Early dyno reports (850R)

I think they missed that point. Lol
They are going to be fun to beat though as well.
Mustard bucket lol
Confused that’s a nice rig. I have a 23 ranger crew ultimate I’m going to sell to get the new machine like yours. That’s a step up in quality.
JT I’d say we are looking at hopefully February for some hope of having rideable snow. 45 day forecast is garbage in N Wi
As far as King of the lake.
Usually not a 998 and almost always a 1100 base
I'm not a manic depressant, but I'm losing hope fast. Lol. I saw the 12" to 18"dumped in South Dakota and was considering loading my truck. Had it dumped west of there, in the Black hills I'd be already heading out.
Idk Trailleader, in stock form was that Suzuki faster than the 998??
I was really into those early model turbos. But I was at camp yellow at the time. I just can't ride like that anymore. (Thrash mode) Lol.
To build big hp it’s better
Stock form hard to compare because of inflation. That was a long time ago.
998 is a great motor though
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What's with all the love and excitement over the Comp 850? It's pretty obvious the Polaris Boost puts it on the porch.

Could be, not sure anyone has had a chance to compare. So far I have less recalls than my Boost friends lol

I think they missed that point. Lol
They are going to be fun to beat though as well.
Mustard bucket lol
Confused that’s a nice rig. I have a 23 ranger crew ultimate I’m going to sell to get the new machine like yours. That’s a step up in quality.
JT I’d say we are looking at hopefully February for some hope of having rideable snow. 45 day forecast is garbage in N Wi
As far as King of the lake.
Usually not a 998 and almost always a 1100 base

Thanks, happy so far but this will be my first trip with it. Heading to Cable WI. I agree the forecast looks dismal. My weekends in Jan are full of non sled related stuff with my first trip, Cable again, being the first weekend in Feb. Hope they have snow then. It's our big family trip.

You clarified better some of the points I was trying to make. Especially the smell. Coming from a 97 SX700 my Reima Yamaha coat smelled like 2 stroke until the 2nd Apex (Attak) I bought and it lived in the garage. Now my gear bag has basically no odor from the mountain trips with all 2Ss and it lives under the stairs next to my wife's home office.

I have ridden Maine trails with multiple Skidoo 850s and none yet can pound beat up trails the way my '17 SW LTX LE does. I do like the lighter Backcountry XRS and I'm able to bounce off trail (where legal) with a lot more confidence than the SW as it is.

We buy the Skidoo oil by the barrel as well. Watch out for grenading chaincases on the 23 and 24 Skidoo 850s.

I found the opposite running my wife's 850 last year. I felt it smoothed out the bumps where the SW felt like it was creating mini earthquakes lol. I'm sure the SW is due for a shock rebuild. As for off trail, I keep the SW on the trail. Too many years of digging my old Apex's and Nytro's out of the deep lol
Still no snow anywhere near me this year so nothing to report on the 850 turbo.

This thread is comical to say the least. I still think most here are missing the point of this new sled. It was never intended to be the "Lake King". It's designed to be a fast bump sled. Is it faster on the trail than a stock SW? Hard to say with the lack of snow everywhere but I'd bet money it rides better and is easier on my body at the end of the day.

As for the smell, I'll agree I can tell when I'm coming up on a 2s when riding my SW. When riding with a 2s in my group or personally on one, you don't notice the smell once running. That's not to say it isn't there, I think you just get used to it.

Oil cost on a 2s is a factor especially at $70 per gallon. Compare that with an oil change on a 4s dollar wise, you are ahead after the first 1.25ish gallons of 2s oil. What I do factor in is my time to do the 4s oil change and will say I'm tired of it. Topping off the oil every day is much easier. Snowmobiling is not a cheap sport and a few hundred bucks a year in oil and ice will not make or break my budget.

I've owned R-Motion Ski-Doos, and I gotta say the first season on the rear suspension is decently good, after that, the ride goes downhill, even re-building the shocks doesn't bring the ride back to new. I loved my Ski-Doos until I got a ride on my buddies Winder with the good QS3r shocks. Thats when I found out how a machine was supposed to ride and handle. I now see how at the end of the day why I was shot on the Doo. The Yama/Cats flat out walk away from the Doos on the trail effortlessly and the Doos can't keep pace is what I've found. We are always waiting on the Doos when we start to pick up the pace even slightly.

One problem you have with your Winder is the SE shocks, when I ride a SE here for any length of time, I cant stand them, even though its a Winder, it rides and steers like a dump truck IMO. If I had to ride a SE I don't think I'd own a Winder honestly. I feel its the worst riding Yama/Cat there is. Maybe I'm spoiled with the LE, but the GT's and DX's ride very good too, there's something about the way the SE is valved that makes it intolerable for me for steering effort and ride quality. I'd have something done with those shocks, I'm not a shock guy and I wouldn't know how to fix it, but I know Yamaha missed the mark on the SE shocks...

