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Top Speed AND The Yamaha Apex.... Whats the dreameter sayin?

Who does the primary machineing on these sheeves?? Do they have to do both sheeves or just one??? (on a dry clutch, both probably).

With my rhino, I simply bought a machined sheeve and changed the outer sheeve on the clutch from the stock one to the machined one and sent my stocker back in for a core return. I gained 11mph with my rhino 700 just by installing a machined sheeve....

I grew up riding sleds since i was about 8 yrs old my first ride,then had my own sleds since 12 or so.....

I was always a tinkerer and loved to make things work better,go faster if i could.....I rode with one guy all the time and everytime i saw him,he would be alittle faster!.....thru the yrs i was always asking him why?...he would tell me my sled was getting slower and his just is box stock....lol

and now 30 yrs later its still the same old thing,guys love to think their setups are magical and go as far as removing colors off their clutch springs and grinding off angles so their buddies dont see it.

I can understand this mentality to a point,sure you put alot of time and money into your sled and you want to beat your riding buddy,so you keep some stuff secret. OR if you are in this as a business,someone like Ulmer who does this as a living NEEDS to keep his stuff to himself so he can sell his kits,i get that.

But it always cracks me up when guys say their sled is box stock and runs 128mph on radar(NOT)......or they just want to keep all their clutching to themselves,i just dont get that....Its not like we all ride together,and I would then be beating them.....

and if i did beat them or run faster,then i would be first to give KUDOS to the person who made my clutching faster.

I know in 99% of my posts i try to either help my fellow TYers,or at least give my opinion of why i have found over the yrs...and also i try to post up as much info as i can with anything i feel with fix our issues. there are tons of great guys on this site(IE:"TURK") that are exactly like me,and want to share and help,that is the whole idea of being online in forums IMO...to all share our passion for this sport.

but there will always be guys who post up only once in awhile,and dont share or help or contibute at all....they just brag basically.....Hey i will brag too when i run a good radar speed,but I will also give up what it took to get me to that speed. anyone who rides with me knows i love helping ALL OUR SLEDS be faster and better overal.

anyway,back to the subject at hand.....I am now considering trying my 24 gear back again...LOL,i was going on the feedback of so many for yrs saying the 23 worked best for radaring but now im wondering?

I have had my chaincase apart twice now in past month,so whats a third time...LOL

Well said Dan!!! ;)!
ScottyD said:
well you guys have totally convinced me to change my track to 1", so i have a 1" carve-the predators new name coming and 96 1.175 woody gold diggers. i figure if i'm gonna pull the chaincase apart to swap from 22/38 to 23/38 i might as well spend a bit more time and change the track.
all this for more speed-lol

scotty you should have told me,my local dealer gets me brand new predators for $329,I posted this awhile back its too bad you didnt see it....lots of canadians come down and buy em down here.

if you havent ordered one yet ,let me know.

machzrobbie said:
Dan I hope that was not directed at me - and at no point have I seen you post your modified proline kit details, and I haven't seen any of your friends sleds as fast as yours because you have given them your set up. I know back in the Mach Z days you were pretty tight lipped about your set ups - bikeman pipe mod and what clutching you had the first time we met up. You like being faster then others and like to keep it that way too.

I have shared my expeirence with what I found with gearing - as far as clutching goes - I like to win races and anyone can buy a kit off the shelf - ther's few that can put it all together - and fewer who know how to clutch - sometimes we learn just by fluke by trying something. You don't see any of the performance guys posting their clutching - you buy if it you want it. I've bought and tested with Ernie, in the summer on the asphalt we would make change after change after change - on the ice we pull the sleds apart and test and test - that's how we get fast. Anyone can do it - its all about learning.

I think everyone knows exactly what im running for clutching(PROLINE)....i have also "spent tons of money" on clutch parts and always came back to the proline kit. I just havent posted PL kit in open forums cause i agree that would be wrong to John...its not like im using parts i know the angles or numbers of....all i know is they are DPYR weights since that is the only obvious part of kit. the rest is just colors or say PL on them.

there is a big difference between KITS and you guys doing your own clutching ,mainly the fact with kits we have no idea what is in them for the most part....if i was doing my own clutching and had a good setup i would be the first to tell everyone,it would be great to get the credit for it!....i dont get the whole secrecy thing,i think it makes people look childish actually,and why even come on a forums site if you arent gonna share info?

some people share and some dont....not a big deal really,its just what these forums are about IMO.

shanksyamaha said:
Who does the primary machineing on these sheeves?? Do they have to do both sheeves or just one??? (on a dry clutch, both probably).

