Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

Hey guys I talked to my dealer and he is telling me this harness that we keep talking about is close to $400 bucks, is this the right one? :dunno:

I called Yamaha cust. service and they are telling me to give them a price to fix the warmers....but I don't think they will spend this much. any ideas on price.
sawsaleman...I go to canada every year, except this one so far and we ride in quebec. we leave from st. raymond and ride to la toque loop around and come back to st. raymond through the east route.. great riding. have you heard of any conditions up there this year.
Hey guys I talked to my dealer and he is telling me this harness that we keep talking about is close to $400 bucks, is this the right one? :dunno:

I called Yamaha cust. service and they are telling me to give them a price to fix the warmers....but I don't think they will spend this much. any ideas on price.

LOL,you are probably pricing the entire harness for sled...

the harness you need is two little wires and plug ends...its in the posted pics a few pages back..probably worth about 50 cents tops...LOL.

you will not find any part number for this harness..your best bet if you cannot make your own is to buy a set of update bars for 30 bucks and use the harness...or make your own!..its simple!..

glad you hear more are trying it and seeing how well it works...the rewiring must throw clock off when doing it..but a simple reset of clock makes it fine again.

My buddy put the 06 bars on his polaris indy and they almost burn his hands they get so hot.

I plugged in my 06 bars in my 97 sled, no clock change, or anything else. Will post to see if they will be as hot as they should be.

My dealer thought I was crazy for wanting 06 bars, then when I told him that apparently the 06 bars in an 07 harness is the secret, he says, " oh yeah I know" dumbass he is !!!
There's not much to the harness. I have the '07 bars and harness for my '06, but I'm waiting until I find our how to make it work with a resistor, mainly so the switch and powerleves work as if it were factory, and no one can tell it has been modified other than the heat.
I'll drag out the bars and post a picture of the harness tomorrow, if I can.
I only paid $29.00 for the bars and the harness - $400 for the harness alone!??? Bring your Vaseline!!
machzed said:
you will not find any part number for this harness..your best bet if you cannot make your own is to buy a set of update bars for 30 bucks and use the harness...or make your own!..its simple!..

As per the diagram, isn't the p/n for the "Wire Sub-Lead" 8FP-B2318-10?
My 07 bars are "on order" :drink:

nate007 said:
I'll drag out the bars and post a picture of the harness tomorrow, if I can.

Much appreciated, easier to build when you have a sample...now does anyone have a service manual that shows the electrical connector's part numbers? (mine is "in the mail")

jimmie d said:
Can the stator get damaged at all with this mod?
That is my big concern as well...how much will a load like this shorten the lifespan of the charging system?
machzed said:
for those who think the O7 bars get warm..IM sure it was mild and OR you have good circulation..LOL...if you felt this setup you would be shocked..no guantlets needed ever...just like the old srxs..HOT!

I totally agree with you guys that all the 06 sleds I tried last year (some for several hours) had very cold handlebars.

From everything I read here I was expecting my 07 to be bitterly cold also. Today was a warm day, but so far these don't seem bad at all - much warmer than I remember the 06's being in similar temperatures (-6°C).

I first took my wife's 1998 Venture 700 for a couple hour test ride. I had to turn the bars down to the coldest setting and that was still a little too hot and my hands were getting wet.

I then took the 07 RTX out for its maiden voyage and after 10 minutes my hands were freezing. I checked the setting and both hand and thumb warmers were off :o| . I cranked them up to 5 and within 10 minutes my hands were uncomfortably hot. I kept cranking the heat down and after another 1/2 hour of riding had the bars set at 1 bar and the throttle set at 2 bars. That's where they stayed. If anything, my hands were still a little too hot at only 1 bar.

Hopefully at -20°C they'll still be able to keep my hands warm (I have a pair of gauntlets in the trunk if needed for those -35° days).

To my surprise, I would even say that today the RTX's hand warmers seemed comparable to those on the Venture (which has always had insanely hot grips) and warmer than I remember the bars on my 05 RX-1 being. Overall the RTX seemed just as warm as the Venture.

Some things I did that I'm sure is helping my 07 out - I installed a large windshield (the one big enough it requires reinforcement bars to handle the wind load) and I installed the accessory handlebar pad (old style setup with lots of insulation on the handlebars). I removed the hand guards (didn't figure they were needed with the monster windshield).

I'll have to wait for a cold day for a real test...
06 handlebar upgrade

Is anyone selling the upgrade wiring harness yet, to use on the 06 bars I was told the new bars arent' coming untill mid feb. and these warmers don't work can somone tell me where to get the plugs to make my own 07 harness.
Re: 06 handlebar upgrade

srxgreg said:
Is anyone selling the upgrade wiring harness yet, to use on the 06 bars I was told the new bars arent' coming untill mid feb. and these warmers don't work can somone tell me where to get the plugs to make my own 07 harness.

That is what I'm trying to do, with limited success...anyone with a service manual and some time to help out?
Re: 06 handlebar upgrade

Taz107 said:
srxgreg said:
Is anyone selling the upgrade wiring harness yet, to use on the 06 bars I was told the new bars arent' coming untill mid feb. and these warmers don't work can somone tell me where to get the plugs to make my own 07 harness.

That is what I'm trying to do, with limited success...anyone with a service manual and some time to help out?

just splice em together...simple.

I don't know what is wrong with everybodys updated bars because mine work awesome. I just got back from a ride and its cold and very windy and my grips got HOT and I rode all night with them set at only half power.
:o|.....!!!...attached diagram is Parallel...(Stock 2006 Is Wired In Series)

Pictures is worth 1000 words......or 10+ forum pages !!!

Stock 2006 Series Wiring

Both Grips (12 Volts @ 4.4 Ohms = 2.7 Amps & 32.7 Watts)

Stock 2006 Modified to Parallel Wiring

Left Grip (12 Volts @ 2.2 Ohms = 5.5 Amps & 65.5 Watts)
Right Grip (12 Volts @ 2.2 Ohms = 5.5 Amps & 65.5 Watts)
Combined System Draw (12 Volts @ 11 Amps & 130 Watts)

Add a 0.8-Ohm / 20-Watt resistor to each leg:
Left Grip (12 Volts @ 3 Ohms = 4 Amps & 48 Watts)
Right Grip (12 Volts @ 3 Ohms = 4 Amps & 48 Watts)
Combined System Draw (12 Volts @ 8 Amps & 96 Watts)


  • Wireing Grips.jpg
    Wireing Grips.jpg
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A million thanks for this wonderful information.

I just completed my hook up without the new sub lead. If you take your time you can back out the individual crimp connectors from the plastic harness. From there I spread open one connector (+) from the grip and layed the other grip lead (+) right on top. A little squeeze to hold them put and a small amount of solder to lock them in. Insert these two into there corresponding power crimp connector (+) and finish with some additional solder. Repeat for the other (-) side.This way no cutting and the ability to return to stock with out to much effort.

I'll be trail testing in Quebec 2/7 thru 2/13 in what looks to be below average temperatures! :rocks:
