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Manitoba Ride

Ok I maybe it was never to be. I'm canceling out of riding in Manitoba this weekend. Things came up I need to attend to.

Sorry to all but I guess it was doomed from the start. Maybe next year!
Well some of us went for a ride anyway. Srxtwins, Bver Fever, and myself headed out on Tuesday for a little ride up to Arborg and back. Trails up were pretty good and it started snowing in Arborg. We had a blast riding the trails back in the fresh snow.

We even managed to take the Devils Creek trail and were the first sleds!

We headed over to Kenora on Wednesday and the fresh snow really made the trails awesome. We looked for you on Thursday Charlie and srxtwins told us that you couldn't make it. We rode just under 1,000 miles for the 5 days.

I think I know what happened to the event. Too many people showed up early and went here. Notice the event and the holiday it occurs on?

Well Swiss I did not know you where coming to Man. Too bad really cause you ride everyday, but with my brother canceling out and my inability to get anyone else to go from here. I decided to cancel. Something I did not want to do!

I had some stuff to take care of that I was going to put off but with nobody guaranteed to ride with I had visions of sitting in a hotel room by myself. Or riding alone. No fun either way.

I got in some riding here however so all was not lost. We have way more snow then Manitoba and got less rain. Got to try out some riding in three feet plus of powder. Got to love those Simmons ski's.

Finally got to do the big loop in this area (trip back in beginning of Feb). South clubs merged and have done a great job of rebuilding. Three day bagger ride of about 600 miles with every kind of riding possible. Lake runs, high speed sweeping corner runs on bush roads groomed 12 feet wide, twisty switchbacks, hills straight up and some of the finest country seen by man. So a N.W.Ontario ride is now possible.

Anyway maybe next year in Man!
I didn't know he was coming out either, although I couldn't go for a ride during the week, I may have tried for the weekend sometime.
Sorry about that guys but I wasn't sure where we were going to ride. It was some last minute planning. The locals did an outstanding job with the trails after the snow on Tuesday. Here is what it looked like on Wednesday morning heading south towards the Halfway Hut.


I didn't have my computer with me Charlie. I saw your post that you were coming before I left the UK, so I just figured we would swing by the Glen Howard on Thursday and ride. Don, I saw that you had to work. We drank a beer for you at Manitou Lodge.

We spent one night in Kenora at the same place we stayed at last year. We only stayed there one night last year too, but the hotel receptionist and the bartender both remembered us. I guess we made a lasting impression...LOL. They all now know how to say "Bloody Hell!".
Hey Guys,

Glad to see you riding in 'CANADIA', was Juergen the guide, I hear he is a "CANADIA" expert! LOL

You are giving me big time ENVY - Hope all is well Matt and Jeurgen - would have loved to meet and ride with the rest of the guys.

Good to see Pics of another big ride.

I am going to try at least one more big day on northern North shore of MN this week end. Time is of the essence now as I woke up to 37`at 6am and was 44 by 8, hopefully cooler up 'NORT' as they say.

gerbie said:
where are all the pic's of the women? does canadia have women?
I'm sure I sent you the temperature gauge pic gerbie, that's what we have for women.
Matt is always to busy slamming those beers back to take any women pictures. :drink:
But he did meet my employee from last year, maybe you should ask him about her, I'm sure she would be Gerbie apporoved ;)!
gerbie said:
where are all the pic's of the women? does canadia have women?
I'm sure I sent you the temperature gauge pic gerbie, that's what we have for women.
Matt is always to busy slamming those beers back to take any women pictures. :drink:
But he did meet my employee from last year, maybe you should ask him about her, I'm sure she would be Gerbie apporoved ;)!
oh yea, i got the pic. very nice! i still plan on getting up their next year, can't wait!
