Stryke or aftermarket skis?

I'm happy with the Stryke skis so far. Had Curves on my old Nytro and liked them over the crappy tuners. My friend just ordered Stryke skis for his turbo Viper after riding my SW.
Ok everyone.Who has swapped the Tuners off their Winder for the new Stryke skis? Would you use Pilots,C&A,SLP or other instead? For the price of them I can buy the Stryke kit quite a bit cheaper than any of the offerings from the other companies but I'd like some reviews from those that have compared some ski brands back to back.I have read some threads on the Stryke ski but never really saw any of the info I'm looking for,as in a comparo with other skis.I know there are a lot of things to factor in like riding style, trail vs off, carbides etc so I'm just looking for a general review.

My all time favorite on the Winder is the Doo single keel RACE skis with aggressive SnowTrackers on them. There called 5.7R skis. Ive ran the 6.9 before and typically use them in the poor snow conditions before the season gets rolling, but I'm done with the 6.9 and deuce bars. All the twin keel trail skis do is push in the corners and I hate that, I know the Duece bar isn't helping in the corners either. In poor conditions I actually now use the stock tuners for riding as even they are better than the 6.9 Doo twin keel skis with the Duece bars for pushing in the corners. For me, twin keel skis just want to push more without aggressive carbides in the corners.

I've never run the Strike skis on my sled, but am told they are a duplicate of the Cat skis, and the Cat skis are good with a carbide like the Slim Jims to prevent darting, or even the stock Cat staggered carbides, but I hated the Aggressive SnowTrackers on the Cat skis, they are unstable on that ski for me. I think the Cat ski is good, just not with the Snowtrackers. Had one here last year that had brand new trackers on too and I had to have a death grip on it. He took them off, added Doo skis and Trackers and it was nice and stable. The trackers just work on the Doo skis, they even make the twin keel Doo trail skis either the 5.7 or the 6.9's.

My Vote is for Aggressive SnowTrackers on the single keel 5.7R Doo skis. Think they are reasonable cost wise and I know they handle awesome with not hint of being unstable like the Cat skis are with Aggressive Snowtrackers. Believe it or not I'm on my original set of SnowTracker Aggressives and 5.7R's after years of use on many sleds. They have well over 10,000 miles on them, oh probably nearing 20,000 miles now that I think about it. Ive replaced the correctors once, because as the corrector wears down it tends to steer hard in firm snow conditions. New correctors and off you go again. That said I weld the front of them up with hard as they do take a beating up front in front of the carbide, and I try to only use them once the season gets going with a good base, but still amazed on how they last and last, their expensive but worth it, and I've literally tried nearly every carbide on the market with very few exception. Next best lasting carbide is the Shaper bars or Deuce bars. I forget who makes them, but that's also good long lasting carbide too, but tends to chip easily I noticed. Some of the other carbide is like butter and wears too fast.

I like carbides that don't dart, go where pointed and won't push in the corners, and IMO the SnowTrackers are the best for me at doing that. They will however push in the corners still if the conditions are just so up around freezing.
To be honest, I like my Cat skis... I shimmed them 1/4" and put 7.5" shapers on them and it rails in all conditions.
To be honest, I like my Cat skis... I shimmed them 1/4" and put 7.5" shapers on them and it rails in all conditions.
I concur! I like the semi aggressive Trackers(with a very slight shim in the FRONT of spindle rubber.) or dual 6" / slim jim/double down with 1/8 shim in rear rubber. Im going to play with these Stryke skis this year and if I dont like them its back to what I know I can dial in. I like slightly less shim on the cats.. 1/8 . Watching the carbide wear on the double down snippers now on the stryke skis.. Need more miles on them but feel they MIGHT need the 2.5 shim in the rear position.. Still work in progress though.. As I need to see the wear pattern with more miles to decide how to shim them correctly.
I concur! I like the semi aggressive Trackers(with a very slight shim in the FRONT of spindle rubber.) or dual 6" / slim jim/double down with 1/8 shim in rear rubber. Im going to play with these Stryke skis this year and if I dont like them its back to what I know I can dial in. I like slightly less shim on the cats.. 1/8 . Watching the carbide wear on the double down snippers now on the stryke skis.. Need more miles on them but feel they MIGHT need the 2.5 shim in the rear position.. Still work in progress though.. As I need to see the wear pattern with more miles to decide how to shim them correctly.
No ski is perfect, Ive tried many. I will say I got a set of curves when the boys from Waterville (not that far from me) first came out with them, and they are the toughest Ive seen. Put them on the winder and after destroying the slim jims, I figured the skis dragging on the nose would be eaten choice, had to get back. Just a small burr on the curve plastic channel that was contacting the roads. The plastic is TOUGH!!!
I have 5.7s with 6" Doo carbides in the center, 4" outside. They are shimmed and the toe is set to 1/8". I love how easy they steer but I can't stand the darting. Maybe I should try some duece bars?

