2021 Release?

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't have anything against the partnership, what really rubs my arsehole with turpentine is the shortcomings of that damn drivetrain.

It's pitiful that after 6 (7 model years) the same BS exists with the chaincase and driveshaft and Yamaha allows it to continue.

But hey!!!! New single keel Yamaha ski, so it's all good.

I do. Partnership or cooperation means less innovation in the marketplace. Partnership breeds content. Instead of 4 mfg's competing for our hard earned dollars we basically now have 3. 25% less.

That being said I love my Sidewinder. Its an awesome trail sled that I'll likely keep at least 2 more seasons but that doesn't mean we shouldn't want and expect more.

Heck Yamaha didn't even do their own clutching on the re-branded mountain sleds. Sad.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't have anything against the partnership, what really rubs my arsehole with turpentine is the shortcomings of that damn drivetrain.

It's pitiful that after 6 (7 model years) the same BS exists with the chaincase and driveshaft and Yamaha allows it to continue.

But hey!!!! New single keel Yamaha ski, so it's all good.

I do. Partnership or cooperation means less innovation in the marketplace. Partnership breeds content. Instead of 4 mfg's competing for our hard earned dollars we basically now have 3. 25% less.

That being said I love my Sidewinder. Its an awesome trail sled that I'll likely keep at least 2 more seasons but that doesn't mean we shouldn't want and expect more.

Heck Yamaha didn't even do their own clutching on the re-branded mountain sleds. Sad.
If a Cat chassis with a Yamaha engine = Yamacat, what does an Arctic Cat snowmobile with Yamaha stickers equal? Artificial Excellence?????
False Advertising....should be illegal
I think it's safe to say the only people on payroll for Yamaha snowmobile division are graphic designers and marketing. Yamaha is devoting none of their engineering capability into the sled division.
Chris Reid is still involved with their online sled specs and at least one commercial. He might be peeking out thru a helmet on a sled at the end of one of the 2021 sled videos!

what does that even mean? Online sled specs?? He’s a rider for photo shoots? Wow that’s how Yamaha uses his extreme talent? That explains a lot.
Yamaha doesn’t even have the balls to come out and say what’s going on. What are they really afraid they’re going to hurt their future sled sales? I mean why even wait until today to release their 2021 sleds? Are they afraid other manufactures are going to one up them? Unbelievable
Well that's it then. Back to Pol and simple chaincase design. Very few places a person can go 110 anyway. Bye.
I think when the time comes for me to upgrade, and if cat still has the 9000 turbo Tcat to offer, then that’s what I’ll be buying. Still a couple grand cheaper than a viper and you get a turbo! Love the chassis, but I’ll be smarter this time around and just buy a cat.
SMH....the lack of effect is stunning here....as a long time yamaha fan and rider...I'm just sick....On a positive note for me...I started working for a ski doo dealer, and have gotten to ride many of the 2020 models...and since yamaha isn't going to make their own sleds (japan built 4 strokes)..I'll keep riding these...I'll miss the yamaha motor...but honestly these ride and handle far better anyway.
C'mon guys....after reading everyone's reactions, all I could think of was former VP Spiro Agnew's "nattering nabobs of negativism" quote. Give Yamaha a break and look on the bright side. 1. The Yamaha line-up "expanded" over last year, so there is still hope for the future. 2. Most of us were already convinced that the only new sled would be a re-badged Blast, which we did get, but we also got a re-badged Alpha One. The Alpha One may be the best mountain sled in the business; granted it is a Cat 2-stroke, but the mountain guys were crying for a 2-stroke mountain sled in blue, and they got it. That was an unexpected bonus. 3. It may only be BNG on some of the models, but I see a lot of blue, and they look sharp. 4. Yamaha is still making the best 4-stroke sleds in the business, and they are back for another year.

Is the Cat Pro Cross chassis perfect? No, but I don't know of any other manufacturer's chassis that is "perfect." All I know is that I now have just shy of 5,000 miles on my 2019 Sidewinder, and every one of those miles has brought a smile to my face. I have never had a sled that handled as well, rode as comfortably, or got me where I was going as fast as the Sidewinder. I just rode my Sidewinder another 490+ miles on Saturday-Sunday, and at 69 years of age, I am tired from the trip, but not from the ride.

Yamaha may not be delivering what you personally want in a sled, but the fact is that they are delivering amazing sleds that still make riding fun. I for one, am still proud to wear my Yamaha jacket on the trails.

I didn't expect much else so not so disappointed. Can't see getting a new sled since I have the 2017 LE which comes with four fully adjustable kashima coated shocks. But for some belt blowing issues and a faulty throttle switch, I have 7,000 miles with 300 more to go this coming weekend. Most with a Max Spool 17 tune. I think I'll just refresh all the suspension maintenance parts and go for another 7k.
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