With my rhino, I simply bought a machined sheeve and changed the outer sheeve on the clutch from the stock one to the machined one and sent my stocker back in for a core return. I gained 11mph with my rhino 700 just by installing a machined sheeve....

i took 30 thou of each side down at the bottom so belt now rides to top.....be sure to shim your secondary too match.

I dont think this is needed if you run a 24 gear at all tho....

ScottyD said:
well you guys have totally convinced me to change my track to 1", so i have a 1" carve-the predators new name coming and 96 1.175 woody gold diggers. i figure if i'm gonna pull the chaincase apart to swap from 22/38 to 23/38 i might as well spend a bit more time and change the track.
all this for more speed-lol

scotty you should have told me,my local dealer gets me brand new predators for $329,I posted this awhile back its too bad you didnt see it....lots of canadians come down and buy em down here.

if you havent ordered one yet ,let me know.


i got it here for $500 taxes in, but thanks for the offer, i get Don George Sports flyers all the time, bought my sled there
ScottyD..........That is a wild avatar you have today...But i did like the one yesterday also...I look forward to seeing them each day as they seem to change alot BUT always are GOOD ;)! LaLaLa
137 speedo on my 06 rtx (=120 on radar) that was perfect ice. that was first year i had it and did it a few times, i hit 118-119 all day. i have tried all the cheap tricks and found little gains from stock. since then i havent found perfect conditions.
tricks tried are: 1" hacksaw, spark plugs, bigger diameter wheels, 23 top gear, taken out filter in airbox...
here's a vid on a 119 run.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgFsOihAfc

i think this is one of my 120 runs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4lJywnD ... re=related
Mine is slower - I use the 22/38 gearing with Ulmer's air box and love it...I saw 114mph twice two days ago and 113mph once on GPS...

Conditions were 0 degree Celsius(32F) and mushy with a bit of hard pack(enough to get me to 114) but you could feel it would of pulled much better with 23 gearing(I was at the end of my gears I believe - as I had put magic marker on my clutches and it got all eaten up!

I was reving between 10,600 & 10,800rpm's

With more snow around the corner - I believe this is one of the quickest set-ups unless you run ice - for me this is about 5% of my running - so since trails are like a bunch of short drags - I love the shotgun effect of the 22 gear..

If I get around to it - maybe I'll machine the clutches for more top end..

After installing the Ulmer box - I went through 5 springs(3 secondary - then two primary), a bunch more weight on stock ramps - but gained 12mph! 102->114mph!! I'm impressed anyways!

Now I will try the super tips - to see if I can beat the above!!
I agree....you can find a used kit or you can build your own kit with guys like TURK who can walk you thru it.

I built my own with all dalton components based on the killer PROLINE kit.

I think many guys were simply adding a white secondary spring(from the attacks) along with a 23 gear to work better then stock apex setups. You could do this if you are holding off on clutch kit.


OK so tell us what is your very own set up so we can all try it.
stone88 said:
I agree....you can find a used kit or you can build your own kit with guys like TURK who can walk you thru it.

I built my own with all dalton components based on the killer PROLINE kit.

I think many guys were simply adding a white secondary spring(from the attacks) along with a 23 gear to work better then stock apex setups. You could do this if you are holding off on clutch kit.


OK so tell us what is your very own set up so we can all try it.

I have given out my setup many times for people who need help. anyone who knows me just asks and i tell them.

have you ever done that??.....you guys crack me up...LOLOL

so is the mono skid that much faster than the ck skid, cause i see all the mph's stated with 22/38 gearing and i'm no where close, my sled has the ck skid and the stock 1 1/4 trackin it. i have all ulmers stuff-clutching, air box, pc111 and ignition and the anchor comes out at 118mph on the speedo, doesnt matter if its on hardpack or ice, its quick to get there then it seems to run out of gear to me
