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CR says they are seeing 120 mph on the LT models!

Just spoke to keith woods today,about snowchecking a sidewinder and of course we talked about hp and top speed,keith had been speaking with some of his friends in Canada who have been testing this new rocket ship from Yamaha,on a test track of packed snow,and they are seeing consistant 122 mph speeds confirmed by GPS,and have said if geared up one tooth on top speeds of 130 will be possible,so ok keith said that the test sled he had driven or one some one had driven was running 123 gps consitantly,either way,this kind of speed on a snow packed track with an unstudded sled all stock is so vary impressive,sense I am familiar with top speeds like this from my 2013 cat turbo boosted with stage 4 tune and muffler,so to get these kinds of speeds out of a totally stock sled,wow!!
I heard its been dyno'd at 204hp. This sled will haul the mail.

Hi dan,ya I heqard the same thing,and that dynotech has one on there dyno,not sure how true that is,but if you run the math of the nitro numbers being that motor has 94 ft. lbs of torque this one has been stated to be 50% more,so add that up,and you get a whopping 141 ft.lbs,man our cat turbos stock was 121 and 180,so this is a beast torque wise,and we know torque is where it is,out of every corner,and from launch,wow.. Can this really be true?
Word on the street it just dynoed around 200 hp by a very well know shop.
I know Jamie was raving all winter about his 16, and he is a tough guy to make happy, so coming from him is quite impressive.

I bought a pair of fox evol rc2 shocks for my 1200, but I have yet to install them since i was running my stock X setup for most the winter and it just worked really well, so i might just sell the brand new rc2s.

But now I know how incredible these kashima coated fox shocks are, and what they cost! I just love the fact the LE comes with them all the way around, and if guy are seeing upwards of 2k off MSRP, that sure is a good buy in my book! Heck Im gonna bet the new 850 from BRP wont be far behind in cost with way inferior shocks.

"If" I can justify another new sled (only got 2000kms onto my new 1200) I will be all over the RTX-SE! Love the 129" overall for my area.

It would be fun to come back to my "home" here on TY, its been awhile!

yes dan we miss you,i came back last year on an xtx apex,but will trade that in a heart beat.
The 180 is not what they stated for this engine. What they wanted to do was create a true 180+ hp class for the industry and they set their guidelines on 200 hp as the goal and owning the class for some time to come. IF you have been around turbos for a while you know that HP actually varies each time you ride it. warmer days mean less hp as the intercooler cannot keep the incoming charge cold and dense enough. They will vary 4-6 hp from my experience. Why do you think aftermarket large inter coolers are all the rage. My bet is you will find that it will be quite close to 200 as that is where they wanted it from the get go! Regularly seeing 190-195 should be the norm. We shall see if what I was told is correct! IF we do see 195 hp and it runs 12 psi stock we should see 250 out of this machine quite easily and reliably(if rods are better quality) given the better pistons etc.


I hope you are correct!
Wow guys....love hearing these GPS numbers of 120++mph! Is this on snow? If so that is impressive!

Will be watching this one so close! its got me super pumped, Reminds me of the old days when every season each manufacturer came out with new hyper sled iron, and top speed was always speculated! Such fun!

Might need to take out a second mortgage to keep up with this game these days!

Yup,my boy and I are pondering this one carefully,and my wife caught wind,and absolutely thinks she has shut it down,Cough Cough ,not yet lol.
Yup,my boy and I are pondering this one carefully,and my wife caught wind,and absolutely thinks she has shut it down,Cough Cough ,not yet lol.
LOL...that is too funny, but man o man im sure alot of wives are gonna be thinking we all are nuts when we want to sign such a large check! But in reality, this is a TON of sled for this kind of cash.....they could easily be asking more IMO!

LOL...that is too funny, but man o man im sure alot of wives are gonna be thinking we all are nuts when we want to sign such a large check! But in reality, this is a TON of sled for this kind of cash.....they could easily be asking more IMO!

Absolutely Dan,this is the only reason I am so interested in it,i have seen many dealers here in maine having prices of 14,199 for ltx-se and ltx-le for 15,500 so that is the only reason I am so interested,i was thinking when I first saw this hype the prices would approach 20 grand.
Absolutely Dan,this is the only reason I am so interested in it,i have seen many dealers here in maine having prices of 14,199 for ltx-se and ltx-le for 15,500 so that is the only reason I am so interested,i was thinking when I first saw this hype the prices would approach 20 grand.
Yeah, and my worry is if they all are huge in sales and satisfaction, then the second yr they will cost alot more! My current sled is new still with such low miles I just hate to lose my butt.

Wish money grew on trees, it would make being a sledder in this new era alot easier....becoming much like an elitist sport! ugh

yes its officially 204hp as announced yesterday from dynotech its posted on another thread with the link to results
