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Asphalt results "2006"

Thanks Dirk, here we're talking tar results and getting a lesson on NITROUS on the side!
Here is the results from the race last weekend for both Q16's



Greg Thomas 9.995 144.21 RT.582 WIN
Joe Salemi 8.906 149.47 RT.783

Tim Worden 8.892 149.23 RT.497 WIN
Ron Klein N/A

Rich Daly 8.792 150. RT. N/A WIN
Casey Mulkins N/A

Shane Kenney 9.052 145.14 RT.652
Jeff Farthing 8.960 144.63 RT.565 WIN

Jeremy Hannon 8.990 146.58 RT..542 WIN
Arnie Schwemmer 9.239 146.12 RT.511

Steve Bennett 9.202 146.59 RT.572
Jay Pearl 9.096 143.80 RT.636 WIN

Kristin Stanley 9.090 144.67 RT.612 WIN
Ken Burlew 9.176 144.18 RT.642

Kevin Zucco 8.971 144.68 RT.773
Ed Armstrong 9.041 145.60 RT.657
Rich Daly 8.565 152.10 RT.522 WIN
Ed Armstrong 8.812 147.19 RT.644

Tim Worden 9.431 144.33 RT.576
Jeff Farthing 8.891 145.11 RT.650 WIN

Jeremy Hannon 8.825 146.10 RT.544 WIN
Kristin Stanley 9.088 145.60 RT.516

Greg Thomas 9.494 111.69 RT.641
Jay Pearl 8.972 143.71 RT.594 WIN
Jeremy Hannon 8.909 147.43 RT.517 WIN
Jeff Farthing 9.019 144.30 RT.574

Rich Daly 8.540 152.37 RT.599 WIN
Jay Pearl 9.111 144.69 RT.600
Rich Daly 8.475 155.16 RT.669 PROSLED SHOOTOUT WINNER!
Jeremy Hannon 8.855 148.09 RT.473 PROSLED SHOOTOUT RUNNER UP!

Steve Wisneski 8.657 153.57 RT.712 BYE

Erling Jensen 9.413 132.78 RT.944 WIN
Mike Castellini 9.842 129.41 RT.601

Keith Wood 8.893 155.72 RT.1.27 WIN
Cherie Lindner DNF (did not fire)

Mike Doran 13.10 97.85 RT.429
Mark Wisneski 10.257 120.63 RT.687 WIN

Heath Smith 9.747 131.55 RT.464
Jeff Cullen 8.793 155.09 RT.572 WIN

Mike Hyman 9.070 149.54 RT.727 WIN
Gary Carlson 15.61 34.45 RT.420

Ricky Romano 9.283 136.34 RT.599
Heath Lynk 8.96 146.21 RT.640 WIN

Eric Conklin 10.47 122.23 RT.545 BYE

Mike Hyman 9.098 149.41 RT.681 WIN
Eric Conklin 10.15 127.85 RT.586

Mark Wisneski 8.680 147.45 RT.706 WIN
Heath Lynk 8.899 148.11 RT.597

Steve Wisneski 8.597 155.30 RT.661 WIN
Erling Jensen 9.451 137.63 RT.609

Jeff Cullen 8.653 152.49 RT.583 WIN
Keith Wood 8.674 158.42 RT.856
Jeff Cullen 8.556 154.61 RT.547 WIN
Mark Wisneski 10.942 89.44 RT.476

Steve Wisneski 9.177 153.70 RT.672 WIN
Mike Hyman 9.144 148.98 RT.726

Jeff Cullen 8.525 154.75 RT.586 PROSLED SHOOTOUT WINNER!
Steve Wisneski 8.825 155.35 RT.700 PROSLED SHOOTOUT RUNNER UP!
Summer Bracket Championship - WIR - 7/19/06

Started out the day with changing the primary spring as I noticed the stock spring was rubbing, and possible causing primary to not fully shift. Spring definetly helped as the 1st time run was a perfect .000!

