How many vipers with starters going bad?

I am doing a power commander. This should allow me to fix the fuel issues. I still may do the evo flash at some point once its been out awhile...
Make sure have your dealer do these starters under warranty and don't forget to turn in your receipts for your ruined trip that's covered by the YES plan. I am not saying be fraudulent about it but turn in whats covered in your YES plan . The more of these TRIP insurances Yamaha has to pay for plus the starter warranty itself the more likely they will put resources into fixing the problem faster. If its not cutting into their pocket books why would put a lot of time into it? I don't agree with that but most big company's are like this. Its all about the $
Dont forget its 14's and 15's that broke. With or without the 15 flash. That idler gear is junk in some or all. A flash is not going to fix that whether from Yamaha or EVO. Just do the key thing as stated and cross your fingers.
I just bought a 15 ltx for my wife, first thing I'm checking before we hit the snow is the starter and ring gear.
I'm taking the starter out and popping the cover off. If there's no problem I'll slap on a new gasket and put it back together. Where we'll be going the first trip on the year is a 7 hour drive so I don't want any surprises.
If any teeth are missing you will know right when you try starting it. Great to be proactive but short of putting in a known good gear there is really nothing to see till it fails.
Well I got the word from my dealer this week ! There is no re-flash coming this year! Us viper owners now have to follow a proper starting procedure ! Turn key on wait until dash is lit totally now crank and hold until sled is fully started !! Do not turn off sled and try to start it right away always wait for dash to be fully lit ! Yamaha knows there is a problem and will fix sled even when warranty is over ??? I think I'm going to try this for the year and see what the feed back is on the evo flash for next year . Kinda disappointed about the way Yamaha is dealing with this. i think evo could be selling a lot of flashes in the near future .
Wow, that's really disappointing.. I thought we were dealing with Yamaha here, not Polaris.. I guess they are all the same when it comes to a problem of this magnitude. I've had my finger's crossed about my wifes 2015 holdover, it has about 400km now and is starting to sound like my 2015 MTX that had starter issues last year. I hope this doesn't ruin a good trip!!
Wow, that's really disappointing.. I thought we were dealing with Yamaha here, not Polaris.. I guess they are all the same when it comes to a problem of this magnitude. I've had my finger's crossed about my wifes 2015 holdover, it has about 400km now and is starting to sound like my 2015 MTX that had starter issues last year. I hope this doesn't ruin a good trip!!

It is. Really getting a attitude sitting here looking at sled thinking about what could go wrong. Hopefully once riding it will be ok and this will be forgotten about!
It is. Really getting a attitude sitting here looking at sled thinking about what could go wrong. Hopefully once riding it will be ok and this will be forgotten about!

Lets worry about getting some snow before we worry about what could break. :o|

All the TYers are going to need therapy soon if doesn't start snowing! :mad::mad:

More and more I'm thinking of trading in for a real yamaha sled. This is very disappointing.
Folks, There are thousands of these sleds out there with no issues.
Yes there are a bunch of people with problems (sorry to all who had breakdowns), But
This is my first new sled since 1998, I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Folks, There are thousands of these sleds out there with no issues.
Yes there are a bunch of people with problems (sorry to all who had breakdowns), But
This is my first new sled since 1998, I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best.
We own 2 one Yamaha viper and one arctic cat zr7000 put over 2000kms and no issues! Others in my area who own viper haven't seen issues either! I always started them the same way turn key to on position let fuel pump cycle turn to off position and back on cycle fuel pump a second time then start. The ac dealer my wife bought the sled from told us to do this!
Hoping they come out with a permanent fix for it soon. Last season my starter blew, but shortly before I battery issues (faulty). Starting attempts were made with the nearly dead battery, pretty sure that's what caused mine to go so quick. Ever since it's been replaced, I let it start up and hold key until started, just as dealer suggested - no starting issues whatsoever since.
Add me to the list.... Went out to do my regular start up and run for a little bit. I turned it on like normal but this time it cranked over twice and made a really bad/loud metallic sound and died. When u turn the key on now the dash lights up but it just clicks once when u turn over the key, the starter doesn't spin like the teeth broke off. Looked at my voltage it was at 11 volts. Tried charging it for a wile but didn't change so must be starter. Do the updated starter parts from the 2016s fit the older gens? I'm going to call my dealer tomorrow and bring it in for warranty. It only has 1700 miles and I have always started the recommended way from here, turn key on and don't wait for pump and don't let off until fully on. I'm happy it did it in my garage and not once we get snow.

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