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Dynoed meth/water injected RX1 with Hurricane Racing

Because of the nature of the intercooler cooling the air,if you inject the meth before the intercooler core,a portion of the meth will condensate and puddle inside the intercooler.It's kinda like a cold glass of water on a hot day but inside the intercooler.
If your going to buy a meth kit,why not deal with a retailer with the experience to help and support you.It doesn't even cost you more money.The guy's that have bought goods and services from Hurricane Performance know that the support is absolute. We have the knowledge and don't stop till your happy with your purchase.
Because of the nature of the intercooler cooling the air,if you inject the meth before the intercooler core,a portion of the meth will condensate and puddle inside the intercooler.It's kinda like a cold glass of water on a hot day but inside the intercooler.
If your going to buy a meth kit,why not deal with a retailer with the experience to help and support you.It doesn't even cost you more money.The guy's that have bought goods and services from Hurricane Performance know that the support is absolute. We have the knowledge and don't stop till your happy with your purchase.

if I would have known that you were selling them when I purchased this it would of been through you but that is the past and yes there was no money saved going direct through snow well that being said can I get the additional nozzles through you what else do I need to run this four nozzle setup I am more than willing to deal with you and thanks for the quick reply pm me please
happyhour said:
I am also running the safe injection with the solenoid on the waste gate

Could you provide more detail on this injection? Does the wastegate trip a switch? Thanks
Yeah I was inquiring on what happyhour called a "safe injection". I am familiar with the Snow Performance kits. I'm already looking at getting one turn key from you with the right nozzles this year instead of setting up one from scratch on the dyno...

Ah, I see. Probably used in conjuction with an electronic boost controller then? I was picturing the mechanical wastegate actuator like on the Garretts. Does it mount and actuate those, too? Is this a meth tank level sensing or pump pressure sensing feature? What brand?

Nice safety feature! I can already forsee some postings on TY asking why their machine won't build boost... ;)! Check the water tank!
My kit is not quite the same as what Hurricane sells but my kit uses the same controllers boxes as the snow performance kits. When i run out of boost juice it will trigger 12 volts back to the wastegate solenid to dump boost to the set level of just the wastegate spring, so i believe it would be pump pressure

What turbo model r u using on that Bender RX1 system? I might have missed it in the previous pages...
I take it that it is a solenoid valve in the pressure line to the actuator?

I have been contemplating and researching water / meth injection for over a year now, but after reading about your session at Hurricane Racing, it's convinced me to get it for my Full Power Performance rear mount Apex and need to work that into the project budget.

Thanks for the topic post.

So what is one of these kits worth for a Nytro? Sounds interesting, where can I learm more about meth injection, inquiring minds need to know.
mbarryracing said:
happyhour said:
I am also running the safe injection with the solenoid on the waste gate

Could you provide more detail on this injection? Does the wastegate trip a switch? Thanks

The safe injection monitors the flow and say for instance the pump quits or drops pressure it sends out a 12 volt signal to what ever you want. For me it was a solenoid on the waste gate in line with the boost controller if there is a problem it will cut off the boost to what ever the spring pressure is on the waste gate. Here is some more info on

I have concerns as to any negative effects on my motor eg. corrosion? Also, would I need to upgrade the engine internals as I feel I am running at max safe level with my setup of 17psi on 100LL with headshim.
