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2019 release

7000 series is only offered for trail sleds so meaning the Viper is coming to a end possibly

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Arctic Cat has only offered the 7000 in trail, touring and work sleds since 2017. Yamaha has continued it in the XTX line, but moved all MTX to the Sidewinder.

I don’t think the Viper is ending if Cat introduced a facelifted 7000, but we’ll see who’s right in a few days.
Noticed this little tidbit on the arcticinsider website...

“New ECM calibration on 6, 7 and 8000 Series engines delivers what Cat is calling “enhanced performance” (and what I’ll call “cleaner feeling”).”

So if the new Viper has the same ECU as the older ones will we be able to update to this “enhanced performance” calibration? Hmm

Gee maybe they will actually market the one Viper I rode during the pre 2014 demo rides. I have mentioned this before when Yamaha was doing their traveling demo tour I took 3 or 4 of them for a spin. Only one out of the group went really well. The other ones felt just like what has been on the market. It was very noticeable feeling, a lot more grunt and pull when you hit the hammer, even sounded more throaty.

If that's the case maybe there isn't an Apex replacement.
Did anyone else notice the Thundercat gets a 1" track for more top end?
I gaurantee the new SRX will be a 137" SW with a 1" track and iACT suspension.
The iAct may require new ECU so wandering if cat is using own ecu in thunder cat or if the Mitsubishi ecu was updated to accommodate the feature as well.
In one of the Alpha One launch videos they state, "Years in development, and ONLY for Arctic Cat."

So I guess we won't be seeing it on team blue.

I'm hoping that means Yamaha has something exclusive too, maybe they each get an "exclusive" for one year.
Decent difference in HP though, The 570 is 65ish twin carb and the 540 is around a 50hp single carb. If they both want to keep a very cheap EPA motor around I could see it. Yamaha has a big selection of air cooled 4 stroke twins they could turn into a fancooled sled motor!

Well Cat did not put a fan cooled or a mid hp 4 stroke in the pro-cross for 2019. So fingers crossed that Yam will. 8 more days to go.
Once again, zero options to snow-check a Cat. At least Doo & Pol let you pick some options, colors when you spring snow-check. For me a windshield below the handlebars will be replaced, shouldn't cost me extra when I SC. Same with a track option, why not let you pick the lug height or an Ice Attack/Ripper. Dumb. Hope Yamaha's marketing people do a better job.
Well Cat did not put a fan cooled or a mid hp 4 stroke in the pro-cross for 2019. So fingers crossed that Yam will. 8 more days to go.

I've seen quite a few Ace 900's on the trail this year, Skidoo is the ONLY one in that market since the Phazer is 10+ years old now. Still hoping the 847 twin shows up to cover the 80-90hp class. Still seeing a few guys on other sites claiming a 847 turbo with 150ish HP is coming.
Well Cat did not put a fan cooled or a mid hp 4 stroke in the pro-cross for 2019. So fingers crossed that Yam will. 8 more days to go.

Cat has the Alpha One as an exclusive so it’s possible there will be an exclusive “Phazer” or something like that. Maybe there’s a new Yamaha built Phazer coming... who knows? I will say they did spend quite a bit of time reminiscing the Phazer on their Facebook pages lately.

I think you can look at the Cat line and pretty much figure out what changes are coming to the Sidewinder and SRViper. New Viper plastic, control updates, electronically adjustable hand warmers, tri-hub gone, etc.

It’ll be interesting to see if iACT is AC only or if it was co-developed with Yamaha. Of course if it’s on a Yamaha it won’t be called iACT. It’ll probably be Yamaride or something like that. The whole iACT system seems like something Yamaha would do (and has done something like it in the past) so they may have co-developed this system.
Once again, zero options to snow-check a Cat. At least Doo & Pol let you pick some options, colors when you spring snow-check. For me a windshield below the handlebars will be replaced, shouldn't cost me extra when I SC. Same with a track option, why not let you pick the lug height or an Ice Attack/Ripper. Dumb. Hope Yamaha's marketing people do a better job.
I never understood this, especially windshields. Why not send the dealer a stockpile of 2 or 3 different windshields and let the consumer pick one at the time of purchase. I'd also gladly check a box for a 100-200$ "upgrade fee" to choose a different track during spring order.
Ding ding ding... we have a winner. The new SRX is likely a blue Thundercat. Still it’s going to be hella-fast and the lowered chassis should work well for many Apex riders who want a fast trail sled.

Sidewinder is crazy fast as it is, and the procross front end corners extremely flat as it is. Lowering a Sidewinder and calling it an SRX would just be big letdown for both consumers and dealers in my opinion. They already have top status with the sidewinder. Dad is set to get my sidewinder and I plan to order the new sled to R&D product for next season, so I sure hope they offer something new. If not I guess I will just have to build myself another mono shock Nytro or make a Viper run properly with Nytro electronics.
I am a little concerned about this single rail track/suspension hitting the groomed trails, in Grand Marais area there we several snow-bikes ridding and rutting the groomed trails.
I am a little concerned about this single rail track/suspension hitting the groomed trails, in Grand Marais area there we several snow-bikes ridding and rutting the groomed trails.
I thought the snow bikes weren't allowed on the trails.

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