What's with all the love and excitement over the Comp 850? It's pretty obvious the Polaris Boost puts it on the ppo

What's with all the love and excitement over the Comp 850? It's pretty obvious the Polaris Boost puts it on the porch.
You ask why?!?! Its the 80/20 rule..
There is an 80/20 phenomenon, probably need to look it up if you don't believe me. So, in other words....
80% will keep their sled bone stock (they don't care which is faster)
20% will mod
And this rule will apply to sales....
80% skidoo (cuz They feel like they are getting more overall sled)
20% Polaris
Skidoo has completely dominated sales for what....last 10yrs?

Earthling, help us to understand why the 80/20 rules happens? Lol.
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I've owned R-Motion Ski-Doos, and I gotta say the first season on the rear suspension is decently good, after that, the ride goes downhill, even re-building the shocks doesn't bring the ride back to new. I loved my Ski-Doos until I got a ride on my buddies Winder with the good QS3r shocks. Thats when I found out how a machine was supposed to ride and handle. I now see how at the end of the day why I was shot on the Doo. The Yama/Cats flat out walk away from the Doos on the trail effortlessly and the Doos can't keep pace is what I've found. We are always waiting on the Doos when we start to pick up the pace even slightly.

One problem you have with your Winder is the SE shocks, when I ride a SE here for any length of time, I cant stand them, even though its a Winder, it rides and steers like a dump truck IMO. If I had to ride a SE I don't think I'd own a Winder honestly. I feel its the worst riding Yama/Cat there is. Maybe I'm spoiled with the LE, but the GT's and DX's ride very good too, there's something about the way the SE is valved that makes it intolerable for me for steering effort and ride quality. I'd have something done with those shocks, I'm not a shock guy and I wouldn't know how to fix it, but I know Yamaha missed the mark on the SE shocks...

The SE shocks could be my problem. We have one LE in our group, and have rode his SW, but I'm not sure I noticed a difference and honestly wasn't paying attention. I'm planning on ordering a '25 SRX so if I'm able to secure one, my '21 will go down the road.
You ask why?!?! Its the 80/20 rule..
There is an 80/20 phenomenon, probably need to look it up if you don't believe me. So, in other words....
80% will keep their sled bone stock (they don't care which is faster)
20% will mod
And this rule will apply to sales....
80% skidoo (cuz They feel like they are getting more overall sled)
20% Polaris
Skidoo has completely dominated sales for what....last 10yrs?

Earthling, help us to understand why the 80/20 rules happens? Lol.
80% of the doo riders that complain about the winders weight ride Harley’s in the summer. 20% of all winder riders have tunes and could care less what doo riders think.

100% of the above is a misuse of the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule)
80% of the doo riders that complain about the winders weight ride Harley’s in the summer. 20% of all winder riders have tunes and could care less what doo riders think.

100% of the above is a misuse of the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule)
@jtmetal 80 percent of the posts over the past few months have been from jt, and everyone else combined 20%
@jtmetal 80 percent of the posts over the past few months have been from jt, and everyone else combined 20%
Need I remind you I spent 5 out of the last 6 yrs in Florida, this is all new to me.
You'll be the first one to miss me when I'm gone...
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80% of the doo riders that complain about the winders weight ride Harley’s in the summer. 20% of all winder riders have tunes and could care less what doo riders think.

100% of the above is a misuse of the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule)
People are already conveniently forgetting the facts but I keep a copy of the SnoTrax weights on current sleds on my phone just to remind the Doo riders that our SWs are not the heavy pigs they imagined. LOL it was the only amo they had on us and now they have nothing...I love to see their reactions when I pull out my phone just to remind them....silence is golden.
I weighed my X-TX LE with its 141"x 1 3/4" track the way I ride it, full fluids, tools ect and its even lighter at 646lbs and that is even with the BOP extra rad kit installed which makes it 5 lbs lighter then a 850 Renegade 137". The Gade rider in our group has been dissing our SWs as heavy pigs since I got mine...lol....he is very distressed now....its all he had :)

80% of the doo riders that complain about the winders weight ride Harley’s in the summer. 20% of all winder riders have tunes and could care less what doo riders think.

100% of the above is a misuse of the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule)
With all your knowledge there are things in life that just cannot be explained. You will try to dismiss it. I don't blame you. I'm afraid of ghosts lol.
Need I remind you I spent 5 out of the last 6 yrs in Florida, this is all new to me.
You'll be the first one to miss me when I'm gone...
I may just join you in Florida.
Hey, I had 2 vegas.
Yeah. Go ahead and say it...
I actually owned three. The wagon, the fastback, and the coupe. I had all three models of misery. I did drop a 327 into the fastback. It then broke more parts. LOL
I may just join you in Florida.
Amazingly laid back feel is real. try to stay 10miles+ off the coast, a lot less moisture, pop up showers & humans.
Traveled statewide, from Panama City to St Augustine to the keys and everywhere in between. By boat, car & Harley. Ain't nothing like it.
Live there for 5 years. It was a bucket list thing.
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