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Center shock spring handling upgrade

Swapped out the original Spring with a (1704-736). Thanks for the procedure and tips. I had 3 working on it (my neighbor joined in). It was easy except for the wrestling. Used a couple punches and screwdrivers to pierce the shock bushing and finally muscle it down to line up. Did it on the trailer with the rear jacked up so access was a bit limited but its done. Anyway, big difference in the rear suspension. I jumped on bounced and it now has some give where before very little. Unfortunately no snow nearby so waiting for some trail time. Heading up to the U.P. 2nd week in February so hoping some snow up there. Not good last week with above freezing temps and rain.

One question, does the rubber protection boot need to fit snug over the top or does it just sit loosely on the top of the spring? I got the feeling it popped off the spring retainer when it came apart so just want to make sure if I need to get back in there and stretch it over the spring retainer.

I'll post as soon as I get it on the trail but like the "sag" that's now there with the 2 stage spring when bouncing it. I hope that translates to a plusher ride and less jerky transfer.
Swapped out the original Spring with a (1704-736). Thanks for the procedure and tips. I had 3 working on it (my neighbor joined in). It was easy except for the wrestling. Used a couple punches and screwdrivers to pierce the shock bushing and finally muscle it down to line up. Did it on the trailer with the rear jacked up so access was a bit limited but its done. Anyway, big difference in the rear suspension. I jumped on bounced and it now has some give where before very little. Unfortunately no snow nearby so waiting for some trail time. Heading up to the U.P. 2nd week in February so hoping some snow up there. Not good last week with above freezing temps and rain.

One question, does the rubber protection boot need to fit snug over the top or does it just sit loosely on the top of the spring? I got the feeling it popped off the spring retainer when it came apart so just want to make sure if I need to get back in there and stretch it over the spring retainer.

I'll post as soon as I get it on the trail but like the "sag" that's now there with the 2 stage spring when bouncing it. I hope that translates to a plusher ride and less jerky transfer.
Boot sits loose over top of spring retainer.
I installed the 2016-17 stock spring(1704-736). Just got back from N-Maine/NB 700 miles felt just right. Also sent my stock center shock to HyGear for revalue all is good.
Stupid question, does the new spring go in with the tighter wound part "up" ?
Thanks. Since there is no snow, my project for today. Also time to check out and clean up from last weeks slush run. Lol!
.05 to.10 inch for preload with weight of track right? That's like 2-3 threads showing under adjusters.
.05 to.10 inch for preload with weight of track right? That's like 2-3 threads showing under adjusters.
No. You crank it up till sled pushes and front is light then back off till its steerable 1/2 turn at a time. For me with good skis its almost 4 full turns. From just tight.
No. You crank it up till sled pushes and front is light then back off till its steerable 1/2 turn at a time. For me with good skis its almost 4 full turns. From just tight.
Oh, I just seen the .05-.10 in the article. So was trying to make sure. Any tricks for adjusting on the trail? Can't really bring my come-along with to hang the track.
Oh, I just seen the .05-.10 in the article. So was trying to make sure. Any tricks for adjusting on the trail? Can't really bring my come-along with to hang the track.
For initial adjustment just leave the locking nut loose. No need to even lift sled but putting on side helps getting at it. Turn the whole spring and the preload nut will turn with it. Can do it with light gloves on. Just don't forget to tighten the locking nut once set. Use the cheap spanner wrench in kit to do it so you can get it loose later if you want.
I screwed up and installed upside down. How bad is it if I run the rest of this season?
No big deal I guess. Its not hard to change it though. Just take top bolt out.
Thanks, Will change as soon as I get a chance. I usually ride groomed trails (when there is snow) so may not get much snow in the spring to affect it. I may need leave as is for our trip 2 weeks from now. Just wanted to make sure no other issues.
Thanks, Will change as soon as I get a chance. I usually ride groomed trails (when there is snow) so may not get much snow in the spring to affect it. I may need leave as is for our trip 2 weeks from now. Just wanted to make sure no other issues.
Did you ride it at all?
If not you know you are close if you can rock the sled back and forth front to back with same effort on bars. It should pivot at your feet.
