How many vipers with starters going bad?

I agree but they need a better gear to last. If I could buy a known good gear I would. Just no way of knowing if good or bad.
Tried jumping it still nothing... called dealer its funny he said he had never herd of any starters breaking... dropped it off and he said he had to go look online and look for what i was talking about and he said man he has never seen so many starters go bad for Yamaha... he said hes calling Yamaha and will be fixing it. i will find out soon what exactly broke and get a picture if i can.
Sorry to hear that. I was hoping was just battery. Sounds like you have a good dealer. I do believe him also. Not saying there is no issue since I saw it myself but I do know at my dealer there has not been a single case of broken gear brought in. Just one that had the solenoid stick and burned up starter which is a different issue.
Not to go off topic, however after having the EVO reflash (2.5 air/exhaust/high octane) I have not had the start stutter/kickback issue.

The sled was OEM updated/flashed at the dealer before I purchased it in Jan 14 - I had the kickback one time after purchasing and ever since I just held the key a second longer knowing it started. By holding the key you won't get the kickback anymore but you will get a "stutter" start occasionally.

After the evo reflash no issues starting no matter how you hit the key.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is a programming issue in most cases. Odd that some assemblies are effected while others are not. That usually points to variations in components (sensors as well as discrete components in the controller) and the software's ability to deal with the variations.

I have had the reflash and still had kick backs but only when it is 30 below zero F. that is when the starter gear stripped. It took many kickbacks to do this. I agree it is a program issue. My dealer said the 2016s have been fixed. That was probably only to get me to trade?
if it turns out that the evo flash cures the starter issue I will be sending him both mine and my wifes just for piece of mind! I haven't had a single issue with both sled(2014) no kick backs what so ever but I would hate to fall victim of the failure. I guess time will tell this winter with everyone who got the evo flash
When mine kicked the bucket this spring I tried two separate Yamaha dealerships with great service. I had no luck since my warranty was finished.
So a month ago when I decided I needed to fix it I tried contacting Yamaha Canada my self with still no luck.
So I said what do I have to loose I tried my local dealer once again. And they contacted their rep and he said that regardless if warranty has expired or not they would cover everything.

So everyone that had problems Yamaha will cover, just don't take no for an answer.
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Well dealer got it all apart and it took out the starter, starter teeth, starter gear, flywheel and stator... About 1500 for a warranty claim. The mechanic tried to call Yamaha to see if there would be a fix for the issue because he though it was ridiculous and they told him only maybe 4 or 5 have had the starter blow so there is no need to issue a fix... O well I guess my dealer did it right away for me and got it fixed and they said it will be ready to pick up on Tuesday so I guess I will hope it won't happen again...

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Magnets broke in starter.....but it is a nytro

Magnets broke in starter.....but it is a nytro

View attachment 113816
That's old news and easily corrected with a new starter and sometimes solenoid. Had a case last year where someone hooked heated shield to power at key. Back fed and starter was running all the time. Same thing. Magnets no other damage. Don't get why you post this. It's not the issue most are worried about. Parts in engine. Don't make light of the real issue. Don't really care about a trashed Nytro starter.
That's old news and easily corrected with a new starter and sometimes solenoid. Had a case last year where someone hooked heated shield to power at key. Back fed and starter was running all the time. Same thing. Magnets no other damage. Don't get why you post this. It's not the issue most are worried about. Parts in engine. Don't make light of the real issue. Don't really care about a trashed Nytro starter.

Point is this starter has had issues in the past and even now in other than Viper applications. This starter was removed by my brother in his Nytro yesterday. Some make a point about this being a Viper only issue and not all of it is.
It's been said the broken starter gear has happened to other sleds. I haven't seen it but would seem likely since same engine. That's the biggie Stingray.
Well we finally got some snow here in nova Scotia, I had my wife's 2015 ltx with the 2015 re flash out yesterday and it starts way better then my 14 xtx with the re flash.
I don't understand how the same sled can start so differently.
The idle is still crappy though.
