ?
