Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

Saw- you must be riding in northern NH as there is no snow elsewhere. How do you deal with the so many sleds in one small place? Stay warm.

I only have 17 miles on the sled so far. I won't ride in Pittsburg. Can't stand all the traffice up there. I'm going to Quebec next week and will try to get about 1000 miles on or so. The cold hands have only been around the trail I made at my house. Pretty boring but I haven't had the time to get to Quebec yet. I will probably start in Thetford Mines and go north from there. 8 of us are going and we are winging it as to where we are going. Probably make a long loop and use the Balmoral as a place to leave the trucks for a few days. Hope you get some riding in soon. Are we finally going to get some snow on Friday? I'm in Pennsylvania on business and they have more snow than we do at home in NH.
Looking for a picture of the harness that comes with the 07 bars, as I need to build one...thanks...

Is the harness in the 07 bars (p/n 8FP-B2318-10) available separately or do you have to get the kit?

If not available separately, does anyone know the p/n for the 4 plastic connectors (2 male and 2 female) and the 6(male and female, 2 of one, 4 of the other) wire connectors? Looked online, don't see the electrical connectors diagram anywhere...


The wiring diagram is in this thread a few pages back. Not sure about the connectors because I haven't looked at my machine yet but you can see how Yamaha made the harness by looking a few pages back.
I called the general manager at my local Yamaha dealership to ask if my '07 bars and harness had come in yet. He said he had just received a letter from Yamaha stating that due to unusually high demand for the '07 bars and harness, they are no longer available. Here we have one of the biggest motor corporations on earth and they can't forecast demand? C'mon, it's the heart of winter with extreme cold temeratures. Riders don't want cold hands especially after forking out close to $11,000. We shouldn't have to be dealing with these niggling problems, That's what R&D is for. It's not rocket science.
This on top of purchasing an '06 Yamaha FZ-1, same motor as in my Apex, same FI, but the FZ-1 EFI is flawed with an annoying and potentially dangerous hesitation above 3500 RPM when going from trailing throttle to open. And it's not fixed on the '07 model. EFI is not new technology Yamaha. Both my car and truck have it and it is as smooth as glass. I've been Yamaha blue since my first sled back in 1976 but get real. Crappy hand warmers when you have been the gold standard and poorly mapped EFI bikes in 2006? Yamaha you can do better than this.
Yamaha, I hope you are reading this because you can put me down as a very unhappy and dissatisfied multi time customer. Next time I'll think twice before I fork over my hard earned bucks.
sawsalesman said:

The wiring diagram is in this thread a few pages back. Not sure about the connectors because I haven't looked at my machine yet but you can see how Yamaha made the harness by looking a few pages back.

Thanks, I printed the picture but would like to see an actual picture to get a better idea of length's and sizes of wires etc....and the p/n's to order the connectors....if someone could even measure the wires, that would be great too...

Rather than splice and solder wires that are on the sled, I would like to build the actual harness required, seeing I still don't have my 07 bars (not that I want them)....this way I can remove it down the road when Yamaha comes out with its 08 fix.... :drink: ...or maybe not... :drink:

OK, one more time..I have an 07, and will be installing 06 bars. All I have to do is plug them, right? No need to re-do the harness? This is what I understood, but want to make sure.
OK, one more time..I have an 07, and will be installing 06 bars. All I have to do is plug them, right? No need to re-do the harness? This is what I understood, but want to make sure.

YES! If I understand this correctly, the '07 harness wires the grips in parallel verses in series. Wiring them in parallel sends more wattage to the grips making them hotter.
Cool, can't wati to get my paws on those chubby 06 grips !!! I hated the 07 grips . Thanks Nice Rumble.
I reinstalled my 06 bars on my RTX with the updated harness. No codes or changes in time. The grips were getting hot at idle on medium. Let’s hope this works without future ramifications……….. I kept my 5 inch Rox riser (purchased for the Nitro update bars I installed) with the 06 bars and they seem to be at perfect height. Thanks for the infor Machzd and I will keep everybody posted on how mine work.
JTD0314 said:
I reinstalled my 06 bars on my RTX with the updated harness. No codes or changes in time. The grips were getting hot at idle on medium. Let’s hope this works without future ramifications……….. I kept my 5 inch Rox riser (purchased for the Nitro update bars I installed) with the 06 bars and they seem to be at perfect height. Thanks for the infor Machzd and I will keep everybody posted on how mine work.

Hey there...

Im glad you tried it...and I really hope all you others just do this,and stop worrying so much....it works,they get super hot YES,turn them down YES!..keep them on lowest bar most the time and they are awesome...

