How many vipers with starters going bad?

And check to see if your solenoid was replaced at same time starter was. This problem with magnets has been going on since first 4 stroke Yamahas. Starter runs on after motor is running heats up starter and magnets come unglued if you don't catch it in time.
Might be why we have never had the kickback as we always run 91+ octane.

It's not a 91+ octane issue, it happened to Shagman who runs 91+ and some race fuel. Happened to a couple more that run 91+

Only thing why you don't have it is because your higher altitude than what we are.
Might be why we have never had the kickback as we always run 91+ octane.
Both my 14 viper and my wife's zr 7000 ran only 87 all last season and we haven't had a single kick back!
One thing I noticed was in warmer temperatures 0 to +15 degrees Celsius (our last run or two)my wife's sled would be a little harder to start. Most of our riding is usually between -10 to -25 degrees Celsius and they both start right up!
Might be why we have never had the kickback as we always run 91+ octane.
I've had my share octane is a non factor. I've run 110 all summer and I've had 2 since replacing my starter in spring.

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And check to see if your solenoid was replaced at same time starter was. This problem with magnets has been going on since first 4 stroke Yamahas. Starter runs on after motor is running heats up starter and magnets come unglued if you don't catch it in time.
I installed the starter saver from ROCK, hoping to prevent a burnout do to worn wires etc.
I think the best thing people can do to hopefully prevent it is battery maintenance, I just bought a battery tender and am gonna just have the quick hook up on it and put it on once a week or so in the winter time, the faster the engine turns over the less chance of kickback
After 27 pages of this topic, I can say that you guys are really starting to worry me. But I'll just throw this out there ... I have a 2015 RTX that I put about 2500 miles on last season. Knock on wood - I never experienced the kickback.
Both my 14 viper and my wife's zr 7000 ran only 87 all last season and we haven't had a single kick back!
One thing I noticed was in warmer temperatures 0 to +15 degrees Celsius (our last run or two)my wife's sled would be a little harder to start. Most of our riding is usually between -10 to -25 degrees Celsius and they both start right up!

Are you running the 14 or 15 flash on those sleds?
If its the 14 flash stick with it. I put about 1200 miles on the sled and I had the hard start when warm issue like you. but never had a kickback. I reflashed it and put on about 4-500 miles and i have had 1 kickback
And check to see if your solenoid was replaced at same time starter was. This problem with magnets has been going on since first 4 stroke Yamahas. Starter runs on after motor is running heats up starter and magnets come unglued if you don't catch it in time.

Yep what he said. Also, a weak battery can cause starter/magnet issues as odd as that sounds.
I called Yamaha had office today and they are working on a new flash, they said that if they got it fixed that it should be out around when the one came out last year.
It's the 15 re flash never had a kick back with the original flash . My sled stays in a heated garage after every ride and hooked up to my battery tender !!! Dealer also told me new flash coming soon .
Yep what he said. Also, a weak battery can cause starter/magnet issues as odd as that sounds.
Dont sound odd at all, a weak battery or poor conections causes voltage to drop when cranking. Low voltage means higher amperage and that is what burns up internals. Fred
I have often thought about the battery cables being so long also. Really important to keep connections clean and tight. Mine turns over very fast even at -35f but if I had issues bigger cables like welding cable would surely help.
I have often thought about the battery cables being so long also. Really important to keep connections clean and tight. Mine turns over very fast even at -35f but if I had issues bigger cables like welding cable would surely help.

That's one thing that my dealer has been saying now since mine went last winter, they think a major cause is a combination between low batteries and longer cables from the battery to the starter in comparison to the other yanahas where the batteries are right there under the hood instead of in back under the seat.
That's one thing that my dealer has been saying now since mine went last winter, they think a major cause is a combination between low batteries and longer cables from the battery to the starter in comparison to the other yanahas where the batteries are right there under the hood instead of in back under the seat.
As far as the new flash goes, I know that they held the dealer meeting last weekend so I tried calling my dealer but the guy who attended wasn't there to ask so start calling. Oh this was a Canadian dealer meeting
