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Team Primary on Winder secondary mocked up

What are the corresponding positions for Cat springs? Did I miss that post?
EPI has slightly different tangs than the dalton white also. As Knapp pointed out the EPI purple at 1-0 is identical to the dalton white @ 9-1.
I guess I should check the position of the tangs on that Cat green. I thought they were similar to my Dalton b/o but I could be wrong.
Got my white and testing this weekend....installed it today. 9/1.





I Dan,so you running it at 9-1 ? I was thinking of trying that same spring with my STM 38 I now am running,or maybe with my Dalton 41/35 with my Dalton ramps with Dalton blue/blk primary.
You guys are really cranking up the torsion on those Cat springs. I run Cat green at 0-1, same as I did on my turbo Viper with the purple EPI spring.

9-1 is less than 0-1.

Just got a call today from a fellow that had a Winder on the track Dyno. Maybe he'll post. I hope he does, because it confirms what I have found in the field testing a few weeks ago. Its good stuff.

Lighter springs are not doing well to keep a hold on the belt on the big tunes is what I've found.
9-1 is less than 0-1.

Just got a call today from a fellow that had a Winder on the track Dyno. Maybe he'll post. I hope he does, because it confirms what I have found in the field testing a few weeks ago. Its good stuff.

Lighter springs are not doing well to keep a hold on the belt on the big tunes is what I've found.
Slight highjack...what kind of spring did you run in your Vmax on the tar? I'm assuming it was pretty stout?
Slight highjack...what kind of spring did you run in your Vmax on the tar? I'm assuming it was pretty stout?

No, actually quite weak. but I didn't run a roller clutch either. Just an old Cat Reverse cam driven. I ran the Cat yellow with helix's around 62-36. You must realize I ran super high RPM and not much torque in a much lighter package than these turbo trail sleds are. The goal is to shift out a drag sled rather quickly and run out of gear well before the finish line and let the RPM carry you. So big differences to what we're dealing with here now.
9-1 is less than 0-1.

Just got a call today from a fellow that had a Winder on the track Dyno. Maybe he'll post. I hope he does, because it confirms what I have found in the field testing a few weeks ago. Its good stuff.

Lighter springs are not doing well to keep a hold on the belt on the big tunes is what I've found.
Nice info,thanks Mike
Just bought and ran a TAPP on my Cat this last weekend, put on 300 miles in the UP (with STM secondary BTW). It's the most incredible clutch ever! I love the Ski-Doo design, it's buttery smooth, almost electric motor like feel. IMHO for anyone who turns it up, this should be required.
Did the articat clutch rattle at lower rpm's and does the tapp rattle at all?
No, I have team for over 2000 miles no rattle! I also run a green spring middle hole on a 46/36 helix ,STM secondary, and the belt does not slip anywhere ,you need more tension on secondary, just saying I know I don’t have a winder but you need mor tension with turbo horse power, it’s sudden,a light spring ,it will pull it right thru and pop goes the belt, run easy and you will have heat, TAPP is the way to go ,I will have one when this one wears out.
9-1 is less than 0-1.

Just got a call today from a fellow that had a Winder on the track Dyno. Maybe he'll post. I hope he does, because it confirms what I have found in the field testing a few weeks ago. Its good stuff.

Lighter springs are not doing well to keep a hold on the belt on the big tunes is what I've found.
Lighter springs with what helix? I agree heavier with a traditional helix say a 37/35 or 39/35 or straight 35. But a steeper straight or maybe even reverse helix you CAN go to much tension in the secondary. Not saying guys shouldn’t go heavier on the tunes but be careful going to far. Helix angles will effect this spring tension in secondary. By no means questioning Knapp’s knowledge. Helix your using with these heavy springs needs to be mentioned.
No changes in primary for the first testing of white. But it certainly may need more weight, we'll see.

let us no how this works out for u , I tried the purple spring on your tight muskoka trails , didn't like it clutching ran to hot , also tried the black / tan , it ran warmer at slower speeds vs much cooler at faster speeds , I'm now back with the black /orange at 80 degrees , so far its the coolest temp vs the other springs , also less back shift , its a really toss up between the black /tan and the black /orange .
