Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

MNfarmdude said:
OK, for us dummies...what to do with the 07's?

Nothing, if your grips are anything like the 06' Updated ones you are already wired in parallel and cannot get anymore out of the grips. It's a factor of resistance.
I am going to put my 06's back on tomorrow. I will advise if I get any codes or if the clock chagnes.
Here's what I'm thinking about doing on my 06 Apex ER concerning warmer handgrips. Take into consideration that I don't have the 07 bars or harness and the way it looks at this time I probably couldn't find one or the other to purchase.

1) Find the 2 connections that go the grips and disconnect them.
2) Cut the connectors off the wires.
3) Block or cap the two Black/Red wires that are in the main harness.
4) Reconnect the Black wire in the harness to one of the Black wires that goes to each grip. One on the left and right handwarmer.
5) Reconnect the Yellow/Red wire in the harness to one of the Black wires that goes to each grip. One on the left and right handwarmer.
6) Connect these wires with solder and shrink wrap the connections.

Anybody see anything wrong with this train of thought?
How can you tell on the handwarmer which black wire is the positive and which is negative? Or does it matter?
Does the yellow/red wire from the harness get connected to the positive or negative wire on the grip? Or does it matter?
Does the Black wire from the harness get connected to the positive or negative wire on the grip? Or does it matter?

I hope I'm not way off base here.
Shivesy said:
Here's what I'm thinking about doing on my 06 Apex ER concerning warmer handgrips. Take into consideration that I don't have the 07 bars or harness and the way it looks at this time I probably couldn't find one or the other to purchase.

1) Find the 2 connections that go the grips and disconnect them.
2) Cut the connectors off the wires.
3) Block or cap the two Black/Red wires that are in the main harness.
4) Reconnect the Black wire in the harness to one of the Black wires that goes to each grip. One on the left and right handwarmer.
5) Reconnect the Yellow/Red wire in the harness to one of the Black wires that goes to each grip. One on the left and right handwarmer.
6) Connect these wires with solder and shrink wrap the connections.

Anybody see anything wrong with this train of thought?
How can you tell on the handwarmer which black wire is the positive and which is negative? Or does it matter?
Does the yellow/red wire from the harness get connected to the positive or negative wire on the grip? Or does it matter?
Does the Black wire from the harness get connected to the positive or negative wire on the grip? Or does it matter?

I hope I'm not way off base here.

GUYS..as ive said at least 5 times here...look at the harness diagram..its right there infront of you...why is this so hard?..LOL..wire it like the diagram.....it works.

one wire is HOT and one wire is ground..remainders dont get used...

when you see two wires going to grips with both same BLACK ...use the same wire on each,...before you cut plug ends off from grips,be sure you use the same ones on each as postive..or negative...so position the plug ends the same way and mark the same side with positive and same side with negative in relation to the plug end..then you will have postive going to both same sides on grips...

just hook the one with yellow to one side of grip(same side of each grip)..and hook other side of grip to ground...leave the red striped wire with nothing..just like 07 harness...just look at picture!


Shivesy said:
Here's what I'm thinking about doing on my 06 Apex ER concerning warmer handgrips. Take into consideration that I don't have the 07 bars or harness and the way it looks at this time I probably couldn't find one or the other to purchase.

Ping bgbytoys...he may have a set to sell you.
I have the 07 upgrade. They definately get hot. It does take about 20 minutes of steady riding...but they work well.

If you want really watm hands, install some gaunlets and you can wear motorcycle gloves. I did this in -20 degrees F and my hands were burning up!!!!
stoutner said:
I have the 07 upgrade. They definately get hot. It does take about 20 minutes of steady riding...but they work well.

I agree.

Keep the RPM's up (7000) and the bars get pretty much as hot as my wife's vector. Had the thumbwarmer on low initially...turned it up after the bars got hot.

No foam. No gauntlets. Shorty windshield.
If anybody has any info on adding a resistor to this setup, either pm me, or post it, I'm ready to try it!
I'm on it this weekend. Can't wait for warm hands and I couldn't find the upgrade any where. Dan, had any problems with error codes yet and did the clock reset work for you?
