Drive axle bearing behind disc brake

I sent you an inbox message about just that a month ago but you didn't reply.

The loctite should only be applied to the shaft there the bearing sits.. maybe you used a little too much? I had a hell of a time getting my rotor off, so it won't be anything new for me.
I sent you an inbox message about just that a month ago but you didn't reply.

The loctite should only be applied to the shaft there the bearing sits.. maybe you used a little too much? I had a hell of a time getting my rotor off, so it won't be anything new for me.
Sorry I must have missed it. Yea thats what I did. Just where bearing is.
I dont mean this as an insult to you, but its problems like this that cause me to now do all my service at the end of the sled season. then the sled is ready to go for the next season.
I used to do all my maintenance in the fall, but backordered parts would always create issues for me.
Just my opinion, but its gonna be cheaper easier and faster just to buy a whole new driveshaft assembly
Ditto x 2
