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Center shock spring handling upgrade

I’m wondering what spring I may need for the girlfriends rtx se with the qs3s. I tried it and felt it was very stiff on the softest settings for the qs3s. Are these shocks just valved stiff? She even said it almost bucked her off over a bump. Slide springs are also on the softest setting. Will a center skid spring help or is it these qs3s? Thought these qs3s would be a lot softer on the softest setting. Sled is basically new and not even through breakin period yet, so I’m hoping the shocks will loosen up a bit.

My shocks on my ltx dx are amazing! It rides very plush, but also wondering if a spring would make it even better.
What sled does she have? I have seen the 129's have alot stiffer valving than the 137's. Also as posted there are some qs3's that are plain old defective. I would be happy to help you.

Ok thanks cannondale. I figured they just need more use. I thought forsure those qs3s would be a better ride than my ltx dx, but I guess I thought wrong. I can barely push down on the rear when it’s on setting 3...it’s hard as a rock!
Ok thanks cannondale. I figured they just need more use. I thought forsure those qs3s would be a better ride than my ltx dx, but I guess I thought wrong. I can barely push down on the rear when it’s on setting 3...it’s hard as a rock!
Setting 3 is XC setting! 1 or 2 is all most use unless very rough and in a hurry. Takes between 3-500mi to break in suspension. Wait till then. Your DX is like on 1 or even softer.
Hey fellas. Was inspired to explore this due to the brutally heavy steering of my sled. 2016 Viper MTX 141se. We do a lot of riding, slow speed steering, on bush trapper trails. Sled is terribly heavy steering through these. Have been trying to sort through all of these threads and figure which Arctic Cat spring to go with and was thinking maybe a 180#. I want it to steer easily on these trails but still be able to have control at high speeds as well. Which 180# spring would fit?


Or do you guys think one of the newer dual springs would be better? Thanks for thoughts/opinions/experiences!
McLovin- I would suggest you stick with the straight rate ZBroz spring. How much you weigh should have an influence on the spring rate that you select.


They have three different springs based on rider weight. 145lbs, 160lbs or 180lbs. I have the same sled that you have, I weigh 160 pounds and I’m using their 145 pound spring. I have it turned up to five turns from the point of contact on the adjustment collar. Prior to installing the spring I would have trouble getting stuck on asphalt at gas stations because there was so much weight on the front end. The installation of the spring has eliminated that problem. On the trails I still have heavy steering but that is most likely a result of my choice in skis. I have C&A bx skis and Shaper wear rods with 9 inches of carbide. No wash out in the corners at all. None. When I point it turns NOW. When I am Off trail it’s easy to lean back, crack the throttle and pull the skis up off the top of the snow.

ZBroz recommendation is to move to the 160 pound spring if the rider weight is over 200 pounds. I would suggest that might be closer to 175 pounds based on my experiences.
Thanks PeeWee! I am 215 lbs with no gear, so would look at the 160 or 180 lb spring. Would get from Arctic Cat though, easier to get right away. So you think the 180 might be too much? And why are you recommending this over the dual weight springs?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks lots guys. For my weight+gear I am right on the edge of the 180 lb spring. Plus PeeWee says those weights can be reduced a little bit. Tough call. Anybody tried the 180? I trust the recommendations though, and will prob do the 160...thanks number1kyster!

So nobody thinks a dual weight spring would be a better option?
