Phazer Spare Belt Storage


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
2016 Sr Viper XTX
Just got new 2016 Phazer xtx . where are you storing you spare belt. was hoping it would fit on top of belt guard but not enough room.
My son's Phazer has the rear box but thinking a bit about this, what about in the lower part under the clutches? A couple of zip ties to flatten the belt a bit and then a couple of small holes for another long zip tie in the lower panel to hold it in place down low. Just carry a knife (which you should) to cut the ties.
My son's Phazer has the rear box but thinking a bit about this, what about in the lower part under the clutches? A couple of zip ties to flatten the belt a bit and then a couple of small holes for another long zip tie in the lower panel to hold it in place down low. Just carry a knife (which you should) to cut the ties.
Not a lot of room down there and the speed control is there.
I might be thinking about my MP. It's a little wider. I guess you just gotta try different places. Inside the clutch side cover. Inside the right side cover. Things are tight everywhere on the Phazer.
I had a MP for 2 years and put 10,000 km on it. the MP got a lot more room on the sides. Tried both sides u can hardly get your finger in the lol.
I going to carry in my my pack. I made rack for the back that can take a 5 liter can and my pack. so belt in going in pack.
Made a place for my belt and made a rack to hold gas can and pack. I popped rivet a belt holder to my tunnel with a few velcro straps. So work fine.


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Mine is in my backpack which is strapped to the tunnel with bungies! Ya, I'm cheap, but the best part is that its stored in a circle shape so it doesn't take set. I've had brand new belts crack between lugs when stored all bunched up for a few years like how they are in the front A-frame bag.
