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How many vipers with starters going bad?

I agree I think it's just faulty parts, my buddies 2014 cat 7000 is about 2 more starts from dying out too, only 630 miles, it sounds just like mine did, just an ever so slight grind when the engine turns over then it fires right up, never had a hot start or kickback issue, I'm thinking there's just some improper tolerances between gears.
14 SR Viper - My sled has always been hard to start even after the flash update, and letting the fuel pump finish pumping, and keeping cranking till it starts, but now it sounds like the starter is just spinning and not engaging. Off to the dealer again, and they found the gears? are stripped, and unfortunately the parts are not readily available. It seems I'm done for the season, or forced to ride my son's SkiDoo
That was a big concern of mine, with all these starters going bad, hopefully yamaha is on top of keeping parts ahead, it sounds crazy but dealers should be notified to keep a set of new parts on hand at all times.
That was a big concern of mine, with all these starters going bad, hopefully yamaha is on top of keeping parts ahead, it sounds crazy but dealers should be notified to keep a set of new parts on hand at all times.

Unless Yamaha has had to go to a new gear vendor.
Hopefully that's the case, going to the dealer tomorrow, will try to remember to ask the mechanic if and what the updated part numbers are, if I remember right, last time I was there he said they have updated part numbers

A new vendor could still have the original part numbers, like some of the clutches that are being made in a new mold with different bushings. I would be curious if it is in the heat treating of the gears is where the issue is as the issue does not seem to be manufacturing run related (as saw by VIN numbers)

Hopefully that's the case, going to the dealer tomorrow, will try to remember to ask the mechanic if and what the updated part numbers are, if I remember right, last time I was there he said they have updated part numbers

Would be fun to have one of the failed gears and do some hardness tests on it, but the dealer is supposed to keep those.
Ya I never seen the gear that came out of mine, will see if it's still available. I don't really thing the hot start issues are the cause, I think they're a contributing factor, but in my mind it just seems like a bad run of parts.
Ya I never seen the gear that came out of mine, will see if it's still available. I don't really thing the hot start issues are the cause, I think they're a contributing factor, but in my mind it just seems like a bad run of parts.

Yep, my guess is the hardening process. I assume these gears are hardened.
Is the Arctic cat 7000 having the same problem with Starters?
I wonder if anything have changed on the 2016?
On my buddies 7000, I can hear it's going, every start has just a slight little grind on startup, it was so quiet that my buddy that owns the sled didn't even notice until I pointed it out, but after he realized that's what is was he is certain it just started, it almost acts as tho something is just too tight or too loose on tolerances and slowly wears to the point that it makes more and more noise and eventually breaks some teeth
Was at the dealer today. Starter and gears are back ordered for six weeks. If mine shits the bed before the snow melts I'm done for the winter and we have a crap load of snow this year. I already beat last years 3300 miles but was hopping to get to 5000 miles this year.
Was at the dealer today. Starter and gears are back ordered for six weeks. If mine shits the bed before the snow melts I'm done for the winter and we have a crap load of snow this year. I already beat last years 3300 miles but was hopping to get to 5000 miles this year.

Six weeks, now I really do wonder if they have a new vendor as a reorder should not take that long.