No issues so far...my clock must have been upset from me changing things around 50 times with wires...the very worst that can happen IMO is you melt the glue under grip and they could twist abit...so just watch the heat guys...

-07 guys,simply add 06 bars and plug em in!...done!..
-06 guys,simply put 06 bars back on and plug into 07 harness!
-06 guys without harness,make a harness same as all the pics posted!

for those who think the O7 bars get warm..IM sure it was mild and OR you have good circulation..LOL...if you felt this setup you would be shocked..no guantlets needed ever...just like the old srxs..HOT!

Im glad this is working for everyone and I hope you all leave feedback as more and more do this simple swap...just watch the heat guys!...

ALSo,IF ANyone comes up with a resistor to make them alittle COOLER(LOL) please post your setup...I personnaly dont mind turning them down..since its so easy to do on the fly with the left switch.

finally..after 1.5 season..hot hands!...and yamaha didnt even do it!

mrance111 said:
Got Apex RTX? said:
O.K., I've been doing some thinking on this one and here is what I've come up with.
The 06' grips are ~2.2 Ohms each and wires in series. This means that there is 4.4 Ohms resistance in the circuit. The "new" ones are ~6.8 Ohms per grip. Assuming 12.0 volts D.C. heres the math.

06' (Stock)
Watts= Volts ^2 / Resistance, = 12.0^2 / 4.4 Ohms = 32.7 Watts Total.
Amperage= Watts / Volts, = 32.7W / 12.0 V = 2.73 Amps.

06' (Stock in Parallel)
R(parrallel)= (R1XR2)/(R1+R2), = (2.2X2.2)/(2.2+2.2),= 4.84/4.4= 1.10 Ohms.
Watts= Volts^2 / Resistance, = 12.0^2 / 1.10 Ohms = 130.9 Watts Total.
Amperage= Watts / Volts, = 130.9 W / 12.0 V = 10.9 Amps.

07' (Stock Parallel)
R=(R1XR2)/(R1+R2), = (6.8X6.8)/(6.8+6.8),= 46.24/13.6=3.4 Ohms.
Watts= Volts^2 / Resistance, = 12.0^2 / 3.4 Ohms = 42.35 Watts.
Amperage= Watts / Volts, = 42.35 W / 12.0 V = 3.53 Amps.

So as you can see if you wire your 06' bars in parallel (and set them at max heat) you will be drawing over 10.0 Amps which I believe is what the fuse is rated for. Also you will have over 3 times the wattage to the grips. They will get soft and melt the glue that holds them on. So I would not recomend this practice. Now one thing you could do is add resistors to the circuit to increase the resistance to something close to the "new grips" this will increase you wattage from ~32.0 Watts to ~44.0 Watts. Definently will help however the fact that the element is much smaller and does not include the end will not make them equal in warmth to the "new" ones.

I plan on trying the added resistor method. My sled and a friend of mines Viper. He bought the grips and ends before the heat issue was known. :o| Because of my custom hand gaurd mounts I want to try and keep these bars at least until I bend them. I will let you know how it works out.

Hope this helps

I might try adding a ceramic 2ohm 100watt resistor.

Ok so I think this math is wrong and it’s not as bad as everyone thinks it might be. Just to make sure I’m getting this right the 06 grips came wired in Parallel from the factory, the 06 replacement bars came with a jumper that makes them series. You want to put the jumper from the replacement bars on the original bars to make them series. So if all of that is true then:

According to Hot Grips (http://www.hotgrips.com/trouble.html) the warmers are 2.4ohms each. The sleds puts out about 12volts give or take the engine speed. So here is what we get.


Resistors: R total = Resistance / Number of Resistors ( RT=R/N )
2.4ohms / 2 = 1.2ohms
Current: Amps = Voltage / Resistance ( A=V/R )
12v / 1.2ohms = 10Amps
Watts = Voltage squared / Resistance ( W=V^2/R )
12^2v / 1.2ohms = 120 watts


Resistors: RT = R1 + R2
2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8ohms
Current: A=V/R
12v / 4.8ohms = 2.5A
Watts = V^2/R
12^2 / 4.8ohms = 30 watts

So it seems to me that we are going from a higher to a lower power consumption, which would mean that there wouldn’t be any problems running the grips this way, except the extra heat created by the combined resistance of the grips. I’m going to bring home my DMM this weekend and will do some real world testing to check to see if I'm close to the math.
I just put the 06 bars back on my GT and RTX and they really do work. Within 5 minutes of idling both sleds were very hot. Have to set them below half. Thanks for the help.
