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2022 Sidewinder ltx eps - getting rid of push


doo like Knapp is running you want aggressive
Maybe I'll look for a set. Which doo ski?
Do you know the main difference between the skis?

Maybe I'll look for a set. Which doo ski?
Do you know the main difference between the skis?

Doo skis are made in many different versions. Twin keel 5.7 and 6.5s are the most common trail skis. The wider 6.5's are for deep snow use. The also make a crossover ski, I forget what they call it but its a single keel I know that. The ones I use are from their snow cross race sled. They are 5.7 single keel race skis and will push less in loose snow. SnowTrackers do tend to push more in loose snow cause they pack the correctors with snow around freezing. Its their only drawback, well that and catching the perfect sized rock now and again, Trackers work the best with the single keel ski there, but they excel everywhere else. Best thing for loose snow is StudBoy shaper bars on single keel skis, but turn hard and dart in normal hardpack trails, but thats another story.

Note that skis and carbide selection is always a compromise for conditions, but I have found the single keel Doo race skis and aggressive trackers to be the best for most overall conditions.
Doo skis are made in many different versions. Twin keel 5.7 and 6.5s are the most common trail skis. The wider 6.5's are for deep snow use. The also make a crossover ski, I forget what they call it but its a single keel I know that. The ones I use are from their snow cross race sled. They are 5.7 single keel race skis and will push less in loose snow. SnowTrackers do tend to push more in loose snow cause they pack the correctors with snow around freezing. Its their only drawback, well that and catching the perfect sized rock now and again, Trackers work the best with the single keel ski there, but they excel everywhere else. Best thing for loose snow is StudBoy shaper bars on single keel skis, but turn hard and dart in normal hardpack trails, but thats another story.

Note that skis and carbide selection is always a compromise for conditions, but I have found the single keel Doo race skis and aggressive trackers to be the best for most overall conditions.
Ok appreciate the detailed information ! Does the aggressive carbide sit deeper and or you think too far forward?

Have you jad experience with mohawks?
Cat skis and aggressive trackers were unstable for me. The semi agg. trackers. work way better then the aggressive on cat skis. The aggressive will make the very rear of the ski damn near drag on the ground and cause very unstable steering at times. THIS with cat skis. Aggressive trackers have been working good on yamaha skis and doo skis.
I run stock Cat skis with semi-agressive trackers with no issues regarding stability. Only had to increase ski pressure to take out some minor push.
I run stock Cat skis with semi-agressive trackers with no issues regarding stability. Only had to increase ski pressure to take out some minor push.
And this is the comments I've seen so it's hard to understand. Maybe it's just set up...
Ok appreciate the detailed information ! Does the aggressive carbide sit deeper and or you think too far forward?

Have you jad experience with mohawks?

The Aggressive work great on the Doo ski. Don't confuse sitting too far forward with Aggressive trackers, thats only on the Cat skis that I feel they sit too far forward because they are ill handling on the Cat ski. They work great on the Doo skis. Aggressive trackers are thicker than the semi-aggressive. I see no need for semi-aggressive myself. IMO they are for a slow or less experienced trail rider. They push pretty bad in the corners from what I've heard, like a dooly carbide or a Slim Jim would once packed with snow. I've not used the semis myself nor would I ever from the reports on them, because I don't like pushing in the corners. I'd run shapers myself if they didnt dart so bad and steer so hard. I cant stand darting either, so I stay away from them even though I like the positive steering on the shapers. I have tried all the so called anti-darting carbides and have a pile of stuff in the garage that don't work. Bergstrom's, Dooly's, Slim Jims (are not too bad, but don't last and pack with snow & more than I like and steer harder on the Doo's than I like), and Duece bars too. The Trackers are the best I have found for anti-darting/tracking, ease of steering and doing where pointed (unless its loose snow around freezing) and lovgetivity, (I'll hard weld them up on the front of the host bar once or twice a year if conditions are bad, we have a lot of plowed fields locally that are very hard on carbides). FYI I still run the original Aggressive SnowTrackers I bought about 12 plus years ago too, I've replaced the correctors before and need to replace the correctors again, the corrector needs to contact the snow/ground or it will get hard to steer and start darting like any other aggressive carbide out there. The corrector is what makes the SnowTrackers work so well for anti-darting and easy steering.

I've never used a Mohawk ski or even seen one.
These are very new but might be worth a try on your Stryke skis. They are the Snow Studs Triple Down carbides. They are supposed to have the anti-darting characteristics of a dual runner carbide with the bite of a single runner. They also have 12" of total carbide length (I read that to mean 4" of carbide length in each of the 3 locations).

I have their 8" Double Down carbides on Cat skis on my 17 LTX SE and I love them. The skis & carbides were used on my 15 Viper LTX SE before I moved them to my Sidewinder. I bet I have 5500 miles on that set of carbides and there is a LOT of carbide left and virtually no wear to the host bars (carbides just are not super sharp anymore). I ride mostly the middle of the U.P. (Michigan) in all sorts of conditions. They do have some push but, the way I have my suspension setup, it is a controlled push. I don't need them to grab any more than they do.
These are very new but might be worth a try on your Stryke skis. They are the Snow Studs Triple Down carbides. They are supposed to have the anti-darting characteristics of a dual runner carbide with the bite of a single runner. They also have 12" of total carbide length (I read that to mean 4" of carbide length in each of the 3 locations).

I have their 8" Double Down carbides on Cat skis on my 17 LTX SE and I love them. The skis & carbides were used on my 15 Viper LTX SE before I moved them to my Sidewinder. I bet I have 5500 miles on that set of carbides and there is a LOT of carbide left and virtually no wear to the host bars (carbides just are not super sharp anymore). I ride mostly the middle of the U.P. (Michigan) in all sorts of conditions. They do have some push but, the way I have my suspension setup, it is a controlled push. I don't need them to grab any more than they do.
Thanks for info. I will try these on my Tcat. With EPS, I will order the 10 inch version. Can't have too much carbide. LOL
Thanks for info. I will try these on my Tcat. With EPS, I will order the 10 inch version. Can't have too much carbide. LOL
I don't believe you get to choose a carbide length with the Triple Down carbides. They are all the same.
I have the triple downs as well sitting on the shelf. Have not installed them on the 23 Tcat yet. Very curious on how they perform. I was happy with the cat OEM staggered carbides, but they don’t last and I wish they made them with more carbide.
I was happy with the cat OEM staggered carbides, but they don’t last and I wish they made them with more carbide.
Qualipieces make that carbide in various length. I just received an 8-inch set to try. I wore out a 6-inch set.
I've read about snow trackers pushing and not good on cat skis but I've heard the opposite on both accounts so that makes me think it could be set up.
Maybe I should try a doo ski with trackers or just get the mohawks.....??
I ran the Mohawks on my 2017 Winder STX DX. That sled had a 1.6" lug Cobra (137) track with no studs. I just used a 6" carbide runner, whatever they came with. I liked those a lot, much better than the Tuners but most skis are better than those. They had good floatation in the deeper stuff riding in the UP, I did not have any push in the corners and no issues with darting. When I sold the Winder I took them off and sold them separately to Don (VX1R) who no longer is with us. I have been curious if they are still in his garage or on one of the sleds his wife kept? I bought them barely used from Nick (DrantellSS) on here. Not saying they are better than any others mentioned here but I was happy with them on my sled at the time.
I had a 6 inch set that I ruined by riding many miles of crappy trails, I just installed new 8 inch staggered for this week
I had a 6 inch set that I ruined by riding many miles of crappy trails, I just installed new 8 inch staggered for this week
I’ve got the cat skis so I don’t think they make them for those.
