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New Apex v. Ski Doo 800

kviper said:
jtssrx said:
kviper said:
If you go back and actually read my post you will see this is the third time on why.
Drive line efficiency, Type of power (power band), weight is less of a factor as acceloration decreases. I have been reading that Doo is dropping power on longer pull's.
This all makes cense much more than 800 RPM= 10MPH.

Actually it doesn't make more sense. But lets agree to disagree.

I gave you a mathematic certainty and a apex that pulls exactly what the calculater said it would and you have the balls to laugh at my post???
Sorry to burst your ego bubble but you don't have a clue WTF you are talking about! You also gave me an Apex that didn't pull your mathematic certainty proving you wrong. two sled's,same RPM, different gearing, same MPH.
I was laughing at this debate in general and then agreed to disagree and of course you make it about you. Talk about balls?

kviper said:
Sorry to burst your ego bubble but you don't have a clue WTF you are talking about! You also gave me an Apex that didn't pull your mathematic certainty proving you wrong. two sled's,same RPM, different gearing, same MPH.
I was laughing at this debate in general and then agreed to disagree and of course you make it about you. Talk about balls?


I already said most sleds are over geared. When did I ever say every sled will pull the exact mph the gearing is capible or?????

Also I do know I'm talking about. I own a prostock 700 and I run low gearing and pull the mph out of the rpm. .Many racers use this technique.

You let it be
Bottlerocket the reason the xtx is the only one thts listed is because the other sleds are ski doo and this is a yamaha form ...Does that make scence now ? And between all the sleds i ride a tottal of 4,000 mi a year ... Avrege that is... So another words my but is on a seat of some sled for about 4,000 mi per yr ... some years more some less... ;)! Oh and yes i did put over 4,000mi on so far scince december 31st 2012...
jtssrx said:
kviper said:
Sorry to burst your ego bubble but you don't have a clue WTF you are talking about! You also gave me an Apex that didn't pull your mathematic certainty proving you wrong. two sled's,same RPM, different gearing, same MPH.
I was laughing at this debate in general and then agreed to disagree and of course you make it about you. Talk about balls?


I already said most sleds are over geared. When did I ever say every sled will pull the exact mph the gearing is capible or?????

Also I do know I'm talking about. I own a prostock 700 and I run low gearing and pull the mph out of the rpm. .Many racers use this technique.
Our big sled is at least 3.5 times the power of your pro stock with world
series trophy's as well as a couple other out law win's in the last couple
years.I think I'am aware of a Few technique's as well.
kviper said:
jtssrx said:
kviper said:
Sorry to burst your ego bubble but you don't have a clue WTF you are talking about! You also gave me an Apex that didn't pull your mathematic certainty proving you wrong. two sled's,same RPM, different gearing, same MPH.
I was laughing at this debate in general and then agreed to disagree and of course you make it about you. Talk about balls?


I already said most sleds are over geared. When did I ever say every sled will pull the exact mph the gearing is capible or?????

Also I do know I'm talking about. I own a prostock 700 and I run low gearing and pull the mph out of the rpm. .Many racers use this technique.
Our big sled is at least 3.5 times the power of your pro stock with world
series trophy's as well as a couple other out law win's in the last couple
years.I think I'am aware of a Few technique's as well.

Not sure what have 3.5 times the power has to do with anything??? Did you post that to make yourself look cool? You couldn't have just said I have a race sled as well. Had to make it a dik messuring contest. lol
All of this talk about which is faster an 800 etech or apex ....all I know is the last time I sledded with an etech the last twenty miles of are ride he was exactly one sled length and a tow rope behind me!.....and he didn't seem to be smiling very much.lol
jts! Tell me you didn't put your pro stock out there to try to prove your knowledge?
Looks like you pulled yours out first and than got it chopped off again just like DoctorC did.

I will agree to disagree again can you?
kviper said:
jts! Tell me you didn't put your pro stock out there to try to prove your knowledge?
Looks like you pulled yours out first and than got it chopped off again just like DoctorC did.

I will agree to disagree again can you?

I was giving another exsample of how RPMs equals mph. You can't disprove what I'm saying so you've gone to taking personal shots. It shows your character or should I say lack there of!!!

You didn't chop sht off like I said you've never disproved what I've said about rpm and mph
jtssrx said:
kviper said:
I was giving another exsample of how RPMs equals mph.

I guess you do know it takes hp to gain RPM/sled speed? Even if an etec can spin the clutches at 8500 at same hp doesn't mean it will be faster or the ability to go faster. I think once gearing and clutching if figured out, it's a fine line to gain speed through more engine rpm while maintaining full shift as more rpm often comes by less shift, less gear or belt slip. It's common knowledge 4strokes like the Apex are so forgiving to clutch with gobs of power and torque all over the place. An etec is such a precise engine, the rpms have to be spot on and maintained throughout the shifting and you'll probably pull your hair out trying to make a lake racer out of it.
That's just my take on it.

Dano said:
jtssrx said:
kviper said:
I was giving another exsample of how RPMs equals mph.

I guess you do know it takes hp to gain RPM/sled speed? Even if an etec can spin the clutches at 8500 at same hp doesn't mean it will be faster or the ability to go faster. I think once gearing and clutching if figured out, it's a fine line to gain speed through more engine rpm while maintaining full shift as more rpm often comes by less shift, less gear or belt slip. It's common knowledge 4strokes like the Apex are so forgiving to clutch with gobs of power and torque all over the place. An etec is such a precise engine, the rpms have to be spot on and maintained throughout the shifting and you'll probably pull your hair out trying to make a lake racer out of it.
That's just my take on it.


The apex makes peak power at 8650 the etec makes peak at 7800 it most likely would lose in exesss of 20 hp at 8650. That's why you can't just overrev it to pull higher mph via rpm.

Not sure why you guys can't simply be happy with the fact your sleds have a peak hp rpm advantage????
WOW.love reading all this lol.we all like POWER,but for myself and many others on this site also > ski doo,artic cat, & polaris owners,the FEEL you get when you push that lever on a yamaha cant be beat ! :rules :4STroke: :Rockon:
Mad Russian said:
And no matter how much u mod the fx nytro with out a turbo or supercharger or nos the nytro has no chance against 800 e tec or the new apexs....

I don't know how or where you guys race ur sleds, but this past friday I rode my friends na nyrto with minor clutch work and one tooth down on top, next to '12 800etech xrs, with some kind of reflash suposebly 3hp gain over stock, and 800cat rr stock. We did roll on race on the lake and let me tell you the cat was the fastest then came nytro followed by etech. And the guy who rode etech admited that his sled was slower. Don't get me wrong the xrs is every thing they say it is and some, but I had same resalts wirh my 09 xtx and a '11 etech.

Oh and im from Ukraine by the way, and im a little less mad than you ;)!
