New Engine in 2016 Vipers and Other Changes

Someone want to post up their MSO for a non early 2016? Im curious if it still states 1049cc.
As we already know Yamaha has produced early build vipers, sold as the spring power surge.
what we didn't know until it was too late (for me anyway) is that Yamaha built some sleds in February and march with none of the changes that a real 2016 have. maybe doesn't seem like a big deal.
But from what we have recently discovered is that the changes are big! a new engine , new jackshaft and bearing plus new tuner 3 skis.
The engine has more torque and is engineered very different. the jack shaft and bearing are a FIX!
My question is , can the people that have got screwed by ordering new sleds in the spring power surge do anything to get these upgrades on the 2016s they bought for top dollar.
If you made enough noise, and your dealer went to bat for you, who knows, perhaps Yamaha would do something for you, but my thought is that you do not have any "contractual" remedy with Yamaha, or your dealer. The inescapable fact is that the sled/engine that you were expecting when you ordered in the spring is exactly the sled/engine you received. When you did the spring order, there was no promise of a "new and improved" engine. The fact that other later built sleds have a different version of the engine, whether better, worse or the same, does not affect the fact that you got what you contracted for. Technically, it is the people who received the later built sleds that did not receive what they were expecting (and contracted for), but again, Yamaha's reservation of the right to make changes probably prevents those people from having any "legal" basis for a complaint.
Can you check your build date?
Don't have the sled yet as it have not been shipped yet. But was at the dealer today and checked a X T X LE spring ordered sled and it as the new motor. Also checked a spring ordered VK PROFESSIONAL II and it as the mew motor.
It's a huge bummer.
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joe look at this post Post #3 you said

My 2016 early build "spring order " is sitting at the shop right now !
It is just a 15 with the new graphics. And upgrades. It really won't be any different then a true 16 because if there are any more changes the dealer will update the early builds.

And the sled looks sweet!'

I put $500 down before the date in march i believe and the sled came in september. Did you put the $500 down on a spring power surge? In July you said your sled was in the showroom. My sled wasnt built until august. The early build sleds came out at the end of the season. If you put the $500 down and wanted the spring power surge and yamaha said to take the early build that was on the showroom.. then thats not right
They must be hearing it. Last year the Evol shocks and now this. At the Snow show it wasnt small lettering it was big lettering on windshield "All specs subject to change"
the difference with this one is no one in direct contact with customers like the dealers and salesman knew because all the actual specs just like Stingray posted wont be released until the school in 2 weeks. Stingray really did us a favor. Those exact pages he posted will be in a Technical Update and info book given to all the guys who go to that school. We need to thank MrSled for letting some of this info up also. If he hasnt already I am sure Yamaha will be requesting its removal. Hope they do opposite and add more. Like the real reasons behind the changes. In meantime I would suggest downloading all those files.
joe look at this post Post #3 you said

My 2016 early build "spring order " is sitting at the shop right now !
It is just a 15 with the new graphics. And upgrades. It really won't be any different then a true 16 because if there are any more changes the dealer will update the early builds.

And the sled looks sweet!'

I put $500 down before the date in march i believe and the sled came in september. Did you put the $500 down on a spring power surge? In July you said your sled was in the showroom. My sled wasnt built until august. The early build sleds came out at the end of the season. If you put the $500 down and wanted the spring power surge and yamaha said to take the early build that was on the showroom.. then thats not right

Right. Over here plenty did the surge and there is 1 16 LTX sitting on floor all summer. They all had choice. One sold but most everyone chose to wait for the latebuilds mostly to save some $ up and skip storage. Season was over already.
joe look at this post Post #3 you said

My 2016 early build "spring order " is sitting at the shop right now !
It is just a 15 with the new graphics. And upgrades. It really won't be any different then a true 16 because if there are any more changes the dealer will update the early builds.

And the sled looks sweet!'

I put $500 down before the date in march i believe and the sled came in september. Did you put the $500 down on a spring power surge? In July you said your sled was in the showroom. My sled wasnt built until august. The early build sleds came out at the end of the season. If you put the $500 down and wanted the spring power surge and yamaha said to take the early build that was on the showroom.. then thats not right
I understand this and I did then. . I was told at the dealer that there would not likely be any changes and if anything did change they would know about it and make the changes to my sled.

But so far I've been told by Yamaha and the dealer there is no performance gains .and no changes to anything except the engine is different.
Right. Over here plenty did the surge and there is 1 16 LTX sitting on floor all summer. They all had choice. One sold but most everyone chose to wait for the latebuilds mostly to save some $ up and skip storage. Season was over already.
Did the 15' Ltx Le early builds come with the 1.25 track and the late builds come with the 1.75 tracks?
