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Team Fast 136" M20 - Apex LTX / Attak, Vector LTX

I'm a month away from being able to think about sleds again, but all Assault shocks (Apex + Vector) just returned home from getting a re-fresh earlier last week! ;)!

Did you send them back to Fast for the work? and what was the turn around time? I have a M-10 air and looking to service the two rears. wounder what the charge is per shock and what they service.
Thanks Rich.
Did you send them back to Fast for the work? and what was the turn around time? I have a M-10 air and looking to service the two rears. wounder what the charge is per shock and what they service.
Thanks Rich.
Yes, I sent the shocks to Fast for a check-up. They change the internal shock oil and re-charge the gas. It was $50 per shock. Turn around time was 3 weeks, but I sent them off before Labor Day and that's still their limited staff time of year. I would think they're ramping up for winter by now
Yes, I sent the shocks to Fast for a check-up. They change the internal shock oil and re-charge the gas. It was $50 per shock. Turn around time was 3 weeks, but I sent them off before Labor Day and that's still their limited staff time of year. I would think they're ramping up for winter by now
Ok thats good to know. Would call for sure before sending to check on turn around .
Thanks..... sure love my M10
I also sent my shocks to Fast to be refreshed during the off-season. I asked them to valve them firmer as I seem to be into the bump stop too often. What they did for me was to change to a different oil (likely heavier).

Joe, you are again doing a marvelous job with the changes to your Vector!
OK, I'm starting to get a little time to work on sleds again...WOO...HOO!

I started on the electrical wiring this morning and made some changes to how the system will power up. My Apex has a switch on each side of the handlebar (key panel) and requires both hands to select and choose front/rear and pump/dump. That method works, but you have to physically stop the sled to make an adjustment. The Vector will have both switches mounted left of the handlebar for a true one handed, on-the-fly operation...without having to stop! I used a scrap piece of aluminum to hold the switches while I terminated wires. The piece of aluminum will also be a guide for drilling holes to mount the switches.


The refreshed front Assault shocks are re-installed and ready for the air lines. The black USI ski's seemed like an overload of black, so I swapped them out for white/camo. The black ski's will now go on my Warrior.

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Control switches are now mounted on the Vector; this is how I should have wired the Apex a few years ago. Live and learn! :confused:

Here's a few pics as a comparison between the Vector and Apex.

Wiring / switching updates between the Vector and Apex:

M20 electrical schematic original.jpg

M20 Alternate.jpg

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OK my friends...back to business!

I installed all the front shock plumbing and hardware this morning. The pump and all solenoids were tested with temporary wiring and everything functions as intended. Now it's time to complete the actual wiring harness.
Stay tuned! :Rockon:

Love the level of workmanship ..... nice install! I have M-10 on the rear of my apex and have thought about going all the way and go air in the front shocks (skis). I wish i could at least (in the rear skid) have a durable extension line to a easier location to fill with just the hand pump? If ya do not mind me asking ... what has the front shocks minus the pump cost ya?
I wish i could at least (in the rear skid) have a durable extension line to a easier location to fill with just the hand pump?
Here is the old 151 skid with hose extensions that I purchased from Team Fast. I made the clamps that fasten the schrader valve end to each arm by welding on 1/8" pipe 90's.

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Well...the weather has stayed nice, so we decided to start clearing some pesky brush. It's supposed to start raining tonight , so this work may be over with until the ground freezes.

Thanks for the pics of the extensions its straight forward.... how durable has it been for ya? any issues with them . Also would think I could find the hoses from a supplier ?