By the 1/8 mile times and reaction, I should be racing 1/8 mile tracks as 3 out of the 5 runs were within .001 of each other. That is where htis sled would shine and make lots of money.

Heat and headwind of 25+ were a major concern as the track temps showed 144 degrees for most of the day, and the pit temp on my gage showed 98 degrees in the shade. Sweat my @#$% off and had a hard time keeping fluids in me.

1st time run - lane 2, track temp 139, reaction .000 (perfect!)
1.530 60ft - 6.987 1/8 @ 95.929mph - 11.294 1/4 @ 110.695mph

2nd time run - lane 1, track temp 144, reaction .026
1.527 60ft - 6.988 1/8 @ 95.364mph - 11.311 1/4 @ 110.594mph

1st round - lane 2, track temp 140, reaction .023, dial-in 11.29
1.548 60ft - 7.025 1/8 @ 95.217mph - 11.460 1/4 @ 96.868mph
Won round 1 but spun off line. Opponent had a very bad .236 light, so I hit the brakes to not break out.

2nd round - lane 2, track temp 139, reaction .031, dial-in 11.34
1.536 60ft - 6.988 1/8 @ 95.522mph - 11.377 1/4 @ 102.714mph
Won round 2 on the brakes

3rd round - lane 1, track temp 124, reaction .096, dial-in 11.33
1.525 60ft - 6.975 1/8 @ 95.922mph - 11.297 1/4 @ 109.804mph
Lost due to a double breakout. Margin was .007 I saw the guy go across the finish line and his light did not come on, so I paniced and hit the brakes hard. Too hard in fact, and the track locked up and sent me sideways at 109mph. Came up on 1 ski, but was able to pull out of it.

After all the excitement, I noticed the points leader went out 1st round, so with the 2 extra rounds, I moved back inot 1st place! Reaction times were killer for me, and hope I have the light figured out.

3rd perfect reaction time for me now in all of the years I have been racing.
Good job Terry, I'm moving up in the points too!!!!

Gimli Motor Sports Park, July 16, 2006

1st test run, reaction .5670
60’ 1.5419 – 1/8 mile 6.4399 @ 107.42 – ¼ mile 10.2448 @125.05

2nd test run, reaction .6290
60’ 1.4857 – 1/8 mile 6.3089 @ 107.86 – ¼ mile 10.1041 @ 125.97

3rd test run, reaction .5661
60’ 1.4918 – 1/8 mile 6.9618 @ 101.12 – ¼ mile 10.8737 @ 123.31
The sled launched right here, had to let off just before the 660’ or go into the guard rail, once I had it pointed back toward the grove, I hammered it and the track broke loose and went a little crazy.

4th test run, reaction .6337
60’ 1.5163 – 1/8 mile 6.4952 @ 106.92 – ¼ mile 10.2920 @ 125.75
I wasn’t planning on another test run, but there was time and my last run was bad, so I decided to go again to check consistency, temperature was up there around 28c all day, first run at 10:43am was 27.2c

Rnd 1, dial-in 10.27, reaction .6768
60’ 1.5051 – 1/8 mile 6.3391 @107.92 – ¼ mile 10.2830 @108.19
Managed to beat opponent on reaction and caught up to him and stayed with him.

Rnd 2, dial-in 10.15, reaction .6508
60’ 1.5082 – 1/8 mile 6.3322 @108.40 – ¼ mile 10.0742 @127.46
Opponent red lighted so I took my time off the light and ran it out the back door, wind was changing direction, starting to come from the back as oppose to the side.

Rnd 3, dial-in 10.10, reaction .5060
60’ 1.4999 – 1/8 mile 6.3981 @107.37 – ¼ mile 10.1569 @127.12
Dialed down some due to wind, and sled spun off the line, opponent red lighted, but I hadn’t noticed, he was faster and trying to catch me, and I was concentrating on beating him to the finish. He passed me by half the dragster length, and he also broke out.

Rnd 4, dial-in 10.10, reaction .5400
60’ 1.5229 – 1/8 mile 6.3220 @108.67 – ¼ mile 10.0721 @125.02
This was the final round, and I didn’t dial down due to my last run as I wanted to make sure I could run the number. Runs were not consistent all day. This was a good race, his reaction was .57441 and I managed to catch him and stay with him, when he saw me coming he hit his nitrous in order to win, but I stayed ahead enough to break the beams before he did, so we both broke out and I lost by breaking out .0057 more than he did!!!!! This is the second time I run him in the rounds this year and both races were very close. We had agreed to split the winnings down the middle before the race, so that worked out better for me. He ended up with the trophy and more points as the bonus.
So before this weekend, I was in 5th place, so this should move me up a bit, heha!!!!!
Just got the new IHRA magazine yesterday, and shows I am in a solid 4th for 2006 Summit Super Series World Championship Point standings pg. 99

getting better
Update - checked the IHRA website, and I am in 3rd place with 9 rounds to complete yet. 1st and 2nd have 0, so I might just come in 1st or 2nd!
Just to let you, the SRX is running good, and will be making some runs this friday.

Thnaks to Don, Ryan, Allen, Tyler, and all of TY for the help I received getting it back together.
Yes he is Corey!

That sled believe it or not, is running within .06 every run. He is 8.96 to 9.02 on a slippery track with 60ft. times in the 1.30's
Corey, you look like you are riding a 120cc warrior......

7/29/06 Wisconsin International Raceway

Hot an humid with a 15mph headwind.

Took the SRX for a couple runs down the track to get some time on the engine, but was too lean for a full pass so the times were high 10's to high 12's.

The Attak ran good and was within .009 of each of the 2 time runs. best reaction was .004!

1st time run, lane 2, track temp 114, reaction .116
1.508 60ft - 6.970 1/8 @ 95.214mph - 11.291 1/4 @ 110.074mph

2nd time run, lane 1, track temp 110, reaction .067
1.512 60ft - 6.977 1/8 @ 95.166mph - 11.282 1/4 @ 110.797mph

1st round - lane 1, track temp 104, reaction .004, dial-in 11.29
1.549 60ft - 7.022 1/8 @ 95.172mph - 11.326 1/4 @ 110.936mph
Had the bye, but had to race somebody. Other guy redlighted, so I could run it out the back door.

2nd round - lane 1, track temp 101, reaction .180, dial-in 11.32
1.494 60ft - 6.927 1/8 @ 95.618mph - 11.239 1/4 @ 110.107mph
had the bye cause I didn't use it yet, and had to run another guy cause of the even number of pro-bikes and sleds. lost on a double breakout by .019

2nd place guy went out the same round I did, so I still remain in 1st place.

Now to get ready for the pro sled shootout at Martin........
NOS-PRO said:
Now to get ready for the pro sled shootout at Martin........

Well Terry, I for sure won’t be there this year, too far for me and too expensive, so I took it easy and used up half my holidays, maybe next year, let us know how it goes and how it compares to the ones they did in Brainerd for the past two years. I’m sure it will be a lot better organized if they actually utilize the track employees and should be way bigger, especially the fact that they are doing it mid summer. I sure wish I could be there!!!!!

I don’t have time to get into details of the last two weekends at our track other than I was in 3rd place and have now dropped to 4th as of July 30th and maybe farther down as I only made it to the first round on Sunday and second round on Monday. Got beat by .0040 on the second round Monday, I thought I was ahead of him, just misjudged again!!!! Guess I’ll just have to make sure I’m even with their front bumper when I’m up against a car as oppose to his tire. Terry do you run cars? What do you use as a guide line at the finish line?

On Sunday I lost to a 17.5 second car, for some reason I just didn’t hook up and my 60’ time went from 1.5261 to a 2.2939 and I couldn’t catch him, that’s racing I guess. On the positive side, we had a tail wind and I set a new record for myself, 9.7311 @ 134.26mph, yippeeee!!!! Well back in two weeks and if I want a chance at the #1 position I’m going to have to go for the throat and try line up with #1 or #2 and knock them off at the first round!!!! Just can’t settle for #5 or more.
