EASY ADJUST - Remote Headlight Adjuster Kit for your sled!

Want one for free?

I will send one to the first guys that post good possible names for the Adjuster. (At my discretion)
(You just pay shipping)
Make me laugh, may send you one also! lol
Slam (sled lamp aiming mechanism) or sh**t sled headlamp improvement technology maybe ride height to go with your ride light
What models does this work on? Apex Viper ?all
How 'bout this?

''Our Damn Sidewinders' Headlights are Impossible to Adjust so the Greatest Inventor on Earth Decided to Make us a Knob''
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Light Align! Sorry I fix Alignment machines for a living.
Lite Brite ... with apologies to Mattel.
Want one for free?

I will send one to the first guys that post good possible names for the Adjuster. (At my discretion)
(You just pay shipping)
Make me laugh, may send you one also! lol
Want one for free?

I will send one to the first guys that post good possible names for the Adjuster. (At my discretion)
(You just pay shipping)
Make me laugh, may send you one also! lol
Levellight,beamalign.tla (toolless light adjuster)turnalign,
Want one for free?

I will send one to the first guys that post good possible names for the Adjuster. (At my discretion)
(You just pay shipping)
Make me laugh, may send you one also! lol
Lamp a just,beamalign,tla (toolless light adjuster)levellight,happy level,leda (light erectile dysfunction adjuster) beamdream,dreambeam alright now I'm laughing!!!
I think you had the best name for it in your 1st. post This way everybody knows exactly what the product is.

Easy Adjust Remote Headlight Adjuster
So what are you naming it?
