Barn of Parts Cross Shaft Saver/ RR upgrade

you should offer a bundle with the inner plates (Saver kit) and the shaft and I am in.
Thats Dang good thinking Travis! One of those why didnt I think of that things. So simple! Great job!
Ok I see, great pics.....I was just looking at fiche and makes more sense. So the suspension ears go over the outer bushing, not the shaft itself.

I think your design will do well then....I think you should combo this kit with the coolant hose fix! Everyone should get these and do it all in same install.

Fiche pic....

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Dan what is the coolant hose fix?

Dan what is the coolant hose fix?

Travis is working on a solution to help with the problem some had, where the small rubber coolant hose, up in top/front of tunnel, that connects the front exchanger to the top/right coolant runner to the rear of tunnel......Where some had ice chunks push upward on tunnel and rip/tear and even pull off the hose clamp connection. I think it will be some sort of shroud.

I know I looked at mine, and was leaning toward a shroud that simply extends forward off the coolant runner, and covers that vulnerable hose. My dealer ran some sliders, connected to the bottom of each coolant runner for extra stud protection, and he ran them longer toward the front which covered this hose, so something like this should work well to help protect it from ice chunks that some guys had issues with.

I know those guys showed their tunnel was bent up above that hose, which is basically directly underneath the header, so I was thinking a strong bracket across top of tunnel(under header) would also be good idea to stop ice chunks from jamming up in there bending the tunnel up which allows hose to be ripped off connection.

Bottom line, really try to get ice chunks out before riding off at speed.

Will be nice for Travis to offer these items together as I believe dropping skid down, will be needed to do both the hose protection AND the heavier RR style front cross shaft.

So my cross shaft was slightly bent on my sidewinder when I removed it, and I suspect to the surprise of many they will find it bent on their sled as well. With the help of a hammer, I was still able to slide my saver sleeve over top of the bent aluminum shaft. Its nice to know the sleeve can still work even with a slightly bent shaft.

If someone has a broken or severely damaged shaft I will have a few new std cross shafts available to sell.

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Hi Travis - how soon will you be offering your "shaft saver"?


The shaft savers are made and I plan to get them to powdercoater tomorrow. Should have them back next week.

The tunnel saver plates might be done next week also. Waiting on the right side plates. Turned out I have to make a left and right because rivet locations were not identical on both sides.
The shaft savers are made and I plan to get them to powdercoater tomorrow. Should have them back next week.

The tunnel saver plates might be done next week also. Waiting on the right side plates. Turned out I have to make a left and right because rivet locations were not identical on both sides.
Awesome when they're done I'll take two black set!!
The shaft savers are made and I plan to get them to powdercoater tomorrow. Should have them back next week.

The tunnel saver plates might be done next week also. Waiting on the right side plates. Turned out I have to make a left and right because rivet locations were not identical on both sides.

Excellent! Can you contact me once these kits are ready to ship and I'll get one. Thank you
