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Any truth to this snip-it I found on another site guys?

Yamaha has openly stated numerous times that 2 stroke sleds are not in their future thus I would question the 2 stroke rumour.
Hebi said:
...My father's last comment on this topic was: "I didnt say it, but I thought to myself "Why dont you just copy Polaris? Thats what youve been doing all along anyhow."

He's right about that, except they don't "copy", they "improve upon" products. I'll give them the "hi-po 4-stroke though" even if they had Americans working on it, for them.
Talked to some friends in the Manitoba area and they did say Yamaha is up north testing! Also said they have some snoX sleds up there testing!

:Rockon: :4STroke: :yam:
You are right, Japanese people are very hard-working and they take their work very seriously, no matter how tedious it may be.
I also have my doubts about a 2-stroke, but perhaps Yamaha is being sly.
Its like Polaris with the IQ, all those years they said there was no advantage to a-arms yet at the same time they were developing a sled with a-arms.
I cant tell you one way or the other what Yamaha will do but Id be willing to bet that if they do chose to enter back into the ditchbanger/sno-x market the sled will set new standards and it will be relatively free of recalls.
I think that if Yamaha gave people a sled with a 4-stroke engine in the 140 hp range with suspension that would allow you to attack the big bumps as hard as you wanted, it would be huge. The excitement over the Firecats is fading, the Mach Z hasnt turned out to be what people expected and the Fusion isnt performing like Polaris said it would (it only beats an RX-1 by .1 second in 600 ft).
I would laugh myself silly if such a sled gets released. I know that Yamaha has the resources to get the job done, its just a matter of the bigwigs in Iwata giving them the OK to produce such a machine. I for one ask that they do.
Yamaha, if you are reading this post, I ask that you seriously consider what I am about to say.
I think I speak for the Yamaha faithfull when I say that the RX and RS are great sleds. They have set new standards in the snowmobile industry. With those sleds, you did what the industry experts said couldnt be done. However, the performance of the chassis cant keep up with what the engines are capable of. We need something with a better suspension. We need something that will allow us to pound the moguls as hard as we dare.
We all know you are capable of such a sled. I am asking you to make such a sled.
Heck, if you guys want someone to participate in focus groups or if you just want someone to give you an honest opinion, Im here for you. Im not looking for pay, Im not even looking for free Yamaha riding gear, I just want Yamahas to be the best sled on snow. I would gladly voulenteer my time and energy to achive this, and Im sure just about everyone else on this board would do the same.
Im up in Minocqua, WI at least twice a month during the winter. It would not be hard at all for me to take a drive down and give you guys an honest opinion about your new ideas. In fact, it would be a tremendous honor if I got the chance to do so.
Well said.....................................................period................................... :yam: ;)! MM.
Can I get a witness here ! Preach it Brother ! ........The church of Yamaha is hearin Ya! ..........O Lord for these ditch bangers we are about to receive let us be truly thankful .
"test pilot" now wouldnt that be the ultimate job. Job that men would line up to do for free.
Ski-Dog said:
Yamaha has openly stated numerous times that 2 stroke sleds are not in their future thus I would question the 2 stroke rumour.
True, very true. However, you gotta remember one thing.
Not everyone wants a 4-stroke. There are still a lot of people out there who like the light weight and snap of a 2-stroke.
Yamaha is missing out on a big chunk of the market by only making 2-strokes. Ok, they still do technically make a couple of 2-strokes (SX Venom and the VK 540) but Im sure the RX's sales are tenfold of what the Venom's sales are.
I also know for a fact that some of the most highly sought after used sleds right now are Yamaha 2-strokes. Any Yamaha with a 2-stroke is hard to find, especially SX Rs. That tells me that there is still interest, even among the Yamaha faithfull, for 2-strokes.
I personally think its foolish for Yamaha to bail on the 2-stroke market already, when they have the technology to make clean 2-strokes.
Look at the MX market, every year they keep on making the YZ 125 and 250 better and better. In the ATV market they still continue to make the Blaster and the Banshee. They still make these products because some people only want a 2-stroke.
Some people like 2-strokes. My father is one of them. He has 2 ATVs: a '94 Polaris 400L 4x4 (2-stroke) and an '04 Polaris 400 Sportsman. He likes the suspension of the Sportsman but he uses the old 400 2-stroke way more than he does the Sportsman. He doesnt like the lag of the 4-stroke. Back when I had my Polaris 500 Scrambler he hated it because the lag of a 4-stroke takes some getting used to. He wants the engine to respond the instant he hits the gas. He also doesnt like changing oil and adjusting valves. He just wants to fill it up with gas and oil and go. He's 56 years old now and he just recently gave in and got electric start for his sled. He fought it for a lot of years, but I think he's getting to the point now where its difficult for him to start his sled, even though its only a 600. He's someone who is resistent to change, like a lot of people. He has stuff that he likes and he wants things to stay that way. I think that if the industry went all 4-stroke, he'd probably buy the last year of a Polaris 2-stroke and he'd run that as long as he could. Once parts got to be impossible to find, he'd probably quit riding. To be honest, he is actually more into the vintage stuff than he is the new stuff. He's got a few old Polaris sleds he has restored: an '80 TXL Indy, a '78 TX and a '68 Polaris Sno-Pony.
People like my father are the kind of people Yamaha needs to consider. Now, my father will NEVER buy a Yamaha. He was upset when he bought a new boat and it had a Yamaha outboard on it. However, a lot of people have ridden 2-strokes for the past 30 years and have no interest in changing their ways.
How many times do I have to say this........ Yamaha WILL have an OEM turbo in '06 :o|
"How many times do I have to say this........ Yamaha WILL have an OEM turbo in '06"
....................I have heard this also ..........
I think they will too.
The aftermarket turbos are too popular for Yamaha to ignore.
If you were Yamaha, wouldnt you come out with a RX-1 Turbo that was somewhere in the $9500-$9800 range, of course you would.
Also, thats going to be the only thing that is going to be able to tangle with the Mach Z and be able to win at least some of the time.
"Also, thats going to be the only thing that is going to be able to tangle with the Mach Z and be able to win at least some of the time."

................Some of the time ?................Have you ever ridden a turbo rx1? .............. Can you say Boost switch ?...........
i think if they do come out with a turbo it will also be fuel injected.turbos seem to perform better with fuel injection than carbs. :flag:
