New Engine in 2016 Vipers and Other Changes

Mtnviper - Yeah, way different. It will not bolt up to the new head.
Well I cant believe what I have started with all the early build sleds to late build sleds and then starting the NEW motor debate and after much consideration I think I'm going to stick with the devil I know, this motor has been out for 9 years now and has never been in my sleds as I was strictly an Apex guy before this. After owning this viper with 7000 boosted miles on it and racing it with bone stock internals at 15-16# of boost this summer it has earned my respect and I will keep my early build and let others be the guinea pig this year because I don't want to be guessing all winter on what it will take abuse wise when I know what I have will take.Its still very wrong of Yamaha to do what they did to the consumer without any explanation or warning.
:drink:And I bought a $17,000 old how're with a new skirt.

If you have a 2016....I would go back and say you want the upgrades at no cost. It clearly says "all 2016's"

Unless they mean except early build 2016's.... That would suck
Well, with what Stingray has posted....the crankshaft and rods will be different in the new engines
Well I cant believe what I have started with all the early build sleds to late build sleds and then starting the NEW motor debate and after much consideration I think I'm going to stick with the devil I know, this motor has been out for 9 years now and has never been in my sleds as I was strictly an Apex guy before this. After owning this viper with 7000 boosted miles on it and racing it with bone stock internals at 15-16# of boost this summer it has earned my respect and I will keep my early build and let others be the guinea pig this year because I don't want to be guessing all winter on what it will take abuse wise when I know what I have will take.Its still very wrong of Yamaha to do what they did to the consumer without any explanation or warning.
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