How many vipers with starters going bad?

And check to see if your solenoid was replaced at same time starter was. This problem with magnets has been going on since first 4 stroke Yamahas. Starter runs on after motor is running heats up starter and magnets come unglued if you don't catch it in time.
They did not replace the solenoid.
If its a week battery issue, I think I'm going to add a couple super-caps to the system. A super capacitor will deliver all of its stored energy on demand where a battery is dependent on a relatively slow chemical reaction. Even if its not the problem, it will still make the sled start better on those really cold days... The only downside will be a very slow drain. Since I keep my sled on an Optimate when on the trailer, I shouldn't have an issue with drain.
Common sense is getting lost in this thread... The root cause is not a battery, cable, or gear hardness issue (not saying they are not problems though). If battery/cable length/low voltage/gear was the cause, the 14's with the original 14 ECU programming would have had the issue also. The vast majority of people that lost starters are on the 15 ECU flash with kickbacks. I have two sleds in my garage that were completely fine for 2400 miles until the 15 update flash and they both now randomly kickback, a friend with a XF7000 has the same experience... Common thread here seems to be the 15 flash.
Common sense is getting lost in this thread... The root cause is not a battery, cable, or gear hardness issue (not saying they are not problems though). If battery/cable length/low voltage/gear was the cause, the 14's with the original 14 ECU programming would have had the issue also. The vast majority of people that lost starters are on the 15 ECU flash with kickbacks. I have two sleds in my garage that were completely fine for 2400 miles until the 15 update flash and they both now randomly kickback, a friend with a XF7000 has the same experience... Common thread here seems to be the 15 flash.

Perhaps I worded that wrong. I'm not disputing a programming problem. Mine idles like crap and has the kick back issue which I'm sure are related. Yamaha/Arctic Cat needs to fix their 2015 flash! If they fail to do so, I will be getting the Pioneer Performance Flash and flicking off the manufactures and the YES warranty...

My thought is if a weak battery and cold temps exacerbates the problem, perhaps a power solution would help, not solve the issue...
I fully feel the hard starting and bad kick backs are 100% fuel and or timing related, but a fully charged battery is going to lessen the risk of kick backs, it's not the solution, but why not take easy precautions to try to avoid a problem, whether it's a bandaid or not, nobody wants to have their sled on down time when there's snow on the ground.
This seems to be the biggest problem nagging this sled.
I see Chris Reid posted on his blog In a weeks’ time there is big show in the Toronto Area. I see Yamaha has a Corporate Booth there.
So if someone from this site is going ask the powers to be what are they doing about this and has it been fixed.
Also don’t for get to report back.
Word on the street new flash before end of the month ??? We can only hope !!
Hope it's done with my sled when it come as there is a delay on me getting my stx dx 146
I'm VERY interested in whatever the fix is.
Who knows if this is the fix or a combo of fixes coming.

"I just heard last night at a snowmobile show,

Seems as though Cat and Yamaha have finally figured what the issue is.
With the battery being under the seat of these sleds and the positive cable being nearly 6' long they sized the wire wrong from the factory. The longer the run the larger the wire needs to be to carry the volts needed to start these 1049cc motors. From time to time the voltage is a tad too low causing the motor to kick back snapping the drive rings on the starters.
SO, there SHOULD be an update coming out soon to upgrade these 7000s from what I was told last night. Unless it was a made up story and if so it's a good one because it makes perfect sense to me."

Jeff B In Maine
I'm VERY interested in whatever the fix is.
Who knows if this is the fix or a combo of fixes coming.

"I just heard last night at a snowmobile show,

Seems as though Cat and Yamaha have finally figured what the issue is.
With the battery being under the seat of these sleds and the positive cable being nearly 6' long they sized the wire wrong from the factory. The longer the run the larger the wire needs to be to carry the volts needed to start these 1049cc motors. From time to time the voltage is a tad too low causing the motor to kick back snapping the drive rings on the starters.
SO, there SHOULD be an update coming out soon to upgrade these 7000s from what I was told last night. Unless it was a made up story and if so it's a good one because it makes perfect sense to me."

Jeff B In Maine

Yup it makes great sense. So let's hope there's an update with a new positive wire, if not, how many people are knowledgeable on what wire could be used for someone to test out?
The battery cable makes the most sense.

Let's hope they come up with the new cable fix.
Has any one perfored a voltage drop test on the system?
I haven't. I am sure a thicker cable will help. A nice welding cable is what we used to use on trucks. But think about it. Same wire is used on Turbo Cats. How many of them have broken a gear?
I haven't. I am sure a thicker cable will help. A nice welding cable is what we used to use on trucks. But think about it. Same wire is used on Turbo Cats. How many of them have broken a gear?

Not sure on compression ratios but the cat turbos certainly have lower compression than our 1049's, that could be a small factor.
Ok the NA then? You know what I mean. Not saying issue couldn't be a bunch of little things adding up to failure including the wire.
