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YAMAHEATER Nice Warm Hands for 03 - Current Yamaha 4 Strokes

Hi Guys!

Was out sledding myself today, so took a bit to get back with you!
May need to add a switch in series with the Red power lead to the booster.
Would suggest mounting it under the hood.
The switch will then shut-off the booster entirely.

The Booster will add heat to every setting, including off.

Rock : )

Did some testing on this over the weekend, when in off mode(zero bars) & toggle off, output was off.
Should all work this way, and some sound like they are not... Hmmmm

why does red light not turn off when you turn the yamaheater off. I do understand the boost will still be on. Does the power backfeed from the boost?
If you have a toggle switch on your YamaHeater & it is set to off, the output to the grips should be off & the LED should be off (not Red) when set to zero bars.

If this is not the case, PM me your phone number, want to explore this further & see exactly what we have.

Rock :-o
Rock, I have NOT had an opportunity to install a toggle switch as per your instructions. However, I did notice with one bar showing my hands stay comfortable (not too hot) in warm weather. Once bumped up to five bars on a 38*day (Yes, it did get that warm in CNY) and then returned to off position or one bar the output remained as if it was still on five. Shut the sled off for several minutes, then continued riding - no change, still hot! Want to talk about hot hands! Had to grab some snow too cool off my hands as well as the grips:) Anyhow, great product and the booster works well, however need to find a cure to control the settings they simply get too hot at times! I
Rock, I have NOT had an opportunity to install a toggle switch as per your instructions. However, I did notice with one bar showing my hands stay comfortable (not too hot) in warm weather. Once bumped up to five bars on a 38*day (Yes, it did get that warm in CNY) and then returned to off position or one bar the output remained as if it was still on five. Shut the sled off for several minutes, then continued riding - no change, still hot! Want to talk about hot hands! Had to grab some snow too cool off my hands as well as the grips:) Anyhow, great product and the booster works well, however need to find a cure to control the settings they simply get too hot at times! I

Thanks for the info! :Rockon:

I believe what is happening is that you get the bars hot, then even when you turn it down, even a small amount of heat will keep them hot.

Rock :-o
I rode yesterday with the booster installed. It was about 35 deg.F I had the bars set low almost off. The bars were comfortable.
I would assume with the bars set low like this the stator isn't working hard at all?
I just have the yamaheater, do I need the booster too?? I haven't had a chance to install it yet so I can't say how it works but my stock 06 bars DO NOT warm up at all, sometims I get a little bit of warmth for a minute or two but after that , its all over, no more heat.. can't wait to get the yamaheater installed...
You will be so happy you got the Yamaheater. Think of this scenario...you actually have to turn them down! ;)!

The booster is just that, if you are not satisfied with the improved temps on the grips, then look into getting the booster.
CaptCaper said:
I rode yesterday with the booster installed. It was about 35 deg.F I had the bars set low almost off. The bars were comfortable.
I would assume with the bars set low like this the stator isn't working hard at all?

Hey Capt!

You are correct, the stator still has all it's regular loads yet very little load from the Grips.

Rock :-o
Hey Rock things seem to be working now. Not sure what happen but I untaped my wires and found the switch wire and cut it and tested it with a ohm meter and there was nothing wrong with it. So I heat shrunk the wires back together and now the switch is working again. Not sure why it stopped in the first place.
Rockmeister said:
Rock, I have NOT had an opportunity to install a toggle switch as per your instructions. However, I did notice with one bar showing my hands stay comfortable (not too hot) in warm weather. Once bumped up to five bars on a 38*day (Yes, it did get that warm in CNY) and then returned to off position or one bar the output remained as if it was still on five. Shut the sled off for several minutes, then continued riding - no change, still hot! Want to talk about hot hands! Had to grab some snow too cool off my hands as well as the grips:) Anyhow, great product and the booster works well, however need to find a cure to control the settings they simply get too hot at times! I

Thanks for the info! :Rockon:

I believe what is happening is that you get the bars hot, then even when you turn it down, even a small amount of heat will keep them hot.

Rock :-o

Rock - These things do no shut off once I bump up the bars and then to off position. They remain on HIGH setting despite being shutoff. My hands are not HOT DOGS and don't need to be cooking on 40* days:) Seroiusly, these things do not reset even when I shut the sled off. I do not want to needlessly draw power from my stator and the heat generated is way more the residual heat already build into the bars. Need your help to control it, why doesn't it reset?
Maybe you should open a Hotdog stand? lol

Sent ya my cell number, give me a call, want to find out exactly what is going on & we will get you taken care of. ;)!

Rock :-o
I rode today with the Yamaheater and booster installed. It was 47deg.F around noon. I had Yamaheater switch off and bar's set to none on both thumb and grips. It was very confortable and couldn't feel any heat threw the gloves. Rode earlier in morn with temps around 20deg.F bars about 1/4 Yamaheater on and I was comfortable.

I have the Yamaheater without the booster on my sled. Its the plug and play version. My question is, when I turn the yamaheater on, the red LED light goes out and the grips get hot. Curious as to why the red LED goes out. The green LED goes on when I shut off the Yamaheater. Other than that, I really appreciate the Yamaheater! Best mod ever IMO.
