Phazer Diagnostic Codes...

Check coil number one to see if it is in pluged in. If it is then swap the two coils. If code 34 comes up you've got a bad coil.
Where is the second coil located? I went out to look and now the code 33 is gone it starts and runs for 30-40 seconds and shuts off? I checked the tps it was 16 closed and 98 open
Where is the second coil located? I went out to look and now the code 33 is gone it starts and runs for 30-40 seconds and shuts off? I checked the tps it was 16 closed and 98 open

The contacts for the coil plug get corroded. The two wire plug. Use electrical contact cleaner in both ends. This is common and not sure why but get a good connection and it will be good.
Anyone know what Code 67 means?
Well, it just stands to reason that there is something wrong either with the oil pressure sensor(s) or the circuit for it (them). Check the wiring and if it checks out, replace the sensor.
My oil pressure sender went bad about 3 seasons ago. So it does happen. Solution was to just replace it but make sure that its just not disconnected since most disconnect it to get at oil filter easier when doing a oil change.
Got it figured out... code 67 is the oil pressure sensor on the motor but the sensor still seems good and the wires were still connected... what had happened the sled was rolled a couple of times in the hills and oil leaked into the air box and with the moisture and the over night freeze, created a mess in the air box. Checked the oil level (which was good), pulled the air box out cleaned it, washed and dried the filters, cleared the codes, took it for a ride, code was gone, code came back, did a couple of high speed passes and code was gone again. My guess is the reduced air flow into the air box tripped the sensor and after a good cleaning and a hard run all seems good. I hope.
I think you're right. Had this on my turbo.
After 2012 the phazer has two sensors. Check both of them.

The MCX-kit must be up to date. Mine wasn't, and Erik, owner at MCX, helped me out.
