Textron Seeks “Strategic Alternatives” For Arctic Cat Division


Ulmer Racing
Tech Advisor
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
Menno, SD
2014 Yamaha SR Viper LTX, 2014 Yamaha SR Viper RTX SE, 2015 Yamaha SR Viper MTX SE 162 (turbo), 2015 Yamaha SR Viper MTX SE 153
Menno, SD
Maybe we pass the hat and @MrSled can purchase the Arctic Cat division of snowmobiles and we make Yamaha's great again!! Who's in?!
Stick a fork in them they are done. With that said, it will suck if there is only 2 manufacturers. They should have sold to Yamaha before they bailed.
I guess parts are going to get even harder to get in the future. I have to wonder if this changes Yamahas opinion on being involved in the snowmobile industry? This would once again give them a good market share on the most powerful snowmobile in the market with the most reliable power plant.
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Sad news indeed.
NFG. Maybe only Poo or Doo left?
I guess parts are going to get even harder to get in the future. I have to wonder if this changes Yamahas opinion on being involved in the snowmobile industry? This would once again give them a good market share on the most powerful snowmobile in the market with the most reliable power plant.
Well I just bought a new Catalyst Riot 600. Great sled. My hope is that someone buys it whole, but if not it’ll likely be sold in pieces. The replacement parts business will be purchased by someone like Certified Parts Corp did in 1981 when Arctic Enterprises went bankrupt and liquidated. Sadly the only companies that might be interested in the marketshare, brand, patents, trademarks, engine design, etc. is BRP or Polaris. If it’s sold in pieces someone else would buy the factory like CF Moto. Maybe Yamaha will re-think their decision to exit the snowmobile business if they can acquire Cat for pennies on the dollar? I just don’t know.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but markets with a duopoly are never good. Expect even higher prices and less innovation.
Sad day indeed. Time to start stocking up on parts.
Argo anyone? They have a building in Thief River Falls already....
Sad day indeed. Time to start stocking up on parts.
If they can’t sell it as a unit they will break it up into pieces and someone will buy the parts business. That’s what happened in 1981 when Certified Parts Corp did just that when Arctic Enterprises went bankrupt. Think Kimpex, Parts Unlimited, even Certified Parts Corp is still around.

I hope for a positive development, but sadly looks like we’ll be down to a duopoly and that’s never good for pricing or innovation. The Ski-doo fans are probably thrilled with this development, but it’s a sad day and just a nail in the coffin for snowmobiling in general.
Snowmobiling will go on, but I think the whole thing sucks. I was a little taken back but completely understood Yamaha getting out of the sport, now this.
Some of my best memories were on both my ZR & ZL chassis's from 2000. The ZL800 was a missile and the ZL600 was a straight up Caddy.
Not much positivity in that Arctic Cat Dealer Communication Document. So there it is and that really hits hard!
I guess, stay tuned and hope for the best!
Argo anyone? They have a building in Thief River Falls already....
There is a strong point to be made with Argo or CFMoto. But the question remains, what would they be buying? The dealer network was abused before a majority bailed.

I many times watch what Country Cat does in Sauk Center, MN. They are the largest dealer, and distributor of dealer returns to AC. They took on Kawasaki and Golf carts years ago when AC was having troubles before Textron bought them out. It was unheard of.

Would a non- winter company like Kawasaki try to make another go of the sled industry? The market is just so tiny and so competitive. It's not a complimentary good. For Argo, it would make the most sense. It plays into their segment well.
Well I just bought a new Catalyst Riot 600. Great sled. My hope is that someone buys it whole, but if not it’ll likely be sold in pieces. The replacement parts business will be purchased by someone like Certified Parts Corp did in 1981 when Arctic Enterprises went bankrupt and liquidated. Sadly the only companies that might be interested in the marketshare, brand, patents, trademarks, engine design, etc. is BRP or Polaris. If it’s sold in pieces someone else would buy the factory like CF Moto. Maybe Yamaha will re-think their decision to exit the snowmobile business if they can acquire Cat for pennies on the dollar? I just don’t know.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but markets with a duopoly are never good. Expect even higher prices and less innovation.

I don't think CFMoto is going to buy the factory, why would they, they already own multiple that are cheaper to run.
The way I interpret that Dealer letter is Textron/Arctic Cat is completely done producing snowmobiles and power sport products after a short run in early 2025 I'd guess for dirt product. That leaves us only Polaris and Ski-Doo for new sleds, and honestly Polaris is not in a real good position either. Sad state of affairs and end of another era for sure.

Yamaha and Cat both now gone in the same year, I didn't see that coming with the introduction of the new Catalyst at all. Figured they would have weathered the storm.