I'm going to get to try the stryke skis on my dad's new winder this weekend.
Curve ski with semi-aggressive snow tracker for overall condition
I have 5.7s with 6" Doo carbides in the center, 4" outside. They are shimmed and the toe is set to 1/8". I love how easy they steer but I can't stand the darting. Maybe I should try some duece bars?

I'm going to get to try the stryke skis on my dad's new winder this weekend.
I had the same issue put a pair of 6" slim jims on the 5.7 problem solved no more sea sickness and easy steering.
Well, I finally tried aggressive snowtrackers on the Curves and they were dangerous in my opinion. Texted Knapp about it and he described it as unstable just like having them on a Cat ski. Called my Canadian friend and he said to grind the correctors (wings) to match the angle of the carbides. I know, I know, not supposed to modify them but it transformed the aggressives into perfect steering and no darting. It now rails around corners much like 7.5 “ shaper bars but turns super easy and noooooo darting. Snowtracker might not approve but it flat out works!
Curve ski with semi-aggressive snow tracker for overall condition
No offense but I have had the Curves on two machines, my Attak and my Winder. I did not care for them at all. Both sleds had this side to side diving going down the trails with those skis. I switched the Winder to SLP Mohawks after that and it was night and day better. On the Attak I went to Simmons Flexi Gen 3’s and immediately it was way better.

I have never tried Snowtrackers, my only concern with those is there is a lot of metal hanging down. I would hate to cross a RR track not paying attention and get tossed. I am guessing you better have ski boots too for your trailer…
With some work, right shimming, right carbide properly set up suspension. , proper alignment , proper shocks and or springs you can make any ski work exactly how you want.. If you don’t want to do that, mohawks are hard to beat all around and agree with Journeyman above ….
Well, I finally tried aggressive snowtrackers on the Curves and they were dangerous in my opinion. Texted Knapp about it and he described it as unstable just like having them on a Cat ski. Called my Canadian friend and he said to grind the correctors (wings) to match the angle of the carbides. I know, I know, not supposed to modify them but it transformed the aggressives into perfect steering and no darting. It now rails around corners much like 7.5 “ shaper bars but turns super easy and noooooo darting. Snowtracker might not approve but it flat out works!
Did you set your Toe to 0 degrees? Very important with Snowtrackers especially with the aggressive. Mine where unstable in hard pack before I did this.

I always wanted to try semi's corrector with aggressive carbide. Sounds like it would work good as its close to what you did.
Did you set your Toe to 0 degrees? Very important with Snowtrackers especially with the aggressive. Mine where unstable in hard pack before I did this.

I always wanted to try semi's corrector with aggressive carbide. Sounds like it would work good as its close to what you did.
I switched from semi to aggressives so yes “0” degree for toe.
Any new info on the Stryke ski on pre 21 Sidewinders after another season? Has anyone added the Stryke to a 17-20 Winder? anymore thoughts over the C&A, Mohawk or Curves?
I put Stryke skis on my 2017 with snow trackers and they work pretty good. Not as good as my Viper which has cat skis and snowtrackers though. I am going to try shimming the front this year and see if that helps.
