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Rode with a guy with the new Cat Z1 4 stroke

I would trust the Z1 engine over the F7 obviously. I am sure it is reliable because the engine is from a Suzuki motorcycle (at least that is what I thought the dealer guy said).

Sure it has great innovations (seat, bars, shield, clutches) and there is nothing wrong with that. I just didn't like that green Cat look and the sound. If you look at the magazine ad of the Z1, the seat is wrinkled. I have seen so many cats with rippled seats and that is why it caught my eye. It doesn't change the performance of course, but it is just a little pet peeve I guess.

Riding up the lake, I noticed the sled made the rider look small....it "appears" to be a real chunky looking machine.

I am sure I will get used to the new look. I hated the Phazer when it was released and it grew on me (very quickly). After sitting on them and checking them out in person at the show last Friday, I like them that much more!!! Not too impressed by the Venture Lite look though (that style doesn't look like a touring sled)

Ive read alot on other sites where guys claimed the new Cats were the best riding and handling sled built PERIOD!!

I on the other hand know the apex is one of the best riding sleds out.. but i would never make the claim being the best...

I still know in the rough the REV chassis is better because it is alot lighter and very rider forward..

I guess we will all find out in say 8 months..
ummm, when i said i was dying to see one, i meant it. i'd love to try one out. looks like a nice sled to me. the adjustable bars and seat are something that makes you wonder why all sleds don't have them. the cat fans aren't too fond of the new look but i think it's an improvement, and hopefully the performance and handling are there too.
welterracer said:
Ive read alot on other sites where guys claimed the new Cats were the best riding and handling sled built PERIOD!!

I on the other hand know the apex is one of the best riding sleds out.. but i would never make the claim being the best...

I still know in the rough the REV chassis is better because it is alot lighter and very rider forward..

I guess we will all find out in say 8 months..

Its all in what the rider likes. I myself after owning a 04 Rev, and putting 4000 miles on it will take my attak any day over the Rev.. Your right TIME will tell. ;)!
My cat buddys concour that they will have problems with the cheesy adjustable seat breaking.. its all very light weight parts that will break..
My buddy went to a sled show the other day and looked at the new CAT.He was trying to see how to adjust the seat.One of the Cat dealers said to pull this lever so he did and the handle BROKE!My bud wasn't impressed to say the least.
Hey guys remember these are proto types.. Remember all bitching when we saw the plastic trunk flap on the apexs last year, besides other items and look what we got. There will be changes.Give it a chance. You better hope some one does something good or there is NO reason for YAMAHA to make any more improvements.They can leave it like it is and still say they have the best sled even with all the things every one is saying is wrong with it.
Wait till the final product is out and you have seen and rode one. Then your comments will mean a lot more.
My Bro-In-Law just spring ordered a new Jag Z1 so I'll see first hand what it is like when fall rolls around. He is coming off a T660 ST that a tree ran into back in March, damn those trees! He defintely wanted to stay 4 stroke and I tried to get him over to Yamaha but he is too green in the gills. I've had two Cats and were great for me so I'm excited for him and realy can't wait to give it a try.
I hadn't noticed many of them this season. I've heard reports from owners that said they liked them a lot, but hopefully the ZI mill be closer to the mark.
One guy I rode with that particular day was driving one and he said it was way too slow and not that great on gas. So, he snowchecked the new T-Cat from that dealer guy.

I like what they done on somethings, it shows THEY ARE LISTEING TO THEIR CUSTOMERS ;)!

It will make Yamaha look as theirs more closely, As I'm sure THEY ALL DO ANYWAYS ;)!

BH how right u are. ;)!
