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My first impressions of the Vector LTX GT...

You guys will love the Vector LTX! Great sled that will be a great sleeper sled and trail sled! We hope to have some upgrades soon for performance!

I plan on pick up a Vector LTX (black, then throw GYTR on it) for my wife <wink>. It does sound like a great sled.
jlemieu1 said:
I plan on pick up a Vector LTX (black, then throw GYTR on it) for my wife <wink>. It does sound like a great sled.
Yes, it must be great to have the wife to blame... LOL ;)!
I guess I will have to take the stud-protectors out if I wan't to get a track with taller lugs, or maybe notch the track... Man, it's tight in there!

And the 16" tracks are also excluded, since the 15" is right up against the rear suspension-mount (see the pic.). Too bad, since I know of a cheap track off a Renegade with 1,75" lugs...

I guess I could squeeze the new Cobra-track (1,352" lugs) in like it is now. I think that track (if fully clipped), would be a good option, allthough I would have prefered a taller lug track. I guess one can't have it all... :o|


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I just HAD to get it out on the grass behind the garage and out on a very small field right next to it... WOOHOOOOO is all I can say!!!!!!!! :Rockon:

It's ratcheting like crazy when I punch it, eventhough the track is tight as a fiddle! Oh well, at least I got the suspension well lubed with snow (and grass)... LOL

Unfortunately the forecast is calling for warmer weather next week, so I had to get the first little ride in today! ;)! :-o


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Lucky bastard! LOL!

How did the power delivery feel to you? I won't be riding for 2 more months!

The track will probably behave better with more snow, when its not biting hard into the ground.
The power-delivery feels GREAT! It's ready to get up and go all the time. It feels a lot like the 600 I had last year, allthough it's hard to tell without anything to compare it with rightaway. But it feels great!!! You should try it... LOL

With my previous experience with the rip-saw, it will be better after it's done stretching, so it is more rigid lengthwise, and one can adjust the track more accurate... ;)! I'm not worried about the ratcheting.... And besides, I have the transfer-rod set to max, so it will also have a role in this. I will need to have more snow to see where I wan't the rod-setting. I like a light front-feeling, with a lot of transfer when I punch it out of the turns. It also helps keep the ski's on top of the loose snow. We'll see how it works out...

It will be a fun winter, it seems! :-o
RSV - any more ride time yet? 70 degrees and sunny here today. I think I'll have to live vicariously through you until we get some snow here. Until then, my sled is just a pretty garage ornament, LOL!
We're having a warm spell over here also, so I can't help you there. And there is no snow in the near forecast either... :o|

I'm happy I got the little ride in before it melted again... ;)!
I finally took the plunge to get a new track this year, since I came across a good deal on the new Camoplast Back Country 1,75", fully clipped. I'm just waiting for the Doo-drivers to arrive, so I can put it all together again. I took the stud-protectors out since I didn't want to notch the new track. And since I didn't want to remove the exhaust completely, I just grined the rivets off under the silencer and under the flexible joints. What a place to fasten the darn things... It will be interesting to see how the rear cooler holds up without the stud-protector... LOL

I have definately gotten to know my sleds inners by now! I just can't understand the thought the engineers had when they constructed this thing... Almost everything seems like an afterthought IMO... WOW! :o| :rofl: :whine:
I saw this was mentioned in the Yamaha Canada-blog, and I must say I couldn't agree more! ;)!


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It's finally back together again, but still no real snow to test it out on. We had a foot of snow last week, but it's just about all gone now... :o|

I'm running it almost as tight as the Yamaha-spec for now until it's fully stretched. I can turn it by hand now, even when it's not running, and it's dry also...

Thanks to Rxrider for posting the specs for the extroverts on the driveshaft! It made it much easier to press them on knowing where they should be... ;)! :rocks:


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Looks like a mean track!

Man, I always thought of Norway as having snow from October through April. I hope you get some soon! We're having an unusually snowy December here in the Midwest area this year.
The snowconditions can vary quite a bit from year to year, but it's 15 years since it was so little snow around here as it is now. I guess you stole my snow this year! LOL ;)!

The weather usually stabilises in January. In '98 we didn't have much snow until February, and then we got the most snow I can remeber. It snowed more or less for a whole month! So I'm not too worried yet. Some of the most hardcore snowmobilers over here ride in the mountains until the middle of June! I usually "throw in the towel" in the beginning/middle of May... ;)!
Any ride time in yet? Did you get to ride before the track swap, how does the 1.75 compare in hook up, fuel economy, performance...Looking forward to your review!
Nope, no ridetime yet... :o| Only 25km on it! WOW!

I just can't believe this winter we are haveing over here. No snow and warm weather. Allthough we got a little dusting today, but only one inch, so it won't even reach my slides... LOL

I've got plenty of time on the rip-saw over the years, so I'm certain it will do a LOT better in the snow. The rip-saw is good for one thing only IMO; hardpacked trails. ;)!

I've got next weekend off work, so I might trailer to Sweden to try to get a few miles on it. This weather is REALLY getting old... :letsnow:
