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I got my clock cleaned

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It looks worse than I thought. I need a beer!
I'm very suspicious of that being a 180 kit, and who was the sled to the left that spanked your buddy?
also in that first pull if that was an Apex , 180 hp nytros don't play with apex's like that one did in your vidio, just going from my experience in our group I ride with.
And I'm not liking your buddy lol:yam:
I can imagine that would give someone a complex after spending $18 k but it took me a new viper with $7k add on to make a rocket at 15psi....... I was hoping the new sidewinder would make appetizers out of 99 percent of the sleds on trail for $18k without add ons....
Was this his first time out too......or has he had time to dial it in a bit.......I'm sure he just didn't slap a turbo on it an run everything else as is.....you said he bought a "kit" well did that kit come with clutch components.....I wouldn't worry about it as YOU only have 12miles on a new motor.......it's still tight and running in break-in mode......you'll kick his but once you're broke in........

Break-in mode, does this exist or not? Thought it was confirmed no. I know my Doos had it.
I'm very suspicious of that being a 180 kit, and who was the sled to the left that spanked your buddy?
also in that first pull if that was an Apex , 180 hp nytros don't play with apex's like that one did in your vidio, just going from my experience in our group I ride with.
And I'm not liking your buddy lol:yam:
That was my old Apex, clutched and geared runs 110mph on GPS even with that 2ft tall windshield.
Not only this but that race was over before it started. He drilled you out of the hole because he either started before you, or you were sleeping. That and his track didn't spin.
Oh for sure I wasn't sleeping!! I can cut a red light with the best of them!
I think the biggest question we all have is.............why do you have the Hoff as your avatar? His hairy chest slows your whole karma down. Reminds me of 1970's porn. Break in the motor, choose a longer race & please put Pam Anderson as your Avatar...
Agree 100 %.
Stutter box will not build full boost at engagement. He may be leaving with a pound or two at best, but he's not into the two-step that long, plus if he was leaving with any boost at all it would be just blazing the track off, just saying. A 6 lb Nytro should run with the sidewinder up at around 200 HP don't see why everyone is all up in arms about it. MCX 180 kit makes an actual 200 HP at about 5.5 # of boost. They underrate their number some just like Yamaha is doing. My 180 MCX 1200 Doo kit dynos around 215-220HP with a muffler mod at 6.5 lbs of boost which is maxed out on stock injectors.

If he was up at 12 lbs on a stock compression engine running race fuel, you would not beat him no matter what tune and muffler you put in the Sidewinder in a Drag Race. Engines with compression and less boost in them make for better drag sleds even it the HP is not quite as high as the de-compressed engine with more boost.

The Sidewinders are not going to be the be all end all if that's what your thinking they are going to be. They will be nice trail sleds that are capable of making good power at a reasonable cost. They will have a factory warranty as long as you don't modify them, but they are not always going to be first to the stripe, don't expect them to be. They will get outrun by cheaper older sleds like turbo vipers, turbo 1200 doos, turbo nytros, and turbo cats. Its just the way its going to be, in the turbo game when you start getting into that 220+ HP range its whoever spends the most or has the most knowledge on how to extract power efficiently that wins.

If you have to be the fastest you have to spend and/or know the most. Been that way forever. Just because you bought a Sidewinder does not mean you will win every race. Break it in good and hard, get some miles on it then see how it does, you may get up there even with him if he's running 6 lbs of boost. Want to go faster you will need to give up the warranty.
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In fairness to that, I don't think it's the "end all" sled.

Show me another way, for the money spent. I would consider it. Hahaha.

It's a no brainer......$1000 to turn it up to 250+/-. Well that's a no brainer as well.
Mike is right... Put some miles on it.. It takes a 1000-1200 miles to get good rpm and to see the sleds potential. Also, His transfer was set close to max and yours definitely does not look like it was. Get some miles, make sure your belt deflection is set good, set your transfer to max and run him again. If his studs are longer then yours, then for sure you wont have a chance out of the hole. Your 1.375 wont cut it in a drag race. You need 1.50"...
and wrap that secondary...have some decent nails...1.630 sounds right...and take your transfer bar out and let the strap out...
and wrap that secondary...have some decent nails...1.630 sounds right...and take your transfer bar out and let the strap out...

What does "wrap the secondary" mean?
Sounds like the guy with the Nytro isn't being legit. I bet he's got like a Hooper motor in it with juice or something crazy fast.
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