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2010 New York , 7th annual TY ride

Sounds like a plan. If i go into work early and skip my lunch i can be out by 1 or 2 depending on when i go in and i could leave right from work on my sled and be up to the hill pretty quickly. Can get lot places fast riding alone. :yam:


By a consenses here are the plans for the first 2010 TY NY ride. It will be planned for the Tug Hill, and surrounding area. It will be held from Wed. Jan.13th through Sunday Jan. 17th. If on January 9th, it looks like there will be good snow cover down in the southern tier, we will move the ride down to the Marathon area. If held in the Tug Hill area we will be staying at the Edge Hotel on Rt 12 in Lyons Falls, a very nice place. Their web site is www.theedgehotel.com tele# 1-866-348-4211. Rooms with two beds are $89+tax. This also includes breakfast. If we decide to move the ride to Marathon in the Southern Tier, you can cancel with more then 48 hrs at the Edge Hotel and get a full refund of your money. If we do go at the last minute to the Marathon area we will be staying at The Three bears Inn. Since alot of people may be driving up Wed. morning, we will start the Wed. ride at 10AM. All other days we will try to start at 9 AM, NOT 9:10 AM. If snow allows we will try to ride in a different direction every day. I will be leaving after the Sat. ride because I have to work on Sunday, put for those who want, feel free to stay and ride on Sunday. You can pratice your Snocross techniques on the Mougals on Tug Hill. Lets get some new faces this year. Come and ride all or any of the days you can make it. If you can only ride 1 day, that is fine. Check back on this post often for any updates. You can PM me with any questions. Wifes are welcome, if they are able to ride at a decent clip. No Cats, Doos, or Poohs wanted!!! Please make your reservations early as the Edge Hotel is a popular spot. They also have rooms with hot Tubs if you want to shell out the extra cash. Lets have a great first 2010 ride. Go to the new post I started for all new information about this ride from now on.

:yam: :yam: :yam: :4STroke: Thanks, Gordon
