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Michigan DNR conservation officers to enhance snowmobile noise enforcement this winter

Been thru decibel test a few years back in Munising. Riding partner passed the test even with a aftermarket exhauste.
After my post above, I called the DNR officer listed at the top of the page in the news release for some clarification. He told me there are different testing procedures depending on the type of sled (2S or 4S) and for the way a sled was made (rear exhaust, down exhaust etc). He said the testing procedure was NOT developed by the DNR but by the Society of Engineers -for the snowmobile manufacturers.

But the tests done by the Society of Engineers are in a controlled environment. Not trailside in the snow or road or bush, etc...
The manufacturers just don't take the sleds out into the parking lot and test how loud they are!
Well I got nailed 2 years ago in Hurley WI while the X games were going on along main street with all 2 strokes and very loud cans which killed me! That DNR agent told me the WI law states any non stock exhaust must be stamped by the manufacturer with its sound test readings. He took my drivers license and allowed me to go back to the shack and swap it out ( I always carry the stock ones with me) and I returned stock to get my license back. The thing was the aftermarket exhaust I had was more quiet at 4000 rpms than stock only at 6000 would it start to bark a bit and it was made by a company just north of Ironwood MI.
but yet a motorcycle with open pipes in residential areas in the summer is legal:o|. go figure
Great point, we must need the folks that defend the Harley's with straight pipes represent snowmobiles.
but yet a motorcycle with open pipes in residential areas in the summer is legal:o|. go figure

And that is something that really gets me is they do nothing about them. Used to live down the street from a bar and at 2am, you thought 2,000 Hell's Angels went past the house.

Well I got nailed 2 years ago in Hurley WI while the X games were going on along main street with all 2 strokes and very loud cans which killed me! That DNR agent told me the WI law states any non stock exhaust must be stamped by the manufacturer with its sound test readings. He took my drivers license and allowed me to go back to the shack and swap it out ( I always carry the stock ones with me) and I returned stock to get my license back. The thing was the aftermarket exhaust I had was more quiet at 4000 rpms than stock only at 6000 would it start to bark a bit and it was made by a company just north of Ironwood MI.

I'd like to see some bikers have to leave their license behind, return their bike back to stock and get their license back
The differance is snomobiler's are on private land and the owners don't have to tolerate it! The roads are public. I don't understand why the noise pollution that some bikes put out is let go and Aparently the loud ones don't idle either, I don't think I have ever heard one idle longer than a second with out a rip on the throttle! LOL
We used to live down the street from a bar also so I fully understand!!
Everyone needs to understand that land owners who allow us the privilege of using their private property have the final say as to what is/not acceptible.

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But the tests done by the Society of Engineers are in a controlled environment. Not trailside in the snow or road or bush, etc...
The manufacturers just don't take the sleds out into the parking lot and test how loud they are!

The test is meant to be done in a snow covered parking lot or hard packed snow:

"A minimum SPL limit is also included in this revision. The limit used to enforce noise levels by snowmobile trail officers was 88 dB when performing the test at 4000 rpm. Tests conducted when decreasing operating engine speed from 4000 rpm to 2500 rpm showed an SPL decreasing by 5.3 dB on average. The SPL limit that is added to this document is 82 dB and was measured on very hard pack snow conditions typical of a snow covered parking lot in the winter. Therefore the ground condition section is also modifed to account for this ground condition. A similar SAE document (SAE J2825) includes minimum sound limits."
Why is it that every kid on a REV that has loud exhaust feels it necessary to hammer it every time possible? I believe we all know which sleds they are after. They won't be dicks to everyone.
Vt has cracked down on loud pipes a while ago because we were loosing trails. I think the fine is $600 so its costly for sure. It has worked to. When I go riding now I almost never hear a sled with loud pipes anymore.
One reason I left the communist state of NY. Pay through the nose on property tax. Pay through the nose on sales tax. Pay through the nose on registering sleds and joining a club. And pay through the nose just for the sake of paying through the nose because apparently you haven't payed through the nose enough yet. Here is what I say to the communist state of NY:moon:
Rush Limbaugh left for many of those same reasons too - LOL

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