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Cold starting

Well -33c here this morning .sled parked in unheated shed and second crank fired right up .
Surely they richen up with the new flash to eliminate the kick back and starter issue.
I believe this causes more kick back to be honest. I can't see how any new flash is worse than my 2015 though.. Its got a badd kick back.
new flash is rich on 2016 viper mpi turbo she pops through the muffler after first try to start when really cold
Mine will start jut fine at -7.its when it's-25 and colder it won't go
C or F? Another day at -10F early AM it fired up fine again. I edited my post to show F as a reference.
Sleds have been store in a clam shell enclosed trailer. Past week has been a constant -20 to -29 Fahrenheit.
Warmed up to -9 Fahrenheit. Time for a ride.

2014 XF7000 with updated flash. Coolant temperature read -20F. Tried 5-6 times. No go. Only sputters, pops, and some feeble attempts to start. New battery this season and always on a tender.
Placed a hair dryer in the brake side foot well and attempted to start Wife's sled.

Even my Wife's ZR4000 2 stroke took 6 pulls to fire. Normally only takes two.

With the hair dryer blowing in the brake side foot well, for about 10 minutes, the coolant temperature read -9f. Started slowly on the 2nd attempt as usual.

Not sure if it was frozen, or partially frozen relays, or just plain sitting the cold?

Ended up with just under 40 miles for the afternoon. I could have done much more, but conditions are still pretty poor around here. Plus, this is my Wife's first ride in over 10 years. Wanted to be sure she had a good experience. She did.
Maybe im just lucky but my 15 viper turbo starts easily. It started terrible when stock. I added turbo with intercooler, 550cc injectors, pcv, cold air intake, pulled 6 degrees timing, and run trail 10-12 psi flawlessly. Ran 300 plus miles over new years weekend at below zero in the morning to about 10 above during day.
This was a first for my wifes 7000. Drove it from the heated shop into trailer. Next morning Saturday temp was 2 F and the sled cranked over fast buy no go. Listened for the fuel pump and could not hear it churn. Closed the trailer with mine running next to it for 10 minutes to warm up the enclosure. Sure enough turn the key and could hear the fuel pump and it fired up no issue. My cousins Nitro same thing. Could not hear the fuel pump so warmed up the relay and fired up no issue.
Isnt the relay in the Viper and 7000 SSR? Is there another relay people are using?
This was a first for my wifes 7000. Drove it from the heated shop into trailer. Next morning Saturday temp was 2 F and the sled cranked over fast buy no go. Listened for the fuel pump and could not hear it churn. Closed the trailer with mine running next to it for 10 minutes to warm up the enclosure. Sure enough turn the key and could hear the fuel pump and it fired up no issue. My cousins Nitro same thing. Could not hear the fuel pump so warmed up the relay and fired up no issue.
Isnt the relay in the Viper and 7000 SSR? Is there another relay people are using?
Same here....Can heard the fuel pump but It was the relay......Heated it a few minutes with hair dryer and fired up !
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I know some are working on adapting the Yamaha Solid State red relay to ours but its not a simple thing to do since Solid state have residual voltage needs even when off. Solid state can kill a battery after a while and ECU will not hibernate. Cat wiring is not the same as Japan Yamaha. Its a issue I have hated since day 1 but its livable. If you know about the relays.
I've added a portable heat gun to my travel bag. At the motel, if the sled doesn't start like I know it should, the fuse block gets heated up and it starts. I can't believe it's a wiring thing when Nitros suffer this same fate.
Maybe Yamaha & Cat need to send spies to BRP.....
i dont get it, seems so random or luck of the draw...mine has never not started. Almost 7000miles only time was when the battery was flat. Today i put on 300 miles it was -19c...feels like -30 they said. We stopped for food and this guy had a cat 7000 and he had the hood off him and his wife cursing...i said you guys alright and he said yah just these stupid relays just gotta switch them around or warm them up...im like thats so weird mine doesnt do that...he said hes never did and now does. We were in there much longer then him, came out after almost 2 hours and mine fired right up. Im confused, ive never actually even opened my fuse box.
I've added a portable heat gun to my travel bag. At the motel, if the sled doesn't start like I know it should, the fuse block gets heated up and it starts. I can't believe it's a wiring thing when Nitros suffer this same fate.
Maybe Yamaha & Cat need to send spies to BRP.....
Nytro does not suffer from this issue. They have a Solid State relay available for all Japan Yamaha’s.
