Did you guys see the new Cat Catalyst?

Well if you guys don't want a
well 2024 is the ten year anniversary of the ten year agreement
so 2025.....
I have 0 faith in Yamaha releasing a machine of their own. I personally think anything moving forward will be a partnership with another brand.

I don't care anymore. The Cat partnership has taught me that brand loyalty isn't necessarily a good thing.
I would offer up one reason that any sled manufacturer should be interested in a partnership with Yamaha and that is emissions related. One direction to solve emissions issues (please no political replies needed) is electrically powered vehicles. While this is still a ways off, Yamaha has more money to put into this problem than all of the sled companies combined. Its not really material in a conversation about high HP ICE powered sleds but all sled manufacturers have to keep an eye on progress here and staying close to yamaha is one way to get that done. The other way is 4s engines of course and only BRP has a competitive offering currently. If a sled manufacturer wants to stay in the game and stay profitable, partnering with yamaha is a proven solution. It works for Toyota, Ford, and Volvo as OEM partners and they recently announced development partnerships with Mazda (sky active is already good), Kawasaki, and Subaru to share development of alternative fuel engines.
I would offer up one reason that any sled manufacturer should be interested in a partnership with Yamaha and that is emissions related. One direction to solve emissions issues (please no political replies needed) is electrically powered vehicles. While this is still a ways off, Yamaha has more money to put into this problem than all of the sled companies combined. Its not really material in a conversation about high HP ICE powered sleds but all sled manufacturers have to keep an eye on progress here and staying close to yamaha is one way to get that done. The other way is 4s engines of course and only BRP has a competitive offering currently. If a sled manufacturer wants to stay in the game and stay profitable, partnering with yamaha is a proven solution. It works for Toyota, Ford, and Volvo as OEM partners and they recently announced development partnerships with Mazda (sky active is already good), Kawasaki, and Subaru to share development of alternative fuel engines.
Unless Yamaha has some proprietary battery technology, non ICE sleds will not be mainstream for at least another 4 or 5 years. Power train is easy, chassis is easy, battery tech is not easy. Once solid state batteries come online, range should increase, charge times decrease. Ski Doo will probably lead the way. I think low range sleds are doable today, don't think the market will support it. Of course electric sleds could be good for hunting season where there is snow. LOL
I hope Yamaha stays in the business and with Acat. I think all the scuttlebutt for the past few years has more to do with supply chain issues than relationship issues. Great example would be the 2023 7000 pics that got released then pulled back. I think a lack of motors caused by supply chain was why that got pulled back. We will see.
The infrastructure required for charging on the trail won't happen.
You are correct but I do think the fish cops can ride an electric sled out 20 miles, park, write lots of tickets, then go back to the barn for the day. LOL
Every campground that has electricity will be able to charge sleds and autos.
I have 0 faith in Yamaha releasing a machine of their own. I personally think anything moving forward will be a partnership with another brand.

I don't care anymore. The Cat partnership has taught me that brand loyalty isn't necessarily a good thing.
I think there is a familiarity with a manual of arms when it comes to sleds. Having two procross platforms makes servicing a lot easier as I know what to look for and what it takes to remove parts even if one is a two smoke and the other it a turbo 4stroke.
We have 4 charging stations in across the 60 cottage sites. Average utilization is about 20 hours of charging a day across all 4. Cost is minimal, owners are super stoked. Turns out, they only use their EVs for running into town so its more a matter of just topping them off.
