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Asphalt Results "2007"

Wayne, no....the temp stayed in the 70's till the rain, and then only dropped to 68°, so if it was a rain change like when you were here in Wisconsin, it would have been 9.40's-9.50's.

Good luck today, and be competitive on the tree, but don't redlight.

Went out to NYIRP for the bike/sled shootout yesterday. Weather was overcast and very humid. Sprinkles on and off durring trials. Started off with a 10.92 @ 115 and played around with the rear end a little. I didn't want to get too agressive as there wasn't any cars there to put down more rubber. Ran a 10.81 @ 116 on my next run.

We ended up with 6 trial runs, and my last two were both 10.900 @ 115. I believe I would have had the bye run first round too since my light at the last trial was a .510. Just as they called us up for elims the rain started. About 30 min later they called the show. :o|
Aw man,....that sucks!

Good running Corey, and hope things don't get rained out for the ESTA shootout.

Been raining here evreyday for a week it seems, and will be for another day or 2.
The rainout at NYIRP did suck. I did get five time trial runs in. I figured i'd run without the N20. I had 2 runs back to back in the 11.65 to 11.70 range...so that was going to be my dial in. I did run a full out N2O run and ran my best time ever of 10.15 @ 128 mph. I'm getting close to that 9.99

I had an anventurous day though. Schredded a ski wheel and searched high and low for a new one. Luckily, one of the NSA guys had a spare and sold it to me. Then, on my 10.15 / 128mph run, I lost a rear axle bogey wheel at the 1/8th mile mark (Maybe that extra wheel was slowing me down...lol). I never noticed it until I returned and Corey told me that someone lost a bogey. Unfortunately it was me. I recovered the bogey and cobbled my sled back together....then the rain came.

My reactions are getting way better. On the .500 tree, I was .515 - .610 on every run except one.
stoutner said:
My reactions are getting way better. On the .500 tree, I was .515 - .610 on every run except one.

Pretty good reactions if this is your first year out!!!!!

Well folks, I was out this weekend with an addition to my fleet and a few changes to the RX1 Turbo, such as new air dam and skid. So far the results were good with the SRX although I didn’t get things worked out until late in the day, and the RX1 may need some adjustments on the skid. I’ll post more later when I have more time to explain along with some of the results. Meanwhile here are a couple of current pictures,,,,,


  • 2000 SRX(Medium).JPG
    2000 SRX(Medium).JPG
    113.2 KB · Views: 103
  • 2003 RX1 (Medium).JPG
    2003 RX1 (Medium).JPG
    104.4 KB · Views: 93
  • P6030022 (Medium).JPG
    P6030022 (Medium).JPG
    96 KB · Views: 71
Great looking sleds there Don!
Ryan, yes it does say 10.46, I ran that sled for T&T on Saturday and it was running between 12.98 @ 95mph to 13.04 @ 94mph., 1.70 60’ until I figured out that I had a foul plug and the third cylinder wasn’t really doing anything. Once that was fixed I ran a 10.3929 @ 119.14mph with a 1.3500 60’ , I was fricken’ happier than a pig in sh!t. This thing seemed to pull as hard as the turbo in the first 60’ and the 60’ times show. Now I have to get the turbo to pull like that. The next run wasn’t quite as good with a 10.5111 @ 117.51mph with a 1.3713 60’. I probably won’t run that one until our July 1st long weekend as I want to spend some time tweeking my Walh skid on my turbo.

Terry, thanks for the compliment, I like that SRX now that I have it pulling the way it should. I don’t think you have to worry about me being one to watch for in the Super Summit Series from the results below, lol. I’ve been checking the site out and they don’t even have our track listed on there, not sure what gives!!!!! Guess we got going so late, that there are no points to post yet.

As for the racing on Sunday, I spend a good part of the day trying to figure out what to do to stop the spinning of the turbo at the line. My 60’s were mostly at 1.5 and up, managed a couple in the 4’s a 1.45 and a 1.47, but if I could get this thing to run at 1.35 like the SRX, man I’d be consistently in the 9’s. My times were just above around 10.11 in the time trials but the trend was up so I dial a 10.15 (you can always back off, right!!), and first round was a car dialed in at 13.10. I got him on reaction with a .5990 to a .6422 but the sled launched to the left and I had to feather it back in line, caught up to him and let off just before the finish line, just not early enough. I beat him by a .1571 margin, but broke out with a 10.0878. I should have been on the brake as I had time, just didn’t expect to break out having had a bad launch, then I found out that he knew we were breaking out (by his tack) and that he saw me pass and hit his brakes. He went 13.1517 on his dial. It was a good run anyway and I should have known better, just rusty as this was only our 2nd event of the season. Until next time!!!!!
Fun, but yet,....a big learning curve.
hey wayne.....go to www.rescuephoto.com and check out the pics from last weekend at Rochester. You can see how much your front end drops out when you leave the line. Gotta get it down more yet and you'll drop those 60' times. ;)!
Wayne, with that much drop out you're pulling the front of the skid off the track and spinning/losing pressure! I know cuz I was doing the same thing my first weekend out! Just my recommendation, but either make your own limiter strap or start cutting and drilling on your stock one, but set the front arm right against the bump stop on the bend of the rail! Just something to try! This will also make the sled "drive out" rather than try to lift up, it will keep your motion going forward instead of up!
Thanks for the advise guys. I will do that next week and try it out next weekend. I did look at those photos and was a little surprised at all of the lift. It didn't feel like it was lifting very much.

On the bright side, I get my 60' times down I'll definately be running in the 9's ...woooohooooo

:nos :nos :nos
When mine looked like that I didn't think it was lifting at all either. It was only after I saw a photo did I realize it was lifting that much!



I see what you mean. I'll get it strapped down like that and try it.

Any suggestions on gearing? I'm running the stock 2006 Apex RTX gearing which I think is 24 - 38??? My sled really does not pull like Terry's Apex/Attak does in the first 330'. After that, I'm pulling just about as hard. My last run at 128.00 mph, I had a top rpm of 11,040. I did stay on it for about another second and ran it up to about 135 mph....so, I'm not out of gearing yet.
