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Why are the idler wheels smaller on 2020+?


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2011
Middleville, MI
2017 Sidewinder LTX SE
2012 Apex XTX
2012 RS Vector LTX
Middleville, MI
Just picked up a new 2025 LTX LE EPS last Friday. While I was working on my 17 LTX SE, I was comparing the idler wheels. I found that the small idler wheels on the 2025 are only 5.5" while the 2017 are 5.63". Does anyone know why they would have gone to smaller idler wheels on the 2020+? I realize that the rails are different but are the mounts mounted lower than the 17-19 (kind of like what they did with the Mono II skid for the Apex)?
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check same for Arttic Cat on their sleds to see if its their little trick to make sure they run better than the winders.. Or is to sell more Hy-Fax or is to slow top speed, IDK but seems like not normal to me.. Good investigation….
check same for Arttic Cat on their sleds to see if its their little trick to make sure they run better than the winders.. Or is to sell more Hy-Fax or is to slow top speed, IDK but seems like not normal to me.. Good investigation….
The newer Arctic Cats use the same 5.5" wheels.
This is the 5.5" wheel.

This is the 5.63" wheel that was used through 2018 for the Procross chassis.
