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Did Ski-Doo just match Yamaha in the 4 stroke department?

I am glad the Mach Z came out. The nostalgia is pretty legit if you ask me.

As far as Doo owning the market- they should. They sell to majority people that keep their sleds for 3500 miles then they dump them for the latest and greatest. I ride with many Doos and I have one that I ride with (a bone stock 09 1200 tnt owned by a farmer) has over 3500 miles on it.

All the 850 boys dump them before they have to put a wrench on them. Doo figured out the formula. Use good sales to sprinkle money into your product line and keep brining in the new and shinys- and they gobble them up left and right. It has worked so they won't change that model. Lots of them upgrade yearly. I wonder if Lynx is going to impact these sales now? It is quite the bait and switch. Its a Doo with different suspension, some bodywork, and *gasp* conventional gauges.

Want to know what I see lots of up north? New-2 year old Polaris and Doo sleds. 5+ year old Yamahas and Cats.

Quite frankly I think Yamaha knows better. Their market is dominated by people who don't want to pay for tech- they want to pay for something once and keep it 10+ years. I see more comments on here and a FB group I run with people complaining "iTs tOo eXpEnSiVe oH mY GoD- wHeRe iS a NeW tRiPlE?"
All these things people (who 95% of the time are NOT going to buy a new sled anyway) claim to want have costs that historically shown they do not want to pay for them, nor will they align with a business model like what Doo has.

Yamaha has a much more diverse product line vs the other manufacturers. Their allotment of CapEx yearly I will guarantee for sleds is dwarfed by what BRP dumps into their sled line.
I could have sworn that I read somewhere that the old triples weigh almost just as much as my Apex. :dunno:
