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I got my clock cleaned

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stock sled on SW with stock muffler and no tune is 8750 rpms this is normal,plus or minus 200 which is also normal,for clutching,it states max rpms in our book from Yamaha and every dyno report confirms the max rpms are 8750 stock,yes it will be raised with tune and muffler,the reason some are raising the rev max limit switch to 9500-9700 when woody ran the protos out west last march the one he was ripping up the airstrip on was overevving to 9000-9100 but was on the losing end of power,but up into OD and running out of gear at 123 gps,so shoot for 8700-8900 on a stocker and you will be good to go,but the short races you need traction and clutching,two of which we found out on 3 different grass drag races we did,all at 400 feet,and most all we lost out of the hole and for the first 100 feet,after that we were running them down.
He got the bust.
When we had our limiter straps up tight and blocks completely out,it still would not transfer,but once I let out the straps,and loosened the track,it don't like a lot of tension on the extros,they like the track to roll free,when I let off my throttle,it just rolls on,nice and easy,so losen the track,remove the rear block and losen the limiter straps out some and tighten up your secondary to 70 degrees wrap,and run him again.
When we had our limiter straps up tight and blocks completely out,it still would not transfer,but once I let out the straps,and loosened the track,it don't like a lot of tension on the extros,they like the track to roll free,when I let off my throttle,it just rolls on,nice and easy,so losen the track,remove the rear block and losen the limiter straps out some and tighten up your secondary to 70 degrees wrap,and run him again.
I had the blocks removed and the shaft rotated so it hit the flats for max transfer. I have 140 miles on the sled and it was pulling 8700-8800 today. We went from a roll and he just made me his bitch again.
Here is the kicker. This is his slow trail sled, he has a supercharged Nytro that will destroy his Turbo Nytro. Not even in the same zip code. Ok which flash will shut his pie hole?
I had the blocks removed and the shaft rotated so it hit the flats for max transfer. I have 140 miles on the sled and it was pulling 8700-8800 today. We went from a roll and he just made me his bitch again.

Does he have a boost gauge? Next time he beats you ask him to switch sleds with you and check if he's running 6 lbs.

When I had my Stage 1 (6lbs of boost) kit on my viper I would raise the boost up to 7 or 8 for short races to make sure I got the win!!

Not saying you bud isn't honest but nobody usually tells you exactly what is done to a modified sled.
D&d has their quiet cam, power commander (I believe) tuned and clutching and i think a reflash maybe for boost an timing? They cut out on the pa. But was 271hp on dyno tech dyno
One day my friend would beat me, next week he wouldn't. Lol! I'd then tell him " I think you're down on power" Hahaha......I didn't tell him for 10yrs.

I had work done, if you didn't get it.
If your goal is to win most races against an aftermarket turbo sled, you better get it flashed with muffler.

And remember there is always someone faster. Guy/Gal who spends more wins......usually!!
Ya.....getting called out to see what you got. So far not so good. I feel like I got a kick me sign on my back and stupid written on my forehead.
Stock sled is just that...stock. Yamaha didn't clutch it or exhaust it or map it to win all races. They built it to be "stock fast". That means sound levels, emissions, gas mileage & dependability. Start racing stock sleds before i start thinking i bought a slug...lol
Stock sled is just that...stock. Yamaha didn't clutch it or exhaust it or map it to win all races. They built it to be "stock fast". That means sound levels, emissions, gas mileage & dependability. Start racing stock sleds before i start thinking i bought a slug...lol
Well if it makes you feel better we were riding with a newer 800 Cat. He pulls along side me at about 35mph and wants to go. I spanked him like a red headed step child but so what it's kinda like like beating a tard at a spelling bee.
We all feel your pain, cuz we all HATE to lose! Even a stupid little back yard field race will burn a pit in our stomachs. It's a male testosterone guy thing. We will spend thousands to win by an inch then strut around like the dominate cock in a hen house (that's a male chicken by the way). Women shake their heads in confusion over this. So i extend a TY internet hug to ease your pain. Just stop racing modded Nytros because i only have so many hugs in me...but if you win, please write back so we can gloat in your glory...
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