Check your chaincase chain adjuster!

This sled pictured has a few miles on it

But I have personally worked on 4 in the past month where the screws came out. Anywhere from 500 miles to 5,000 miles.

Happened to BIGGUY and @buddah was last season

And a few more from this site that I have worked on
Every year I find 1 or 2 when servicing sleds.
It seems to always be the inside screws

I find alot of resistance from people when problems like this are discussed. (In general, not post specific)If you service your sled yourself, simply remove the tensioner and if you have a welder put a small weld and grind it flush, you dont need big welding abilities that pass structural tests to do this. A small weld prevents a bolt from vibrating loose. Pretty weld or not it doesnt matter, just needs to keep bolt from coming loose. If you dont have a welder go see a friend or stop at your local welding shop and it will take them 2 minutes to tack for you. If tou have your sled at the dealer for service tell them to do it for you, dealer should own a welder. Then you eliminate the possibility of loctite not holding up and making you walk home or destroying your chaincase. Dont care if youve made it 15,000 miles with no issues. It can still come out.
The average guy can’t weld this properly. I AGREE WITH YOU should be welded. But let’s be honest here guys. How many guys are going to pop the chaincase and do this them selves? I’m lucky I have a great friend Clutchmaster who is a welding god. I couldn’t weld my way out of a ski doo owned by ocdsteve? Just saying
I've seen quite a few where the owners didn't have access to welding so they THROUGHLY degreased both the screws and the threads in the axle then used red loctite. They report they've never come loose after 4 years of riding. So, I guess I would conclude while it may not the first choise for a fix, apparently that will work.
I've seen quite a few where the owners didn't have access to welding so they THROUGHLY degreased both the screws and the threads in the axle then used red loctite. They report they've never come loose after 4 years of riding. So, I guess I would conclude while it may not the first choise for a fix, apparently that will work.
Loctite with a properly prepped mating surfaces is reliable and affective for sure.
Mine were still tight from the factory at 5000 miles but I welded them in for cheap insurance.
Any 2020 and newer models?
Yes, 2020 and 2021 models after miles have come loose. These sleds I have personally worked on. The 2022 models (including the new 2022 SRX in my shop right now) will wait till a few break in miles and then get serviced. At that time it will get welded.

The percentage of sleds with this issue that I have worked on has been 80% that the screws were loose, 50% that had the screws way out like the picture I posted at the top of this thread, 5% of sleds that were tight but I tack welded them anyway and 1 sled that had the chain case completely destroyed (but know of so many others) that needed everything replaced.
What about peening the screw head?
What about peening the screw head?
Not going to help out much. Its the threads that come loose.. Vibration & pressure on the screw is making them back out. Welding best solution and BEST piece of mind.
If I had absolutely no way to have it welded I would remove screws and use lots of brake cleaner and a wire wheel to completely clean threads and use lots of Green lock tight. Let it cure in a warm area for at least 24 hours before putting back in chain case and filling with oil.
Having the proper surface prep is key to get the loctite to stick, but it's also in an oil environment.

243 may actually be better even though it's blue
