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Roest Instrument Panel Vent on XTX - Good Stuff!


Feb 11, 2009
My 2009 XTX would turn that yellow warning light on pretty quickly as I went slow through the trees and would get stuck.

Before I went out west I decided I needed to seal up the large holes in the hood to prevent the sled from filling up with snow. My concern was the sled over heating even worse.

Searched the forums here and saw a new product called Roest Instrument Panel Vent.

Called Scott at Over the Top Yamaha Parts and talked to him about my concerns. HE WAS AWESOME! Came in on his day off to get me the vent so I would have it for my trip. Boy was I lucky I happened to live near his shop. THANKS SCOTT!

Out west we had a real warm day and the snow was very deep. Temp light only came on 1 time when I got stuck and had to fight through the deep snow to get back to my sled and shut it off.

Check out the vent, I really believe it helped my sled in the warm temps and when it has to work hard. There is a ton of heat that comes out of the vent, great for warming up your gloves! Also think about adding Water Wetter as well.

http://oftracing.com/Store/index.php?ma ... cts_id=205

Thanks again Scott for the "Over the Top" customer service. Without your help my sled would probably have had major heat issues in the conditions we were riding in.

Next I plan to buy his handlebar relocators.

I have the vent and the gauge remount. Awesome fit and finish. The amount of heat that was coming from the vent I couldn't imagine how it couldn't help. My steering post used to look like a smoke stack when parked. I also absolutely love the gauge relocator, it is right in your face all the time sitting or standing. Previously I hated the gauge.
Any issues with the heat fogging the gauge with all that heat rolling out?

Leeko quote: "My steering post used to look like a smoke stack when parked." So true.... :rofl:
My gauge would fog in certain conditions while sitting still, but cleared while riding. Non-issue.
danjpohl said:
Alatalo said:
danjpohl said:
had to fight through the deep snow to get back to my sled and shut it off

You need to install a tether switch as well.

Yes, I think that would be a very good idea.

If I was ever gonna take a nytro out west again i would buy the tether switch kit that stops the oil from leaking into the air box. That way when you fall off and if the sled rolls over you won't have to worry about pumping all the oil out AND the sled will kill too. Somebody here on TY makes it... I forget who.
Anyone else care to chime in on their experience with this vent panel?
Was lookin at that vent panel also and was wondering how easy it is to install I read the instructions but I hate to start hacksawing up my dash panel but maybe its not that hard to do.
